"If you said that, I remember there was a flyer before..." Xiaoxia said and took out a flyer from her trouser pocket.And Xiao Zhi looked at it and said speechlessly: "It's still such a speechless admissions flyer, it can be made more beautiful, and since I'm here, I'll go and visit, after all, it's a bit of friendship.

love. "Speaking of that, Xiaozhi and Geely Eggs and the others went over first. Although Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were puzzled, they still followed.

"I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Huh? What's the matter? If you're lost, please wait a moment, wait!" The person who answered Xiao Zhi was very polite (in the animation, Xiao Zhi ran over and scolded people without a gang fight), but in his view After arriving at Xiaozhi's appearance, he froze for a moment and said, "With auspicious eggs, Pikachu is standing on his shoulders, and Miaomiao is by his side, although now there is one more holding Laluras, you are Xiaozhi's big brother!"

It was a bit surprising that Xiao Zhi was recognized, but he nodded and admitted.

Said: "Well, I'm Xiao Zhi, I didn't expect you to recognize me."

"How could I not know you, big brother, as the legend of the Pokémon research class, no matter which class has been promoted!"

At this time, the students of the Pokémon research class didn't care about the person on the treadmill, they all surrounded Xiao Zhi.

"Brother Xiaozhi, we have heard from the family that you let Miaomiao help Master Ke Na's Chenglong be promoted to the champion. It's really amazing!"

"If it's Brother Xiaozhi, it will definitely spread the fame of the Pokémon Research Class even further!"

Look at this

Helping Xiaozhi said with a smile: "Although theoretical knowledge is indeed very important, don't forget to cultivate your own Pokémon. After all, no matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, the suppression of levels will make you unable to exert your abilities. , and sometimes the bond between a Pokémon and a trainer is beyond the control of data."

"Yes! Brother Xiaozhi, you have proved that you are right with your strength, how could we still stand still."

When Xiaoxia and the others ran over, what they saw was a very harmonious scene, but when Xiaoxia looked puzzled, Xiaozhi said with a smile, "Surprisingly? Real elites don't look down on their superiors. They fight against each other.

Although Tou seems to be careless, he will never ignore his enemies. "

"Big Brother Xiaozhi, what are you doing back this time? I heard that you are starting your own trip now." A red-haired boy asked Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi waved his hand and said, "It's okay. , I just traveled here, and since I passed by, I will come back to visit."

"So that's the case, then Brother Xiaozhi, please, Master Ke Na happens to be there."

"Oh? Is Kona also there? That's right. There was too much time before. I have something for her here."

"Please come with me, everyone!"

Later, under the leadership of these students, the three of them came to the school, and as they said, Kona was indeed here.It's just that it's not just Kona who has an acquaintance of Ash.

"Master Kona, the top classmate Xiao Zhi is here! You talk first, we will leave first." After Xiao Zhi and the others were delivered, the students of the Pokémon Research Class also left consciously.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be here, Kona, and I have... poof! Yuto Sundae! When did you change your name to a top honor? Hahahaha! No! It's so funny! You finally can't stand your food. Is it the same name?!"


Waiting for the proud son... No, Yuto Sundae couldn't help but get angry when he saw Ash.

"What's a food-like name?! It's not that you call your new ice cream a sundae! Damn, I'm going to call my best friend and hope she can punish you!" Xiao Zhi said immediately after seeing a Greek word: "Wait! Sorry, my fault, don't let her know where I am. Thank you, such an old person can't take care of herself, let her stand up for herself."

The sundae put down the phone when Xiao Zhi was on the road, and Miao Miao next to Xiao Zhi said, "Boss, you are so cowardly."

"Pikapie" (Yeah, what are you afraid of, marry

Got her! )

"lucky!" (Don't be afraid, A goes up!)

"Lalu..." (I don't know what it is, but it looks amazing...)

"...you don't understand, don't talk nonsense..."

Corna smiled and watched the nonsense between Xiao Zhi and Sundae. Anyway, she was already stable here. As for what other people Xiao Zhi would provoke in the future, she didn't care, after all, Xiao Zhi's side is the generation of the founding family.

And when Ash and the sundae finished talking, Kona asked with a smile, "I heard them say you have something for me, what is that?"

When it comes to serious business, Xiao Zhi also becomes serious, from the back

He took out a large bottle from his bag and said, "Put out your Chenglong."

"Okay, come out and ride the dragon."

Although he didn't know what Ash was going to do, Kona did it anyway.And after Chenglong came out, he also rubbed Xiaozhi intimately.

"Sure enough, although I've been promoted, it's not stable enough, so..."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi unscrewed the big bottle and took out a candy packaged in it.After taking out the candy, Ash did not open it immediately, but put the bottle into the backpack.Only then did he open the candy wrapper holding the candy.


When Xiao Zhi opened the candy wrapper

Immediately, Chenglong's eyes showed a longing look, while Miaomiao swallowed her saliva and said, "Wow, the boss actually took it out, meow, this is really rare, meow!"

"This is..." Kona and Sundae looked at the candy in Xiaozhi's hand and looked at each other. Although they had heard of it, they didn't expect that there was such a thing, and it looked like a lot. It seemed that Xiaozhi was hiding. There are many more.

And Xiaozhi looked at Chenglong's eager look, smiled and said, "Open your mouth."


Chenglong opened his mouth to let Xiaozhi put the candy in her mouth, and then closed his mouth happily and felt it carefully.

At the same time, Chenglong's realm began to stabilize.

The three of Kona Sundae, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang were speechless when they watched this magical scene, while Miaomiao said with saliva, "It's so good, I really want to try it again, meow!"



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