Chapter [-] Dark Injury

At noon, Kuailong's body was finally checked. In addition to the injury from the previous battle with Pikachu, he also had these dark injuries.Now the Joeys are helping him with Geely Dan, while Zhenghui and Dr. Damu are communicating with Kuailong with the help of Miaomiao.

"It turns out that you can freely become bigger and smaller, so how did you get this ability?"


"Oh? He said this is what he learned in ancient times, meow, and it shouldn't be possible now!"

Hearing Miaomiao's translator, Dr. Damu nodded and then asked: "Well, your partner refers to ancient magic

Baby or fast dragon clan? "


"He said it was the fast dragon clan!"

Hearing that it was the Kuailong clan, Dr. Damu nodded and said, "The Kuailong's words are much easier to handle. I happen to know a family that is in contact with the Kuailongong. You can visit with Xiaozhi at that time."


Miaomiao was stunned after hearing this, and then said: "Uh, he said that he hoped that there will be outstanding ones in the younger generation, or he will find a mother Kuailong or Hackron to produce the next generation of meow..."


Sakagi is a little

Yu Yu glanced at this old and uncultivated fast dragon, thinking about whether to mock a guy who claimed to be a dragon envoy, but when he thought that the huge fast dragon belonged to Xiaozhi, forget it.

"But now it seems that the huge fast dragon is the ancestor of the fast dragons, and I don't know how the Yulong family will react when they find out. Outsiders are subdued, hum, no! It’s so funny! The real bird helped me write down this matter, and I will often use it to be happy in the future.”

"Yes! Boss."

When Ash woke up to find himself lying on Nanami's lap in a tent while Ash watched

Nanami couldn't help asking: "What time is it now, Sister Nanami?"

"It's noon, are you hungry? Do you need me to ask someone to bring you something to eat?"

"Okay, to be honest, I'm a little hungry." After speaking, Xiao Zhi stood up first. Although it was very comfortable to lie on Nanamei's lap, there were more important things. Pikachu and Kuailong still needed it. Check it out.

"How is Pikachu?"

"Don't worry, I've woken up, I should be playing now."

"That's good, I'll go see Kuailong..."

"Miss Nanami, Xiaozhi wakes up

Yet?My sundae and I brought some food...Ash, are you awake? "

Xiaoxia and Sundae came over with two servings of food, and Xiaozhi saw the two came with the food and couldn't help but said, "Since the food has been brought, then I will eat first, thank you."

"You're welcome."

When the four of Ash went out after eating, they saw Dr. Ogi and Dr. Zhenghui beside Kuailong who asked Miaomiao to be the translator.

"I said Doctor, you should give Miaomiao a break, right?" Xiaozhi looked at the two doctors speechlessly, I guess they didn't even eat, right?

"Ah? I'll be fine soon,

We still need to ask something here. "

"Sorry, Miaomiao needs a rest. Come and Miaomiao, you need to rest first."

As Xiaozhi's Pokémon, of course, Miaomiao listened to Xiaozhi, so she smiled at the two doctors, and then walked to Xiaozhi's side, while Xiaozhi looked at the giant fast dragon and asked: " How? Is there anything uncomfortable?"


Kuailong shook his head to indicate that there was no problem, and Xiaozhi thought for a while and asked Patriarch Joey: "Patriarch, is there any secret injury in Kuailong's body?"

"Yes, and quite a few."


Well, that's the only way..." Xiaozhi said while taking the backpack that Pikachu handed to him, groping for a while, and then took out a small box.

"This is my new work. I don't know if it will be useful to Kuailong. Would you like to try Kuailong?" After saying that, Xiao Zhi opened the small box, which contained several small balls.And the huge fast dragon was immediately excited after smelling these balls. He stared at a blue ball inside, and Xiao Zhi also understood what it meant, took out the ball and said, "Open your mouth!"


As Ash threw the ball into the giant dragon's mouth, Ash immediately joined Pikachu and the others.

Together with Nana Mei Xiaoxia and Sundae, they ran and shouted: "Evacuate! I'm coming out!"

When I heard Xiao Zhi say this, everyone left and evacuate, but there was one person who didn't hear it, and that was Xiao Gang who had just returned.

"Hey? What's wrong with everyone? It's weird to say Kuailong?"

puff! ! !


Accompanied by Xiaogang's screams, Kuailong spurted a lot of dirty blood and pulled a bunch at the same time, and Xiaogang just aimed at the SO behind Kuailong after standing up... You can imagine some of Xiaogang's side While screaming, I was given a mouthful of dragon fertilizer.


Xiaozhi frowned when he heard Xiaogang's ecstasy cry and said, "No, those dark wounds and dirt should be very stinky, right?"

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