taught. "_."

Chapter [-] Are the three willing to become comedians?

Xiaojuer is leaving the team, and so is Xiaohuang. After all, Xiaohuang is still young and her family is ready to let her go home first, and Xiaozhi is very supportive of Wang Xiaohuang going home first.After all, Xiao Huang is really not suitable for long-term travel, but Xiao Zhi still made an appointment with Xiao Huang.When Xiao Zhi travels to Chengdu, he will definitely take her with him.

In the end, after Xiaozhi played with Xiaojuer and Xiaohuang for a day each, Xiaojuer and Xiaohuang left.Xiao Ju'er came back on a special plane.And Xiao Huang was brought back to Joban City by Xiao Zhi's fat man.

"Suddenly it became a lot quieter... Xiao Ju'er and Xiao Huang went home. Xiao _gang is still in the hospital."

"1uckxL" Geely Egg handed the egg to Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Zhi started to use it to make cakes. Beside Xiao Zhi, Na Zi and Xiao Xia followed suit.After all, girls love sweets.

"Xiao Ju'er is different from me. I have sisters in charge of the gym. After all, Xiao Ju'er is still the owner of the gym. It is impossible to leave for too long." Xiaoxia comforted Xiaozhi while learning to make cakes, while Na Zi also said while using her super power to assist, "I really envy you, Xiaoxia L, being able to travel with Xiaozhi. I can't leave the gym here."

And I heard the resentment Xiaoxia in Nazi's voice

Wei Wei leans against Xiao Zhi.

"Ahaha. I actually met Ash by accident, but traveling with Ash is really interesting."

Miaomiao looked at the scene next to her and couldn't help but said to the auspicious egg beside her, "It's a pity I thought there would be a Shura field waiting for the boss."

"1uckye" Geely Egg smiled unkindly and then pointed to Pikachu beside him, while Pikachu was sitting beside him in despair.


Seeing Pikachu like this, C Miao Miao couldn't help but say, ∠ "Ah.. What a pity

, he was like this after Qiuqiu and Xiao Huang left.Ahhh I think of my Madonna again.Hey....

Seeing Miaomiao and Pikachu in a state of depression, Geely Egg could only helplessly shake his head.

In view of the fact that Xiaogang still needs to cultivate for a while, Xiaozhi decided to go to the Pokémon Ghost Tower first. Xiaozhi remembered that there seemed to be three guys there who wanted to be comedians.Maybe it would be great if they signed me up

But after all, the ghost tower is still very scary for girls, so this time it was Ash who took the action with Meow Meow Pika Churchillie Egg.

"I don't know what's in this ghost tower

The three guys are still around. "After arriving at the ghost tower, I looked at the dilapidated tower. L Xiaozhi hoped that the three guys who like to be funny. And just when Xiaozhi thought so, a scream came.

"Appeared ⊥⊥⊥⊥ Meow!"

Then there was the sound of a fight.And Xiaozhi said with a smile after hearing the familiar voice. "Very good! They are here. Let's go!"

With the three live treasures of Team Rocket, Ash instantly knows the three funny ghost Pokémon children.So Ash politely knocked on the door of the Ghost Tower.

"Excuse me, is there a ghost?

I would like to ask you here if you would like to sign an agreement with my company to become a comedian. "


"Ghost on Stone"


The gate opened instantly.Afterwards, the ghosts, the ghosts, and the three guys appeared directly in front of Xiaozhi, and they brought them in very diligently.

"It's like this, I have my own channel to know that the three want to become comedians and let someone play with me. So I came to you. You can take a look at this contract.

Very formal, Xiao Zhi took out a contract,

And Geng Gui, as the boss, also took this contract seriously and watched it.On the side, Ghost Stone and Ghost also watched together.Ask for flowers._:...1.

The conditions given by Xiaozhi are very favorable.Moreover, professional comedians will be trained to train the three of them, but the three of them will also need help when they encounter trouble with Xiaozhi's forces.

The three of them all agreed with Gengar for this condition. After all, once the contract is signed, Xiao Zhi and them will be their own people.You should also protect yourself.The last three guys thought about it and yelled at Ash again.

"Gengar! Gengar! Gengar

! "

"Ma'am, they said they hope we can help protect the ghost tower, after all, this is their home." As a translator, Miaomiao dutifully translated for Xiaozhi. As for the three requests of Gengar, Xiaozhi felt There is no difficulty at all.

"Okay, I'll buy this piece and let someone help you renovate it - after all, after you debut, someone will definitely come here as soon as the popularity rises, but if you want someone to play with you. You can try to let the children Come on, this is a win-win result, how?"

"Gengar... Gengar!"

Gengar is in

After discussing it with Gui Si Gui Stone and agreeing, it is great to be a comedian and have someone to play with.Afterwards, Xiaozhi made a few phone calls, and the Elf Alliance immediately allowed Xiaozhi to rebuild the ghost tower after receiving the donation from Xiaozhi.The three ghost Pokémon went to the Continental Hotel under the leadership of Xiao Zhi, and then prepared to learn from the comedian.

As for whether the comedians have time to teach? Ash believes that they will definitely have time when they receive the commission.

In this way, L Xiaozhi's forces successfully won the three tyrants.

(Don't say these three are not, Ghost Stone can pull out the souls of Ash and Pikachu L.

It's already buggy.deficit)__!

Chapter [-]: The Past of Xiao Zhi and Na Zi

"Welcome to the latest 2nd issue of the interview section. I heard that this time we have three special guests! Huh? What about the guests [-]_"

Just when the host was strange, a faceless person patted him on the shoulder.

"Wow ah ah ah go on ⊥_ !"


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