
The seemingly doomed battle begins as a huge bolt of lightning rushes towards the fast dragon.

The huge fast dragon constantly sprayed the waves of the dragon, and the beach was hit with potholes, but even so for the agile Pikachu, it was all

Just pediatrics.Pikachu released [-] volts while avoiding the fluctuation of the dragon, and these attacks hit the fast dragon and made the fast dragon howl in pain.

As the audience, Xiaoxia and the others, as well as Xiaozhi's Pokémon, are witnessing this epic battle.

"One hit Pikachu and we're lost! So don't stop! Go forward! Bomb him with all your tricks!"


Looking at this battle with a huge disparity in size, Xiaoxia looked straight at Xiaozhi's back and said, "So, is Xiaozhi's Pikachu that strong?"

Sundae also said in disbelief: "Could it be that Ash's Pikachu has reached the peak of the championship?!"

Meow Meow is recording the battle with an instrument with peace of mind.

"Although I am very unwilling, Pikachu is the Pokémon that first followed the boss, so Pikachu is the most trained by the boss, and it is precisely because of this that Pikachu has mastered all the lightning tricks created by the boss."

Xiaogang asked with some uncertainty: "All the lightning tricks?"

"That's right meow, so Pikachu's strength reached the peak of the championship a long time ago, meow, now I'm afraid the boss wants to help Pi

Let Kachu cross that hurdle. "

"Lightning field! Thunder! Railgun! Hundreds of millions of volts! Use all your tricks! Pikachu doesn't need to hold back now! Use all the power you have been accumulating all the time!"


Endless thunder and lightning ravaged the sea, powerful lightning and lightning staggered out, and the huge electromagnetic gun did not stop.

At this time, the battle between Pikachu and the fast dragon has entered a white-hot, lightning and breath continue to collide and explode.And the distance between Pikachu and Dragon is getting closer and closer.

"Pikachu is now! Pao Sa

Kiruka! "

Accompanied by Ash's roar, Pikachu also activated the strongest control skill that he and Ash had developed together, Bao Saki Luke.

Then, along with Pikachu's lightning, a huge thunder dragon gathered in the sky and appeared and opened its huge mouth to bite the huge fast dragon, and with the bite of the thunder dragon, endless lightning filled the whole body of the huge fast dragon. .


With the screams and pauses of the giant fast dragon, Pikachu took advantage of this gap to rush into the sky.

"It's the last! Holy Sword. Thunder!"


As the sky and Pikachu's own lightning converged on his tail, Pikachu's tail charged towards the giant fast dragon with electric light, and the giant fast dragon also exhaled its own powerful breath.

With the endless lightning and the brilliance of that moment, the two energies collided with each other, and Pikachu thought about the little things he had been with Ash all along, and his body glowed with more powerful power, and he took that step.And as Pikachu stepped into that step, his tail shone with a golden light, then cut off the dragon's breath and flashed past the huge fast dragon sound.

The body of the huge fast dragon is being affected by the dazzling

There was a slight pause after the flash, and then it fell, and Pikachu looked at the giant dragon that fell, laughed exhaustedly, and fell out of the air.

"Bi Diao is there!"


When Pikachu began to fall, Xiao Zhi had already come to his side on a Pikachu and hugged him.


Looking at Pikachu Xiaozhi, who seemed to be asking himself, he glanced at the huge fast dragon lying in the sea and said, "Don't worry, we won."


Pikachu heard this and stretched out his fingers to win

Lee's posture, and then fell asleep in Xiaozhi's arms, while Xiaozhi smiled and hugged Pikachu and then took out an overweight ball and threw it at the fast dragon.

When the huge fast dragon entered the overweight ball, Xiaozhi stared at the falling overweight ball, and only after he was completely subdued did Xiaozhi wave to the waiting giant bee, and the giant bee will also be carrying a huge Kuailong's baby ball was brought back and handed to Ash.

"Huge fast dragon, I conquered it!"

Holding up the overweight ball, Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia and the others, but what about Xiaoxia and the others?They are now completely dumbfounded.


Chapter Thirty-Six Nanamei

When Xiaozhi returned to Zhenghui Lighthouse, Zhenghui, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang Sundae were growing their mouths at this time. They really couldn't believe what they saw just now. Xiaozhi actually defeated Huge with Pikachu. Fast Dragon!

And Xiaozhi hugged Pikachu and asked Miaomiao, "Is it all recorded?"

Miaomiao said while adjusting the machine: "No problem meow! It was recorded perfectly meow!" After speaking, Miaomiao released the previous video, and Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction watching the battle.

"Yeah, Pikachu is very handsome, let's send it to Dr. Omu and the others, and let Dr. Omu come to help him when he has time.

Just a moment.After all, I don't know if Kuailong will have any unknown injuries. "

"Understood meow, let's start teleporting, but boss, do you need to talk to Joey and Junsha?"

"In addition to Sakagi's father, with their strength, they should be able to help Kuailong check his body faster..."

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