"We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy!"

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

"That's it~ Meow~~~~"

Looking at the Rockets trio, Xiaogang shouted, "What are you doing, Rockets?!"

"Hahaha meow! Of course I'm here to receive all the Pokémon here meow! The super power vacuum cleaner is on!"

As Team Rocket Meow Flicks a Switch, a Giant Vacuum Shows Up And Starts Inhaling Crazy

, while Xiao Zhi looked at these guys speechlessly and said, "It's really annoying, everyone, let's help the light Pokémon enter the room first! Let the little fire dragon come out!"



Seeing that Xiao Zhi dared to release a Pokémon, Team Rocket couldn't help but increase the power of the machine.

"Little devil, we have prepared high power this time! We will definitely make you pay the price!"

"That's right! They fly us every time, and this time it's our turn to fight back!"

Seeing the three guys who are not good enough, Ash raised his hand...

"Seed! Seed!"

At this moment, a wonderful frog seed came to Xiaozhi's feet and called meow meow, who was on the side, and translated, "Boss, he wants to fight with us meow!"

"Oh? Is that so? Then! Frog Seeds use the Flying Leaf Knife!"


Hearing Xiaozhi's order, Frog Seeds shot out countless leaves, and Team Rocket couldn't help laughing when they saw Flying Leaf Knife.

"Hahahaha! You actually use the Flying Leaf Knife? Are you crazy, kid?"

"Oh~ do you really think this is over? Laluras uses his mind to control

Live the Flying Leaf Knife!Pikachu paralyzes machinery with electric shocks!The little fire dragon uses the flame vortex and the flying blade to burn together!Bibi bird blows the fire tornado with the strong wind! "


Following Xiao Zhi's order, Laluras directly controlled the Flying Leaf Knife, and the flame of the little fire dragon became more vigorous with the help of these leaves, and Pikachu's electric shock also directly paralyzed Team Rocket's machinery. With the help of Bibi Bird's strong wind, the fire tornado swept the entire machine and then exploded!


Musashi: "Damn! Why is this happening again!"


: "I think maybe the kid is too strong..."

Meow: "Stupid Meow, we have to work part-time to pay off our debts Meow!"

"What a disgusting feeling~"*3

Seeing that the three of the Rockets had already flown away, Xiao Zhi looked at him and took out a pile of magical candies and said, "Okay, everyone is doing well, it's almost time for you to log in to another level, here's one for each of you, Meow Pikachu, you guys. There is also, the big stinger come out, your wait will help you make honey, and you have the wonderful frog seeds."

Afterwards, Ash ate a magic candy for all his elves, including the big milk jar that has been in charge of producing milk.Dangbi

After Bibi and the others ate the magical candy, the scene of the artifact happened, and the three Pokémon of Bibi's little fire dragon Laluras all evolved.

Looking at this magical scene, Xiaoxia couldn't help but say, "Xiaozhi, it's really amazing..."

Sundae watched Xiao Zhi help his Pokémon evolve and break through and had to admit: "Although that guy is sometimes annoying, but it's true."

And just as the two of them were talking, Xiaozhi's Bibi bird evolved into Bidiao and stepped into the realm of the quasi-celestial king, Xiaohuolong evolved into a fire dinosaur and became an elite, and Lalulas evolved into Chirulian and stepped into the realm. The quasi-king realm.

After watching his Pokémon evolve and stabilize, Xiao Zhi looked at Frog Seed and said, "How about Frog Seed, do you want to be my Pokémon?"

"Seed!" Frog Seed looked at Xiao Zhi and nodded, then took a fighting stance, while Xiao Zhi looked at Fire Dinosaur and said, "Fire Dinosaur, come here, now let your future companions understand one thing, Witness your own insignificance, and climb up! Flamethrower!"


The crimson flames instantly drowned the wonderful frog seeds, killing them in seconds!

And as the wonderful frog seeds were killed in seconds, Xiao Zhi threw a luxurious ball and easily collected it.


Xiao Zhi picked up the luxury ball and said with a smile: "In this way, there will be one more partner, and I have conquered the seeds of the wonderful frog."


Chapter [-] Jenny Turtle

After subduing the wonderful frog seeds, Xiao Zhi began to contact his own employees, and soon, a group of staff came, and the person in the lead saluted Xiao Zhi and said, "Boss, everyone has already come. All right, do you need to start?"

"Very well, let's start, install the rehabilitation equipment, and then notify the planting staff, and I will plant this purple flower with this Miss Xiaocui in the future. If it is successful, then notify the Joey family to collect the medicinal materials regularly, and also Remember to protect Miss Xiaocui, and don't let people disturb her when she wants to treat wild Pokémon!"

"Yes! Then we're in action!"

Looking at Xiao Zhi at this time, Xiao Xia couldn't help but say: "A serious Xiao Zhi is completely different from usual..."

Sundae is used to saying: "Although that money fan likes to make money, he is still very serious about making medicines. This is also a rare advantage of that money fan."

And just as the two were communicating, Xiaogang blushed towards Xiao Cui and said, "Miss Xiao Cui, do you need me to stay here to protect everyone?"

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