This caring companion knows very little.

"It's okay, in fact, the championship is nothing, and he also has his own preferences. For example, Brother Dawu, he likes stones. For example, a guy I know has a very poor self-care ability and has difficulty in choosing. There is another one, Um......"

Xiao Zhi thought for a moment and then said: "It's perfect! The same level as a goddess, um yes! That's it."

Thinking that if he said that Karuna was a crybaby back then, Ash felt that he might have to face Karuna's domestic violence.

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Xiaoxia asked a

her idol.

"The Ice King Kana from the Kanto region."

"I don't know! I tell you I don't know that woman! Absolutely not! Don't mention that name, thank you!"

When he heard the name of Kona, Xiao Zhi directly froze, and Pikachu on the side was also tight.

And Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaogang like this.

'There is a story! '

"Xiao Zhi, don't you really know Master Kona? She is one of the four kings of Kanto."

"No! I never know that woman! I'll go find my brother first

Come on, go Pikachu! "


Watching Xiaozhi take Pikachu to transfer positions, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are both determined, Xiaozhi definitely knows Kona, and even has a great relationship!

And Dr. Damu smiled disrespectfully when he saw Xiaozhi's hair-raising as soon as he mentioned Corna.

"Oh, I still don't want to interfere with Xiaozhi and Kena's bad relationship, oh! I forgot that I told Kena about Nanami getting the ring, I'm afraid Kena will go to Hualan City soon, little girl. Chi, ask yourself for more happiness~"

And here in Hualan City, a royal sister with glasses is doing a ministry to her Pokémon.


"Remember, to catch him at the next point, there are some things that need to be discussed."

After speaking, Sister Yu looked in the direction of Yuejianshan and said, "You can't escape, Xiaozhi."


Chapter [-] Kona

When Dawu and Pippi negotiated, Xiaozhi and Geely Egg made a big pot of rice for all the staff. However, the taste of the big pot rice was excellent. At the same time, it also attracted many wild Pokémon to eat, and one Pippi was kidnapped by Xiaozhi during this period. Of course, Xiaozhi also made it clear that he wanted her to go to another person, and Pippi agreed. This Pippi was actually to thank Xiaozhi for helping them. The family came voluntarily.

But what surprises Xiaozhi is that this Pippi has a very good qualification, and at least it has the qualification to become a hegemon, but even so, in Xiaozhi's view, this Pippi is still Karunai, after all, Karunai is for Xiaozhi. wise

Laluras is a descendant of champions.

Carlos Alliance, Karuna has just finished filming, and at this time Ash's communication came.

"Xiao Zhi, what's the matter?" Seeing Xiao Zhi's communication, Ka Lunai's mood suddenly improved. After all, she had already received the dowry and ring. Fat is impossible to let go, so basically it's fine.

Looking at the ring on Karuna's left hand, Xiaozhi smiled and said, "I'm here to help you find Pippi, because I helped them, so you are willing to listen to me, Karuna, I hope you can take this child, her

The lowest qualification is the overlord, you should understand what it means? "

The lowest is the hegemon, so what about the upper limit?Needless to say, Ka Lunai immediately understood the value of this Pippi, and Pippi was a pure goblin...

"I understand, I will take good care of her, thank you Xiaozhi, I still remember what I said before." Of course Karuni remembered what she said to Xiaozhi before, but she didn't expect that she hadn't After a few days of talking, Xiao Zhi helped himself find such a good Pippi.

"Thank you for our relationship, so rest early, I passed Pippi."

when caruna

After receiving Pippi from Xiaozhi, he smiled, and then released Pippi and said: "Hello Pippi, I think you should know from Xiaozhi, I will be your trainer, so come and fight. Field?"

Pippi, who was holding the Moonstone, looked at Karuna, then nodded.

And Karuna was even more satisfied when she saw Pippi, who had a strong fighting spirit.

"Come on Shanaido! Let our new future companions see our strength!"

--split line--

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi and the others finally got to Hualan City after solving all the problems, but the closer they got to Hualan City, the more Xiaoxia's mood became.

Some are not good.

Seeing Xiaoxia like this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but say, "Xiaoxia, why don't you go to the Huaxia Restaurant first, and we'll go straight after I get the badge?"

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi with some surprise, but after seeing Xiaozhi's caring eyes, she felt much better and said, "Thank you Xiaozhi, but no need, I also need to go back, let me tell you, I am The trainer of Hualan Gym, the fourth eldest of the four sisters in Hualan City."

"Oh? Then wait, I can ask you to be merciful."

"Hmph, even if you say that, I won't be merciful."

Xiaogang looks at Xiaoxia

When I was in a good mood, I couldn't help laughing. This kind of travel is also quite good.

After arriving in Hualan City, Xiao Zhi and his party finally entered Hualan Gym after resting for a while at the Baby Center. However, this time it was different. The flower basket gym was quiet and scary.

I don't know why, Xiao Zhi had a bad premonition, it seemed that he was being stared at by something terrible, and now he also remembered that it seemed that Sister Joey and Sister Junsha looked at him just now. ..

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