"it is good."

Afterwards, Xiaozhi and his party went to the baby center first, and after giving the Pokémon that had all eaten fat to Joey, Xiaozhi began to sign up for the Pokemon Contest.

"Ash, do you want to participate in the elf contest?"

Joey looked at Xiao Zhi a little surprised.

"Well, it can be considered as training myself. After all, I just came out to travel. There will definitely be many strong people along the way, but there are definitely many less strong people than the league competition, so go there and challenge yourself to see your position. okay."

"Hehe, you're happy..." Joey didn't know what to say. As a medical family, the Joey family is responsible for helping Xiaozhi's elves recover, so they are too aware of Xiaozhi's elves.

Not to mention the Katee Dog and Laluras Little Fire Dragon that Xiaozhi just got recently, Joey who first followed Xiaozhi's Miaomiao knew their true strength,

Miaomiao and Geely Dan are the real power of the king, and these two are enough to sweep the league competition, not to mention Xiaozhi's Pikachu...

The thought of how many people would be shocked if their jaws dropped if they knew the true strength of Ash Pikachu.

After the Pokémon recovered, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia came to Nibi Gym, but as soon as they came in, they heard the sound of crying.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Miss Kamizlei is getting married?! Why ahhhhh!!!"

Looking at the guy who kept crying while watching the news, Xiao Zhi said speechlessly.

: "Love is terrible..."

Just when Xiaozhi was speechless, a child walked over and said, "I'm sorry, brother Xiaogang has been like this since he heard that a sister named Kamizlei was engaged, please wait a little longer. "

"Okay, thank you. Xiaoxia, let's wait for a while."

Xiaoxia looked at the sad Xiaogang who was crying and nodded and said, "Okay."

Then while waiting, Xiao Zhi also called some of his friends.

"Hello? Big Brother, I'm out for a trip here, oh, where are you, Pikachu and the others?

The strength is still trustworthy. "

"Hey Sister Ju'er, I just want to call you."

"Sister Nanami, please let me go."

"Caluna-sister Laluras is healthy, don't worry."

After Xiaozhi finished contacting a bunch of people, Xiaogang finally finished crying.

"Sorry, I'm feeling a little sad recently."

Xiaogang was a little embarrassed to see Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia who had been waiting for him, but Xiaozhi said understandingly: "Understandable, after all, the goddess is going to marry."

"It's great that you understand! Why, Cammy

Miss Zlei will be engaged!hateful!Who is that enviable guy? "

Looking at Xiaogang, who was sad and mad, Xiaozhi just smiled and didn't speak. Could it be that he told Xiaogang that Kamizlei's engagement was himself?

"I'm sorry, I'm a little excited again, so come on! The gym battle begins! There are two Pokémon to use! Whoever's two Pokémon can't fight first will lose. As the gym trainer, I will come first, Go get the little fist stone!"


Looking at the small fist stone of the rock type, Xiao Zhi took out the luxurious ball of the small fire dragon and said: "Go to the small fire dragon, this time it is the reverse attribute.

fighting. "

Seeing that Xiaozhi actually ejected the little fire dragon, Xiaogang couldn't help but say: "You don't know the attribute restraint of the artifact treasure, right?"

However, Xiao Zhi shook his head and said: "No, I know, but it is a matter of time for the little fire dragon to fight against the attributes. In this case, let him touch it as soon as possible. Don't let the enemy attack the little fire dragon, otherwise it will be right. You will hurt a lot."


Little Fire Dragon nodded, then looked at Little Fist Stone seriously.

"Since you say that, then I'm welcome! The small fist stone rolls!"

Under Xiaogang's order, the small fist stone shrank into a ball and rushed directly to the little fire dragon, but the little fire dragon did not move it, waiting for Xiaozhi's order.

"Grab it."


Hearing Xiaozhi's order, Xiaohuolong hugged Xiaoquanshi after Xiaoquanshi rushed.

"What! Although I thought your little fire dragon was strong before, what happened to the scroll that hugged the little fist stone?!"

Facing the surprised Xiaogang, Xiaozhi did not answer but said directly: "Follow what I taught you before! Cast it on the earth to solve it!"



Little Fist Stone's little fire dragon jumped high, and then threw it towards the ground, and the little Fist Stone hit the ground with its eyes and started to circle.

"Just one move... come back, little fist stone..."

Taking back the small fist stone, Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi seriously and said, "It seems that I still underestimate you, but even so, can you deal with him? Go, Big Rock Snake!"

With the huge body of the big rock snake appearing, Xiao Zhi said to the little fire dragon: "Come back, little fire dragon, you can't deal with this guy."


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