When Xiaozhi brought Xiaoxia to a store, Xiaozhi finally took off his mask. "Hey, it still smells better here, at least it's better for the nose than those synthetic perfumes."

Xiaoxia was also very happy to see the fragrances around her, and just when Xiaoxia wanted to try it - she helped the female clerk to run out.

"Master Xiaozhi, you are here. We can inspect the flowers you want at any time!"

These female clerks are so enthusiastic about Xiao Zhi, they need special services.And Xiaozhi has long been used to _like saying, _ "Well. I will test it when Erica comes. Let me introduce your perfume to my companions first. I will pay."_Feng Jian listens to Xiaozhi paying the money, and the female shop assistants are bright. Then he said 1 "Please rest assured that we will use the best preparation music to prepare perfume for your companions. Then, Master Xiaozhi, you can take it.

Are you custom made?"

Xiao Zhi directly took out a black card and asked. "Go ahead. Cash or card."


_"Yeah!" *NL

"Come with me Miss. We'll create the fragrance that suits you best

A few clerks didn't give Xiaoxia's plan to resist, they directly held up Xiaoxia and left. a And Xiaoxia said in a panic, "Hey? Wait a minute, what's the situation?!"

"It's just a custom perfume, Sister Nanamei and I have helped to customize it, so Xiaoxia, you can go in peace!

"Don't say it so strangely, go_"

Afterwards, Xiaoxia was taken to the private room, and a special staff helped Xiaoxia make a customized perfume, while Xiaozhi released the hot monkey, and then asked the female clerk for some incense so that the hot monkey could smell it. smell. "How does it feel to be hot monkey?"


Hot Monkey shook his head, seeing that Hot Monkey didn't like Xiao Zhi and changed it.Finally, after trying many kinds of incense, Hot Monkey finally got - a satisfaction and looked at Hot Monkey Xiao Zhi, who was calm with the help of the incense, and said, "Hot Monkey will teach you something next. Now. Remember it with your heart, you know?

"Hoo'er," Hot Monkey, who was no longer angry, looked at Xiao Zhi and nodded calmly, then listened to Xiao Zhi's narration, while Miao Miao turned on the soundproof device to prevent rumors.

After Ash handed the method of deep breathing to Hot Monkey.A girl in a kimono came over.

_"You're still so gentle with your Pokémon, Ash."

Xiao Zhi looked at the girl in the kimono and couldn't help but said, "Alijia, are you wearing the clothes from the Chengdu area?".

"Yeah, how's it going?" Erica turned around, and Ash nodded. "Ok but I prefer

cheongsam. "

"x. I shouldn't have smelled you. Forget it, you are here to buy the goods. 2 I have already asked someone to deliver the goods. Please inspect the goods to see if you need them."

"Well, thank you very much."

Then Xiao Zhi picked up a bunch of flowers and began to smell them in the eyes of a group of female shop assistants and Alicia.

"This. More of this. If this is the case, it is fine to have less. This: I want as much as you have." The girl next to Jia couldn't help but say, "The pharmacist is really working hard.

And Erica nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah. After all, flowers and medicinal materials need to be carefully screened, and it is really difficult for him to come to Rainbow City. The recent mixed perfume is his least favorite type.." __!

Chapter [-] No need to guess

As for the fact that Xiaozhi doesn't like some perfumes, Erica really can't say anything wrong. What Xiaozhi doesn't like is the mixed type of perfumes. Those perfumes are made by industrial methods. It's just torture.Ash's favorite is Erica's perfume made from plant-based extracts.At least those botanical scents are much better than mixed industrial fragrances.

"Okay, these herbs can be purchased, and I'll ask you to prepare more." After finally determining the materials he needed, Xiao Zhi also took the documents handed over by a clerk and signed it.

"By the way, usually not

Is the Joey family in charge of purchasing the medicinal materials? Why did you come in person this time?" Seeing that Xiao Zhi was done, Ellie also asked her doubts, and Xiao Zhi said helplessly: "This is The batch is for me to make new medicines, so I need to get it myself. _It just happened that I also started to travel, so I can solve it by the way. "

Second, when Xiao Zhi said that she had traveled, Erica couldn't help but ask. _"So you're going to challenge my Rainbow Gym?"

"Yeah. I'll challenge it later"

"Wait a minute" I'm not a suspicious person, you really believe me, please"

Just as the two were talking, the perfume shop rumored

Here comes a loud noise, and then Ash and Erica see a gang of police escorting a person away.

"I just want to buy perfume, go _"

"Humph, we've been watching you for a long time. You idiot sticking up to the glass window. Don't think we can't see it! Second go!"

- "I'm - wronged! Really!"

With the escort of a group of police, that Chi Sui was taken away, and Xiao Zhi always felt that the voice was very familiar.

"It's terrifying. Rainbow City is crazy again, Bo." Erica covered her mouth in fear, while Ash was a little bit stunned.

He said speechlessly, "Please. Don't you have a stinky flower? + Let her be a - let her be so angry. I don't think any lunatic dares to approach you."

"Isn't it the time to say, 'I'll protect you'?"

"I'll protect my wives." Xiao Zhi said this ten-year period - with a high face, but Elica looked at it and wanted to carry people

Just when Erica was speechless, Xiaoxia finally came out, holding a customized perfume in her hand.

"Swipe on"

"..." For Xiaozhi's super cute face, Elica has been too lazy to leave the groove, and Xiaoxia is a little uncomfortable.

Overwhelmed.After all, this custom perfume is expensive.Seeing Xiaoxia like this, Xiaozhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry, the last thing I need is money." Ask for flowers._ : …


"Okay, that's it, to be honest, I don't like the smell of industrial perfumes. That's why I asked them to customize it for you. As a pharmacist, my nose is very precious.

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