When I took a group photo, I couldn't help but smile from the bottom of my heart.

"It's the first time to take a photo with the beast."


:Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: Little devil?Let's live pk?

"Yeah! Green caterpillar!!!"

Xiaoxia's screams in the Vibrant Forest never stopped. After all, it's understandable for a girl to be afraid of bugs, even if the green caterpillar is a Pokémon.Besides, the big insect Pokémon like the green caterpillar is even more terrifying to the lethality of girls...

And Xiaozhi patted her comfortingly and said, "It's alright, I'm here, I can understand you're afraid of little bugs, green caterpillars are Pokémon."

"But isn't it a bigger bug!"

"You're a water trainer, don't tell me you don't use bugs when feeding your Pokémon."

Over the years, Xiao Zhi has also understood the situation of the Pokémon world. There are humans, Pokémon and animals, but the animals here are a little bit miserable. They are basically herbivorous, and they are basically human and magical. The food of the baby, Xiaozhi later realized after asking Dr. Damu that there were carnivores in the Pokémon world. However, compared with Pokémon, these carnivores are not enough to look at, so the aggressive carnivores were quickly replaced by Pokémon. eliminated.The herbivores survived, but they are now double food for humans and Pokémon...

"Okay, don't be afraid, the unicorn uses a poison needle to solve it!



With the single-horned worm attacking with a poisonous needle, the green caterpillar, which had no fighting power at all, slammed into the street.And Xiaozhi also took out the honey and poured it to the unicorn.

"Horn!" The unicorn worm happily ate the honey, and then the light of evolution appeared on its body.And Xiaozhi seemed to have guessed it a long time ago and said: "Sure enough, what I have been raising for so long without evolution is the first victory, so let me see what kind of existence you will become."

As the light of evolution dissipated, Xiaozhi's unicorn worm evolved into an iron-shelled pupa, and the outer skin of this iron-shelled pupa has a steel-like color.


"Sure enough, it's very good, then Tie Ke Kun, you should accumulate your strength."


Looking at Xiaoxia who was still a little scared, Xiaozhi patted the head of the iron shell and put him back into the baby ball.

"Okay, don't be afraid."

Seeing Xiaozhi put away the iron shell Kun, Xiaoxia walked out from behind Geely Egg and apologized, "I'm sorry, but I'm still afraid of insects."

"It's okay, everyone has something to fear, no one is perfect, right?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's understanding, Xiaoxia also said with confidence, "Thank you."

Afterwards, the two continued on their way, and along the way, Xiao Zhi captured a Bibi bird. After all, a flying-type Pokémon can still do a lot of things.

"What kind of bug do you prefer, Bibi Bird?"


"It said that it likes bitter meows, my God, your taste is so strange!" Miaomiao was shocked when he heard the bitter taste, anyway, he didn't like bitterness.

"Bi!" And Bibi Bird replied politely when she saw that Miaomiao actually questioned her own taste.

"What meow?! You said you like that kind of bitterness?! So is the fruit?! Who are you?

How strange, meow! "

After recording Bibi Bird's taste, Xiao Zhi said to Pikachu beside him: "It seems that you will have to prepare more bitters for the food you are going to eat in the future, but Bibi Bird's taste is really unique. The Bibi Birds I know Birds don't like to suffer."

"Pikachu." Pikachu sighed, expressing that he did not understand this unique taste just like Meow.Still sweet and sour is better...

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi's actions and understood why Xiaozhi's Pokémon were so attached to him.

"No wonder Ash's Pokémon are so attached to Ash."

However, there are often people who come to disrupt the warm picture, so...

"We met the little devil again!"

As soon as Xiao Zhi heard this voice, he knew that he seemed to be cheated on.

"Who are you?" Xiaoxia didn't know who they were, so she couldn't help asking aloud.

Along with Xiaoxia's question, Musashi Kojiro and Miaomiao appeared with their own lines.

"Since you asked the question sincerely"

"We will tell you mercifully!"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed"

"in order to

Protect the peace of the world"

"To Carry Out Love and True Evil"

"Cute and charming villain~"



"We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy!"

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