

I saw Kona licked his lips, and then took the agreement away. There was actually a rubbing agreement under the agreement!

"You have already signed a marriage agreement, then we two are engaged, don't forget to hurry up and bring my ring and dowry~" Looking at the proud Kona, he remembered his mother and Dr. Sakagi's father's expression...

"Kona! You're tricking me!"

"Hmph, opportunities are always for those who are prepared, this is what you told me, Xiaozhi~" Then the goddess in the hearts of countless people, the king of ice, Kena Xiang

Ash offered his lips.

"Hello? Big brother? I want to order a diamond ring, and I'll send you the style..." Xiao Zhi said and glanced at Kona, who was licking his lips and staring at him, Xiao Zhi sighed and said: "This time the most Fortunately, it is a diamond in the frozen area, don’t worry, the reward will not be small, I will help you prepare a self-created steel-type ultimate move, um, thank you very much.”

After finishing the call, Xiao Zhi looked at Kona and asked, "Are you satisfied? The dowry will be sent along with the ring later."

Kona nodded with a smile, then hugged Xiaozhi and buried his head in Xiaozhi's arms and said, "This time, I really got you, Xiaozhi.


"Ah, you succeeded, Miss Corna."

Xiao Zhi smiled, and then hugged Kona tightly. Perhaps, as Pikachu said, Xiao Zhi was indeed duplicitous.


Chapter [-] Xiaoxia's sisters' plans

"Kona, write down these ice-based skills and take them back."

After hugging Kona for a while, Xiaozhi handed her a small notebook. After seeing Xiaozhi's small notebook, Kona understood what Xiaozhi meant.And looking at the dense text written on Xiao Zhi's small notebook, Ke Na took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures.

"Okay, so which ones can be used by them and which ones are not?" Kerr put away the camera after taking pictures of what Xiaozhi said, and asked Xiaozhi about things that need attention, and Xiaozhi waved his hand. Said: "You don't need to pay so much attention, you can do it as you see fit, but Frozen Purgatory can only be done by you."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, Kena smiled, then kissed Xiao Zhi and said, "Don't worry, I will give these skills to others purposefully, and it won't make you thankless."

"You just understand, just don't give yourself an enemy."

"Don't worry, I'm measured, then I'll go back first, I'll wait for your appearance to participate in the Kanto Conference~"

After Kena left, Xiaozhi returned to Hualan Taoist Hall, but Xiaozhi was surrounded as soon as he came back, and Xiaoxia's three sisters directly surrounded Xiaozhi perfectly, which made Xiaoxia look very angry.

"Well, I didn't look carefully before

, Only now did I realize that it was such a powerful body hidden under the coat. "Sister Sakura couldn't help but admire Xiao Zhi's well-trained body.

Calamus touched the well-hidden muscles on Xiaozhi's body and couldn't help but say, "At first glance, I thought he was a weak and handsome guy, but I didn't expect it to be a predator. These muscles must have been exercised over many years."

The third sister Peony didn't really get started, but her eyes never left Xiao Zhi's abdominal muscles.

"How did you do it, such a good figure."

Xiao Zhi doesn't feel anything when he is watched and touched by these three people.

What's wrong, after all, when Xiao Zhi was exercising in the gym, a bunch of big sisters in the gym were besieging him a lot.But Xiao Zhi's ok doesn't mean that Xiao Xia is ok. Seeing Xiao Zhi being treated like this, she immediately started the food protection mode to protect Xiao Zhi.

"Okay, sisters, Xiao Zhi just finished the battle with Master Kona and now needs to rest, you are causing him trouble!"

"Really, Xiaoxia, don't be so protective of food, Xiaozhi's type is my favorite, do you want to give it to my sister?" Changpu saw Xiaoxia's behavior and immediately guessed the reason. Xia is clearly in love with this Xiaozhi.


What a joke, Ash is not a commodity, go Ash!Now that we have got the badge, let's leave first! "

Seeing Xiaoxia pulling Xiaozhi about to leave, Sakura stopped her.

"Wait a minute, Xiaoxia, although I'm a little embarrassed, can I ask you to keep a Pokémon first? After all, our weak elves have all gone to rest, and we can't let the tyrannical carp dragon come to the gym to challenge them, right? …”

I wasn't surprised to hear Sakura talk about the tyrannical carp dragon Xiaozhi. Do you really think the flower basket gym is the weakest gym?It's because their elite Pokémon is too strong, so they can't take it out blindly, or else the three sisters each have a tyrannosaurus dragon which is new

Can you hit with your hands?

"No, isn't there a little sea lion?"


When Xiaoxia said about herself, the little sea lion was stunned, did you let me go?What about conscience?

And Xiaozhi smiled and patted Xiaoxia and said: "Okay, let the Goldfish King help first, I have nothing to teach him now, then it's up to her, let her and those people It's good to have a fight."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Xiaoxia took out King Goldfish's baby ball a little bit reluctantly and released King Goldfish and said, "Come out King Goldfish."

And seeing Xiaoxia's goldfish Wang Xiaoxia's three sisters

Sister was a little surprised. I didn't expect the horned goldfish at that time to have evolved, and it was much stronger than before.

"Goldfish King, I'll ask you for the gym at home during this time."


Then Xiaoxia told her three sisters about the tricks of the Goldfish King Club, and then pulled Xiaozhi to leave quickly.

"Miss Sakura, someone will come to recycle that big machine later, so don't touch it yet, goodbye!"

"Miss Sakura! Miss Iris! Miss Peony! Xiaosheng will miss you!"

"I don't need you to miss my sister!"

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