"Yes bass.. It started three days ago. The only clue is that Sojiup of the Pokémon fan club evolved into Solipe three days ago. It gave them a new way of sleeping. Some people say that it may be Because it affects people..."

"Stop kidding. Hypnosis itself is universal to humans and Pokémon. And a

The newly evolved Soliber can reach such a large area of ​​influence? Is it the champion Soliber?

Jun Sha knocked on the table and asked, "So do you have any ideas, Xiaozhi?"

"It's definitely not easy. But the Pokémon fan club? Maybe we need to go and see it."

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the manager of the Continental Hotel and said, ∠ "Prepare an evening dress for Xiao Xia, then we need to sneak in.


Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Xiaoxia pointed at herself in surprise.

"Huh? Me?

"That's right 2 believe me through

There is absolutely no problem with dressing up. "

one dividing line - one

The Pokémon fan club welcomed several new members today, one is an elegant man with a monocle, one is his girlfriend, and the others are Pokémon in suits and princess dresses See.

"Hello Mr. Sebastian, you are welcome."

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but I heard that there are superpower Pokémon Solixi and Solipe here, and I wanted to see-see, because of this, my girlfriend is still a little angry. Please don't mind, because she I want to see water-type Pokémon." The man called Sebastian

Zi Wenwen expressed his apology for taking the liberty to visit. Although his girlfriend looked, she seemed to be in a bad mood.But he still said politely, "I'm sorry my family has caused you trouble. He came here as soon as he heard that there was a newly evolved Pokémon."

"Hahaha, I can understand. Are these Pokémon all yours? Mr. Sebastian?"

Looking at Miaomiao and Pikachu in suits, Gilliam in skirts and Chirulian, the gentleman was also full of smiles.

"Yes, Meow Meow is my personal tube

"Meow, I'm very sorry to disturb my master." Meow was also at this time.

Very gentleman. Soil, even wears a monocle like Xiaozhi.

"Oh! Mr. Meow can actually talk

"Yes it allows me to communicate well with my Pokémon, and it's great to have Meow by my side."

"This is my honored master."

The gentleman also said with a smile, "It's amazing, it's really a lot easier to have Mr. Sebastian, the housekeeper of Meow Meow."

"Yeah, may I ask Solip and Solib, please?"

"Of course I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long, please come in."

Then Xiaozhi

He and Xiaoxia went in, while Xiaozhi whispered to Xiaoxia, "Wait and remember, if they drink wine, then there is definitely something wrong with them, if they drink juice, then they are A true Pokémon fan club member."

"Hey? Why?"

"Because a true Pokémon fan club member would never allow himself to snub Pokémon for drinking."

"I see. By the way, Xiao Zhi, you were amazing just now."

"You will get used to it if you participate in it, but I have learned etiquette specially. The only thing you need to do later is to act as a female companion who is in a bad mood.

it is good.Meow and Meow will observe them, and I'll ask you to hug Pikachu when you wait. If someone asks you a question, just talk about the water-type Pokémon.

"No problem." As soon as she heard about the water-type Pokémon, Xiaoxia was instantly full of confidence. After all, the water-type Pokémon was her favorite. _!

Chapter [-] Solving the Mystery

"Everyone, today we welcome a new friend. Mr. Sebastian and his girlfriend Xiaoxia_ By their side are Mr. Sebastian's housekeeper Mr. Miaomiao, Pikachu Jellie and Qi Rulian

Following the gentleman's words, the members of the Pokémon fan club who were present all looked over, and their eyes lit up when they saw Ash's Meow and Pikachu. , I quickly gathered around.

"Oh Shang Miaomiao's fur is really shiny."

"Geely eggs are also very good, like Ping Cong Xiao. They are well taken care of."

"Pikachu is cuter!"

"Chirullian is just like the little princess


"Ma'am, do you need me to pour the water for you?"

Looking at the reaction of these people, Xiao Zhi has been confirmed.They are truly members of the Pokémon fan club.So what exactly caused the previous troubles?

With that in mind, Ash walked up to Solib and asked, "Have you been feeling anything weird lately?"

"Bo? Bo?"

_"Pop up!"


at first soli

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