Do you want to know what is the most in Victory Forest?Of course it's a stingray!Isn't it killing these three idiots to make such a big move? !

"No time to waste time with you three idiots, run away everyone!"

After talking about Xiaozhi, a princess hugged Xiaoxia and ran away with her Pokémon, while the samurai was stunned for a moment.

Follow along on the road.

And Musashi Kojiro roared unhappily when he saw that Xiaozhi actually ran away: "Stop! Hand over Pikachu to me!"

"You worry about yourselves first! Idiots!" Xiaozhi, who was holding Xiaoxia, said something that drove the three of them crazy.

"Damn meow! Stop me, little devil, meow!"

"Meow, I think it's better for us to run..."

"Huh? What do you mean meow?"

When Miaomiao looked back, what he saw was endless giant stinger bees, and then he understood why Xiaozhi took everyone with him

run away.

"Big needle bee ah ah ah ah!!!!"*3

"What a disgusting feeling!"*3

Listening to the screams coming from behind, Xiaozhi hugged Xiaoxia slightly and accelerated.

"Xiaoxia hold tight, I'm going to speed up, Laluras, hold my head and sit tight!"

Xiaoxia, who was hugged by Xiaozhi, was shocked, and then hugged Xiaozhi tightly and said, "Okay!"


"Very good! Everyone accelerated!"

Seeing Ash and his elves running faster and faster, the samurai couldn't help but admire:

"Really amazing physical strength, really amazing!"


Before the samurai could finish his admiration, the hornet was already chasing after him, and he realized that he was running slowly...

"Big Needle Bee!!!!"

The samurai boy rushes to the street!


Chapter [-] Division of Power Levels

"Are they all right?"

When Xiaozhi ran out of the Vibrant Forest with Xiaoxia in her arms, Xiaoxia looked into the depths of the Vibrant Forest with some worry, and the screams of the Rockets and the samurai teenagers were still lingering in her ears.

And Xiaozhi first let his Pokémon rest and said: "It's okay, the samurai is a bug trainer, so there must be countermeasures, as for the Rockets, they seem to be very durable and should be fine. How meow Meow? Did you find out where we are now?"

Miao Miao looked at her instrument and said, "Boss, we have already come out, Miao, and we will be in Nibi City soon."


Bi represents gray and is the color of stone. Nibi City has been famous for its stones since ancient times. Although I know that young people like to show their affection, please don’t stand on my products to show off. "

An uncle sat under the two of them and was speechless watching Princess Xiaozhi hug Xiaoxia.

And Xiaoxia only reacted at this time, she was still being held in Xiaozhi's arms, and quickly came down and said, "No, we are avoiding the big needle bees, by the way, thank you Xiaozhi."

"It's okay, girls are not as physically strong as boys, so it should be taken care of, but uncle, did you say your goods are these stones?" Xiaozhi said while saying

, touched the stone and said, "I don't think you have many mineral stones."

The uncle glanced at Xiao Zhi in surprise, and then said: "It's really surprising, you seem to have research on stones, my name is Wu Neng, and I specialize in selling stones, but it seems that you don't plan to buy stones. Are you making kimchi?"

Xiao Zhi touched Wu Neng's stone, shook his head and said, "I don't like to make pickles, I have pickles myself."

Saying that, Xiaozhi took out a jar from his back, opened it, took out a pickle and handed it to Wu Neng and said, "Try it?"

"Oh, I'll try

tasted, eh?It's pretty good, Bini is better than the pickles in the Huaxia restaurant in the city. "

Xiaozhi smiled and didn't say much. Could it be that he told Wu Neng that Huaxia Restaurant was his own business?no need.

"Since uncle, if you are from Nibi City, then it's easy to handle. Can you please take us to Nibi City? You will pay me. By the way, if you can, take us to Huaxia Restaurant. I think everyone is hungry too. already."

Wu Neng saw that there was no business now, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go then."

Afterwards, after Xiao Zhi took the Fire Dinosaur and Iron Shell Kun and the others back to the luxurious ball,

He and Xiaoxia followed Wu Neng to Nibi City.On the way, Xiaoxia blushed and didn't speak. Miaomiao didn't say much after looking at Xiaoxia and then at Xiaozhi. Pikachu kept asking Xiaozhi for ketchup, Lalula Si is very obediently holding Xiaozhi's hand, while Geely Egg is holding Xiaozhi's other hand.


Under the leadership of Wu Neng, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia soon arrived at the Huaxia restaurant, and Xiaoxia looked at the huge and luxurious Huaxia restaurant and couldn't help but say, "Is it true that the Huaxia restaurants in every city are so big and so luxurious?"

Wu Neng shook his head and said, "I don't know, anyway, Nibi City is here.

kind of. "

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