"I borrowed your gas, and the fire dinosaurs spray flames directly!"


The crimson flames produced a huge explosion after touching the gas, but the ghosts did nothing at all.

"Sure enough, the existence of this ghost as a thousand years is not

So easy to deal with, Pikachu Bao..."

Seeing Xiaozhi's Pikachu starting to charge up, Ghost said quickly: "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I just want to play with you guys, don't be so serious..."

Seeing such a sudden ghost, Xiaozhi, although strange, still did not order an attack, but hugged Xiaojuer and the others tightly and asked, "What is your purpose? Can you say it now?"

"My purpose? To be honest, my purpose is very simple. Let the legend of the girl ghost continue to be passed down, but now I have a more interesting thing here."


What's the matter? "

"Your name is Xiao Zhi, right? Don't you think you haven't heard it? The girl's call to you?" Gui Si looked at Xiao Zhi with nostalgia in his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Xiao Zhi had some guesses, but he was still not sure.

"You should almost understand, right? Is this your real name, Ash? It seems that God has cleared your memory, Aaron!"

Hearing what Gui Si said, Xiao Ju'er quit the job first. She stepped forward and reasoned with Gui Si, "What do you mean by that, is Xiao Zhi dead?"

"Of course not, little girl, I understand what I mean.

, Xiaozhi is the brave Aaron of the waveguide a thousand years ago. "

"Are you sure? Could Aaron be Ash's previous life?" Xiaoxia thinks it's more likely to be Ash's previous life. After all, it's obviously impossible for Ash to be an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, but Guisi is shaken. He shook his head and said, "No, no, it is impossible for reincarnated people to have exactly the same waveguide, and I am a ghost Pokémon, I can see the soul of a person, and now I found out that Xiaozhi was Aaron from a thousand years ago, so everything It makes sense, forget it! Let you see what I saw with my own eyes!"

As the smoke of the ghosts spread, scenes began to appear, and everyone saw it.

, the hero named Aaron and Lucario go on a journey to stop the war.

'Lord Aaron, it seems that someone is following us. '

"Ah? It's okay, it's not malicious, it's just hungry, although I don't know if it will work or not, but I left some incense for you, let's eat it."

After Aaron burned the three sticks of incense, he left with Lucario, while a ghost appeared impatiently and ate the aroma.

After eating enough, Guisi has been secretly following Aaron and Lucario, witnessing their battles along the way, and the final destination of the brave Aaron.

Aaron is taking advantage of Luca

Leo sealed him in the gem when he wasn't paying attention, and then smiled at the dream: "I'm sorry, if Lucario continues to be outside, his waveguide will be absorbed, then it's time to end this boring war. , the power of the waveguide resides in my heart, my waveguide, my life, accept it all, and then completely end this boring war."

Then Aaron's waveguides were all absorbed by World Tree, and when he was dying, Aaron leaned on a tree trunk and looked at Guisi.

"Ah, it's you, I'm so sorry I can't prepare food for you, but the world should be fine in the future, I hope Xiao Zi won't wait for me any longer... Ah yes, it's gone.

He had the strength to let Lucario out, but after he came out, the world at that time would surely make him very happy, right?After all, our sacrifice was worth it..."


"Don't feel sorry for me, I also want to thank you, thank you for witnessing my adventure with Lucario, it's great to be able to adventure with Lucario..."

At this moment, an alpaca-like existence appeared, and Aarang couldn't help laughing when he saw it: "What, so you are here, I would have known that I would not have done this."

Arceus looked at Aaron and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you want to do this?"

"Why? Because I love this world deeply, isn't it normal to pay for love?"

"It turns out that your feelings have also been passed on to the World Tree. The war is over, but the world you didn't want to control has changed because of you. This time, you won, thank you, thank you for loving this world. Go back now, go back to those who care about you, as for that girl, don't worry, you will meet again, and this is also a part of my thank you."

Then everything disappeared with a burst of bright light, and Gui Si said, "This is my memory."

However, at this moment a radiance

Flashed, and then the follow-up picture appeared, that was what happened after Arceus and Aaron.

The hero named Aaron gradually became smaller, and then Ash appeared in everyone's eyes, and then Ash closed his eyes and returned to Miaomiao and Pikachu.

When Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, he just looked around suspiciously.

"What's wrong, meow?"

"I don't know, there is a strange feeling, it seems that you have left for a while?"


"Forget it, don't care, the carp kings are still giving calcium supplements, let's go."

"Boss eat today

fish? "

"It depends, if I can catch one."


"I understand, the tomato lasagna is right, the ingredients are ready, don't worry."

Just like that, Ash and Pikachu went farther and farther, while Arceus watched them from a distance.

"Your story doesn't end, it begins, Ash."

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