"I am Musashi.".

"I'm Kojiro"

"We are rockets across the galaxy

"A white hole and a white tomorrow are waiting for us"

"That's it, meow _"

And just when Miaomiao was holding: something suspected of being a bomb button was about to be pressed, Xiaozhi was ready.

"Chirulian petrochemical power"


As Chirulian radiated light, the three of them froze in place.

Xiao Shenlang, "Uh!. Can't move!

Musashi, "I don't need you to tell me

Meow meow, _ "What to do meow?!"

Ash slowly walked towards the Rockets and then threw his luxurious ball. a And the hot monkey appeared calmly in the field and watched the Rockets quietly.

"Hot Monkey, sometimes. It's good for your spirit to vent in the right amount, so let's go Hot Monkey." Use the Euler Euler L that I taught you." !

A good amount of the ripples taught by Ash in the body transmits the breath

, the hot monkey's eyes instantly became violent, and then he punched wildly at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly.

As Ha Zhi said. This kind of refreshing feeling of beating up opponents makes me feel more and more comfortable, and it becomes more and more convenient to fight, so that in the end, Hot Monkey has achieved this kind of punching to the point of ecstasy realm.And Chirulian is working hard to use petrochemical power and psychic power to keep the Rockets' trio from being beaten twice.

"Come on Kirulian, this is also a kind of training."


Chirullian nodded, and Xiaozhi smiled and took her hand. Chiru was held by Xiaozhi

Liane was instantly full of power.Super powers are also more stable.

After the hot monkey finally beat him, he wiped the sweat from his head happily.

"How about Hot Monkey, are you comfortable?"

"Roaring Mountain." Hot Monkey nodded happily, indicating that he was comfortable.

"Very good, then the last move of the Ascension Fist⊥ Kirulian unshackles!"




With the hot monkey one-ji Shengtian punching the Rockets three people.These three have

The beaten up living treasure with a bruised nose and a swollen face was directly lifted into the air.ask for flowers..._

Kojiro, "It's too much!_ It's a sneak attack!"

Meow meow, _" Who the hell is the bad guy? Meow

Musashi, who was also beaten with a bruised face, took out a potion and said: "But at least our goal has been achieved, and we have taken away the secret recipe of this perfume."

"What a great feeling ^ ah pain!"*3_

Watching the three live treasures fly away.Xiaozhi couldn't help showing a wicked smile, and Ailijia seemed to have known it for a long time - so restrained her smile and said _ "It seems that you are

intentional five" 0

"Yes, I hope they like it."

"Hehehe, how are you?"

At this time, Xiaoxia ran over and said, "What should I do, Miss Ailijia's secret recipe has been stolen."

Looking at Xiaoxia Xiaozhi and Ailijia who were anxious, they looked at each other.Then I couldn't help but laugh.


"Hahaha L can't u Xiaoxia, your question makes me want to laugh for a long time."

"Hahaha. Sorry. But really, hahaha!"

Seeing Xiaozhi and Alijia like this, Xiaoxia

Somewhat strange.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaozhi said with a smile, "Xiaoxia. You know what. Don't underestimate those of us with high potions and perfumes."

Alicia, "Because you never know what my ingredients are. And they stole.."

Xiaozhi and Ailijia looked at each other and said together, holding back their smiles, "It's the extract of the stinky flower. Hahahaha Yishan,"_!

Chapter [-]: The Two People We've Already Seen

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