, it would be great if the Jenny Turtles were willing to help. "

"So what's your decision, Jenny Turtle?"

Jenny Turtle looked at Xiaozhi, thinking about the feeling of peace of mind in Xiaozhi's arms, and finally nodded and extended his little hand to Xiaozhi.


Chapter [-] Zhenghui's Lighthouse

After subduing the Jenny Turtle, Xiao Zhi and his party continued on their journey. I would like to say here that because Xiaogang prefers rock Pokémon, he did not subdue the Jenny Turtle, while Xiaoxia and Sundae are different. One was captured, and the remaining two jenny turtles became Junsha's Pokemon.

And now, Ash is taking everyone to a lighthouse.

"Where are we going, Xiaozhi?" Xiaoxia looked a little strange when she came to the beach, but Xiaozhi said helplessly: "There is no way I have an old friend who needs to be rescued, Dr. Damu said. He hasn't bubbling in a long time..."



The three of them shuddered when they heard Xiao Zhi's old friend Xiao Xia. Wuzhe Xiao Zhi's old friends were basically beautiful women. Xiao Xia and Sundae felt a sense of threat, while Xiao Gang was afraid that his heart would be broken.However, Xiao Zhi explained: "Yes, it is a doctor named Zhenghui, but he likes to dress up as a Pokémon, and now he is probably trapped in his clothes again..."

Meow on the side nodded and said, "Yes, meow, that guy is different every time I see him, meow, anyway, his ability to make a large figure must be very good..."


Subsequently, for

In order to prevent Dr. Zhenghui from getting cold when he arrived, Xiaozhi and others also accelerated their journey and soon reached Zhenghui's lighthouse. Just as Xiaozhi was worried, Dr. Zhenghui was trapped in the fossil helmet. Can't get out of clothes.

"Thank you for your help, Xiaozhi, I almost thought I was cold..."

At this time, Dr. Zhenghui, who was hungry and panicked, was putting a pile of bread into his mouth, and Xiaozhi was worried that he would be choked to death.

"Eat slowly, no one is robbing you..." After handing Dr. Zhenghui a glass of water, Ash and Pikachu said, "You guys go to the beach to play for a while, it's hard to get a beach without taking a break."

Then came the cheers of the Ash Pokémon.

"Then doctor, you eat first, and I'll go play for a while."

"Go, let's go, I'll ask you for dinner too."

"no problem."

Soon Xiaozhi came to the beach, and at this time Xiaoxia and Sundae had already changed into their swimsuits. As for Xiaogang?In order to prevent a real lecher from peeping, Xiaogang had been knocked out and thrown into the grass beside him.

"Xiaozhi, this way!" Xiaoxia watched Xiaozhi come over and waved her hand happily, while Xiaozhi observed the figure of Xiaoxia and Sundae, after all, it is not like the ten-year-old animation in the previous life.

Being able to take risks, Xiaoxia and Sundae are quite predictable now.It's a little embarrassing to see Xiaoxia and Sundae by Xiaozhi like this, because Xiaozhi has already changed into swimming trunks at this time, so the figure that he exercised before is completely revealed.

"I didn't expect Caimini's body to be unexpectedly good." Sundae patted Xiaozhi's muscles and said in surprise.And Xiaozhi explained to the two: "After all, I have to prepare for the future trip, so I exercised more."

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi's figure and said with a blush, "Are you really just exercising more?"

Xiao Zhi just smiled and didn't say much.

Well, it's impossible to tell Xiaoxia Sundae that although she almost forgot the plot, she still remembers that she is going to encounter a bunch of crises...

Afterwards, the three of Xiaozhi Xiaoxia Sundae happily played with the elves for an afternoon, and Xiaogang didn't know if it was too hard when he was knocked out. He slept all afternoon, of course, because of his magic Most of the babies are rocky, so they hardly stay by the water, but happily play in the jungle for an afternoon.

In the evening, after everyone was full, Xiao Zhi brought his little elves to do something together.

"Mile!" (The meat can't be less!)


! "(It has to be delicious!)

"Seeds!" (Fragrant after eating!)

"Om!" (add a little sweetness)

"Bi!" (putting some seasoning)

"Wang!" (the taste should be strong)

"Li!" (feeling okay)

"Pickup!" (No no, no tomato is soulless!)

"lucky!" (my egg is okay too)

"Boss, add this!"

"Moo!" (The freshest milk of the day!)

"Very good, it tastes like this

It should be fine!Come and have a taste. "

Then there were cheers from the Pokémon in the kitchen, and Xiaoxia and the others who were outside the kitchen didn't know what was going on.

"What is Xiaozhi doing?"

"It seems to be something that can help me tonight, I must see the true face of the giant Pokémon today!"

"Giant Pokémon?"

At this time, in the kitchen, Xiao Zhi's group of Pokémon were full, and Xiao Zhi asked, "How does it taste?"

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