"Dr. Damu, Mom, Sister Nanami and Meow, are you here?"

"Yo boss, meow, the mission here has been successfully completed meow!" Miaomiao seemed to be in a good mood, while Nanamei brought the overweight ball to Xiaozhi. "Kuilong is all right now, so let him continue to be with you."

"Thank you Nanamei, but how did you come here, Mom?"


Yu Xiaozhi was puzzled, and Dr. Damu pointed to another luxury cruise ship and said, "Of course it's your Pinghai. I have to say that your ship is very good. Both the people and the Pokémon are very happy inside. ."

"Ha, that's good, after all, that's what I want."

On the other hand, Xiaojuer and Shirona are getting to know each other with Hanako and Nanami.

"Hello mom! I'm Xiaoju'er/Xilona!"


"Hirona, don't set yourself up without authorization!"

"I went to Ash for a sundae."


Xiaoju'er and Shirona Hanako couldn't help laughing and said, "They are all very good girls. It's a pity to marry Xiaozhi."

"That Hanako mother, Shirona, she has nothing to do with Xiaozhi..."

"Hey? No?" Just when Hanako was strange, Shirona said with a hurt face: "Really, Xiaozhi and I have already met each other frankly."


When Xiaoju'er heard this, she and Nanami immediately held Xiaozhi's shoulders and said, "Xiaozhi, what's going on?"*2

And Xiao Zhi's eyes were a little erratic and said: "You also know that

, I went to Shenao to buy and search for medicinal herbs, and then I encountered a blizzard when I was searching with Shirona. Shirona may have caught a cold due to the temperature difference and had a fever in the cave where we took refuge. She must not be able to take off her clothes with snow all over her body, and then I didn't have a fire-type elf like a Katee at that time, and other elf couldn't keep warm, so I could only help her keep warm by rubbing heat..." Said the lower the voice, and Shirona added: "I also use traditional Chinese medicine to help me wipe my body and use my body to help me keep warm. "

Xiaoju'er and Nanamei's hands were slightly stronger.

"That means what Hirona said is true.

? "*2

"Yes! Come on! Let's start!" At this time, Xiaozhi also broke the jar, and the big deal was to be beaten by domestic violence. However, Xiaozhi was a little surprised that Xiaojuer and Nanami did not have domestic violence but laughed. a moment.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You were saving people after all, so it's understandable." Xiao Ju'er took Xiao Zhi's arm with a smile and stopped teasing Xiao Zhi, while Nanami said seriously. : "But Xiaozhi, you should understand, you really need to give people an explanation about Shirona."

"I didn't say not to explain it, but you just show what Shirona said, right, and her that

Grandma looks at me in a very wrong way..."

"My grandma is complicated with you because she knows about it." Shirona explained it to Xiao Zhi in real time. After all, she also told her grandma about that kind of thing, which is why Xiao Zhi took care of Xi after that. There was no reason for her grandmother's overreaction when Rona was there.My granddaughter is almost at the last step.

"Okay, okay, since the matter is settled, let's go to the beach to play. The beach in Lampurqi is very good."

Dr. Damu's insertion in time can be regarded as helping Xiaozhi get out, and Xiaozhi glanced at Dr. Damu gratefully.


'Thanks!grandfather! '

'You're welcome! '

"Yeah, just to let Xiaozhi see our new swimsuit, let's go to your hotel!" Xiaojuer's eyes lit up when she heard the seaside, and the swimsuit she said made Xiaozhi's nose a little bit. hot.

"Okay! This is good! Everyone, go to my place to check in, and then go to the beach!"


Chapter [-] Open

"Boss, this is the key to your deluxe room."

"Okay, thank you, Xiaoxia Sundae, Xiaohuang, the three of you are still in one room, sister Nanamei, sister Xiaojuer and sister Xirona, you are in one room, Dr. Damu, please, you and Xiaogang are in one room, mother, you and me. one."

Everyone agreed with Xiaozhi's arrangement, but Hanako shook her head and said, "Okay, I don't need to share a room with you, Xiaozhi, I can just share with Xiaohuang and the others."

"Is that so? Okay, by the way, Sister Xirona and Sister Xiaojuer, if you have time, come here. I have something for you here."

"Okay, we'll go after we've put things away." Then Xiao Zhi and his group started to go back to the room to sort out their things.Soon Shirona and Xiaojuer came over as agreed, while Xiaozhi took out two cans of magical candies from his black technology backpack and said: "You two each have a can, and then Shirona I am here. Are you in touch with your grandma?"

"That's right, be careful, grandma has a bad temper recently."

Hearing Shirona say that, Xiaozhi swallowed, and then dialed the number.

On the other side, Xiaoxia Sundae Xiaohuang and Hanako came out and found a group of people listening against the wall,

The same is true for Xiaogang and Dr. Damu.

"Sister Nanami, who are they?" Xiaoxia asked the helpless Nanami with some doubts, but Nanami said, "It's okay, a group of people are just eavesdropping."

"Stinky boy! Taking advantage of my granddaughter and still hiding from my granddaughter! Don't let me catch you! You must give my granddaughter an explanation today!"

Soon a very irritable voice came from the room, and Dr. Omu was excited.

"It's starting! It's starting! Shirona's grandmother is notoriously short-tempered!"

While looking at Dr. Ogi and Little

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