
"Okay. But how did Xiaozhi come up with such a dangerous thing?" The two said that after swallowing the beads, he began to absorb the power of the venom.

The Arbor monster slowly left Pingping, and this time it appeared

The body is just to give the venom beads that he has refined to the ghosts, otherwise the Aber monster will generally protect the child in secret.As the most poisonous Pokémon that Ash has tempered with special venom.Arbor's own venom can completely poison an army-level Pokémon.And because of that.Aber blames this viper and is Ash's ultimate defense.For those guys who have been quietly ported into Xiaojia's home, the Arber monsters and Arber snakes don't mind using their own venom to deal with them.

"Mr. Arbor, this is what I tried to make based on the recipe left by Xiao Zhi, I hope you like it."

"Check | Arbor"

Watching Xiao Zi send it over

of roasted mice.The Aberdeen swallowed him directly.Then he spit out Ye Xinzi to express his satisfaction.

"The person who sneaked in here before was solved by Mr. Arbor. Thank you." Xiao Zi smiled when he saw Arbor very satisfied, but then thanked Arbor again.

The Hobgoblin nodded.In fact, it knew that Hanako and Xiao Zi knew about its secret actions.But the Westerners have silently kept their actions, which is the trust in Xiaozhi as well as the trust in him, otherwise no one would dare to let Abo blame this poison for wandering in Sigu.

Hanako usually looks natural, but she knows everything about Ash

Although Xiaozhi is indeed very successful.But there are also many troubles. There are many forces who want to kidnap Hanako and blackmail Satoshi.After all, the fact that Xiao Zhi is the owner of the Tailu Hotel is still very easy for various organizations, but they have absolutely no courage to attack Zhenxin Town. Therefore, they always send people secretly, and the result is that the guys who are sent become The fertilizer in the back mountain of Zhenxin Town is not available.

""Cha. Ah afraid to go"

"Why? What does Mr. Ghost Arbor mean?"

"Oh. He said he's going to keep his kid in your dick. It's safe."

"Cha" Arbor nodded and said yes.

And Xiao Zi also said with a smile. "Well, then thank you, Mr. Arbor."


"The One Who Got Money" The next day, the little Arbor snake hid in her dick along Xiao Zi's arm.Mian Xiaozi didn't feel any discomfort about this. After all, the era she lived in was very dangerous. If it weren't for the area where Xiaozhi (Aaron) and Lucario lived, there would have been more attacks.Now that there is a means of self-protection, it is also a lot more reassuring.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of her.


After getting Xiao Zi's promise, Aber Monster completely disappeared.

Waiting for those over-the-top guys to reappear.His mission is only one, to wipe out all those who are going to attack Hanako and the others e-!

Chapter [-] The Golden City

Golden City is also one of the largest cities in the Kanto region.But it is more famous for the Golden Gym.The reason why the Golden Gym is famous is also very simple. Because Gym trainer Nazi is too strong.People can rely on Yongjira to completely abuse - help people, not to mention that Nazi can communicate with Yongjila when she gets serious.

And at the moment when Xiao Zhiyi-the pedestrian was about to step into the golden city, an uncle appeared in a teleportation, but as soon as he appeared, he hugged Xiao Zhi's thigh.

"Xiaozhi! You've counted. Nazi, that child has been angry again recently. Now I can't even see my own wife, please hurry up and calm Nazi.

Come down "2"

"Oh, uncle, why did you provoke Nazi. And can you stop hugging my leg? It feels very strange."

"No, I won't let go, I want a wife!

"Meow meow auspicious eggs hit me!"

"Understood the auspicious eggs!"


Bang Bang! Following a brutal beating, the uncle holding Xiaozhi's leg was beaten up by Miaomiao and Geely Dan and Xiao Huang asked worriedly, "Brother Xiaozhi, is he alright? ?".

"It's okay, it's not the first time he

If you get beaten up, you can rest assured.But then again, Nazi is probably watching now: .

Just like Xiao Zhi thought.Nazi, who was looking at this side with her superpowers, was smiling and couldn't close her mouth. Although it was her father who was unlucky, Nazi couldn't help it. What Zi doesn't know is what's next. There are many more surprises.

The moment Xiao Zhi and his party just stepped into the golden city, a bunch of firecrackers rang.Then two Hawaiian-style 'beauties' appear to pounce on Ash.And Xiaozhi saw this situation and directly activated his own secret skills. (b__


The Royal Arrival!" One hand grabbed Xiaogang, who was on the side, and moved forward. Then Xiaogang was warmly entertained by the two beauties, sending flowers and kissing. She turned her head and kissed the good girl with short hair.

Musashi, "Congratulations on being the one millionth visitor to Golden City!"

Kojiro, "Please accept our lucky prize!"

However, Xiao Zhi watched Team Rocket and the two of them guard Xiao Huang and the others behind him and slowly backed away, "You two _: At least make up a lie. The Tailu Hotel in Golden City was number one four years ago. Sent by a million guests

Winning the Grand Prize: I said Kojiro, you are a man! Can you please stop wearing women's clothes⊥"

And when Xiao Zhi said this, Xiao Gang was the one who reacted the most, because it was Xiao Jiro who he kissed just now!

"Wait 1. Ash, you said he was Kojiro 2"

"Ah, I was stunned when I saw two women rushing towards me just now, but now I see it when I look closely."

"Gauvou" 1 1! ""

With a burst of vomit, Kojiro and Xiaogang vomited directly from the side, and when Xiaogang saw Kojiro's face, Ye became even more fierce.

Xiao Ju'er looked at Team Rocket and said speechlessly: ∠ "You guys are really obsessed with Pikachu. Although Xiao Zhi's Pikachu is really strong."

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