"Hehe, hahaha! As expected, Xiaozhi's reaction was very interesting, hahaha!_" Seeing that Nazi was still laughing, Xiaozhi said speechlessly, "What's so funny..."

"But it's really funny. Give me another story."

"Okay. But let's not talk about that book, let's look at other books: what the hell is this! The love story of two Nido kings? ⊥ Nido kings are both males

Okay! Whoever wrote it, I want him to know the consequences of such writing⊥Shan⊥"

"Hahahaha! Go 1 kid!"

Nazi's laughter in Nazi's family never stopped, while Xiaoju L received a communication from her mother on the other side.

"Ah? Let me go back 2 Why ah, I'm traveling with Ash here.

- "Although acting with your fiancé does help to communicate feelings, but Xiaojuer, do you know? Even if the two of you have a good relationship, at least you have to wait until you get married. ⊥ If you don't come back now, when you come back, it's probably just Two people!"

When Xiao Ju'er heard this, her face-: Hong said, "Mom, did you see it?"

"Hmph, the little girl is different from what she's experienced. You girl is quick enough."

"Ahaha. I see. I'll talk to Xiaozhi later."

"Well, your father and grandpa have already chatted with the elders here at home. So don't worry, finally: have you taken any protective measures?"

"No, Xiao Zhi said that he will get married directly."


Chapter [-]: Bond Evolution

"It's a gym battle now. Nazi, the master of the Golden Gym, will play against Ash."

With Tai Shu as the referee.Ash and Nazi's gym battle is about to begin.

"Since I'm fighting against you, I won't show mercy to Yongjira⊥"

As Nazu throws her baby ball _ her Pokémon Yongjira appears.


"It really is Yongjira. Then let me see how much you have grown. Come out, too stinger!"


The too needle bee flew in the sky and looked deeply at Yongjira before it

I've heard Xiaozhi say it.This Yongjira was taken by Xiaozhi for a while. As Xiaozhi's Pokémon Taijibee, of course, he understands that any attributes brought by Xiaozhi are not a favorable factor. E. And Nazi looked at Xiaozhi's Taizhen Bee also said seriously, "It seems that this time I need to be more serious." Nazi's eyes turned red as she said that, and then Yongjira's body glowed with the light of purchases.

"The big stinger... Be careful, Gong Yong Jie La was trained by me for a while when I was still Casey.

Now he has evolved into Hudi, but it is very difficult. "

"buzz up"

Taijibee nodded to show that he understood.And Yongjira

Completed the evolution and became Hu Di who took these two spoons.


"Tai Needle Bee uses shadow clone and then double needle attack."


With Xiaozhi's order, Tai Needle Bee quickly unfolded the shadow clone while continuously sending out missile needles to approach Hu Di.Under the training of Xiaozhi, the elves of Xiaozhi know how to fight better without talking about themselves, otherwise they will fall into passive if they rely on Xiaozhi's orders, and Nazi and Xiaozhi are playing. Tai also understands Ash's fighting style, so he has long been able to prevent the surprise attack of this Ash Pokémon.

"Interaction uses the power of mind to control the stone block



Through Hu Di's super power, countless stones rose up and blocked in front of Hu Di, but these stones were instantly broken after touching the missile needle.

"Teleport to dodge and meditate on"


In the face of the missile thorhudi of the Taijibee, he quickly moved in a teleport to avoid it.And the Tai-Needle Bee also showed his double needles when he was dodging.

"I can't avoid cutting it with the spirit!_"

"Move fast to avoid it!"

Under the spiritual energy of Hu Di, the powerful spirit

The Divine Knives Knife flew towards Tai Needle Bee, but the blow was dodged by Tai Needle Bee, and Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows as he watched the destruction of Hu Di's mental cutting.If this is the poison attribute of his own bee, he will be beaten badly.Let's fight fast:

"Taijinbee. Quick fight" Nazi ⊥ Let's take a look" This is the miracle 1 after connecting with your own Pokémon! Let's appear! The cavalry flying in the sky 1. Taichibee fetters evolve!"

With Xiaozhi and Taijibee, a strong light radiated from them.Under the surprised eyes of Nazi, Hu Di and Nazi's father, Najie, the bees evolved again.And this time, the feeling of the bee has become more dangerous, originally

The three thorns became five, and each thorn glowed purple.

Xiaozhi looked at the super giant stinger bee that evolved with his fetters and said, "" It's over.Vampire Teeth!."


Tai Thorbee's eyes flashed red. Then he appeared behind Hu Di without anyone reacting.After Lu Wei paused for a while, Hu Di fell to the ground with a circle in his west eyes and completely lost consciousness.

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