
"Don't come here!"

two two dividing line two one

"What's wrong, Xiaogang. Your face now looks like you've been hugged by countless bright ten." On the way to travel, Yizhi looked at Xiaogang with a weak face.And Xiaogang is like

Go here with the same.

"Stop talking about Xiaozhi. I'm already about to be lauded...".

Xiao Zeng and Xiaogang couldn't help but say, "No, 2 Xiaogang, do you like mother Haoli? Although I heard that some people even have children. But Haoli is really..."

Listen to what Xiaoxue said about this case.Chirullian in Baby Ball gets excited right away

"Miss Xiaoxue, I don't like Haoli⊥ What I like is... poof!

As Xiaozhi stuffed a piece of bread into Xiaogang's mouth.Xiaogang's face immediately turned blue.And Xiaozhi is walking - while protecting Xiaoxiao Xiaoxue behind him and saying, "You say you are happy"

Huan Room

Beauty, but I'm sorry, Xiaoxia Xiaoxue, I will never let go. "

As for Xiaozhi's words, Xiaogang couldn't answer at all.Because the bread made by Xiaozhi is too bitter 1

Xiaoxue saw Xiaozhi also smiled and put his hand on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said. "I'm sorry, Xiaogang. Although I am very grateful for your liking me - but I still prefer Xiaozhi to me.

They have known each other since childhood. ,

Xiaogang took the bread from his mouth and said with a bitter face, "Okay, Xiaozhi will always be so popular...,

"You have made a mistake, Xiaogang, in fact, the elementary school and I, and Sister Xiaojuchuan and the others

They have known each other very early on.The rest of us have been with each other for a while.And do you think Xiaoxue was so beautiful when she was a child?

Before Xiao Zhi's words were finished, Xiao Xue laughed while holding Xiao Zhi's mouth and said, "Please don't say it."

The snowy hour when the westerners were together

The happiest time is also her dark history. _!

Chapter 10: The Once of Xiaoxue and Xiaozhi (Tomorrow is the last [-] updates)

Xiaoxue was a very fat girl when she was a child, so many people in the class didn't like to play with her, which made her school life very lonely, until one day a boy came.

"This is Xiao Zhi, the new classmates hope everyone can get along well."

"I'm Ash, don't look for me if I'm busy"

Xiaoxue still remembers the look in Xiaozhi's eyes that could scare children to tears when he first saw Xiaozhi.The idea in Xiaoxue's mind at that time was also very simple.

'he.I'm afraid I'll be isolated just like me::"

In fact, just as Koyuki thought.Small

Zhi didn't listen to it in class, but buried herself in writing something, but the teacher didn't care. (Many years later, it was confirmed that the teacher did not dare to care, Xiaozhi wrote the reasoning process of the prescription, these ideas are invaluable)

Two isolated people appear in a class.In addition to still being isolated then it is possible to play - together.And Xiaoxue also became curious about Xiaozhi, who has been writing things, until one day Xiaoxue secretly followed Xiaozhi during her lunch break.

"Old lady's fate. Lucky egg lost her temper again meow!"


"It's the way you hold it wrong? 3 Forget it, let me hold it. You go get the milk

Come.Pichu, bring some red fruit ___. "

Then Xiaoxue saw Xiaozhi, who had been giving a bad feeling to get along with in the class, and comforting this lucky egg with a helpless face, while a talking Miaomiao beside him was hot. Milk, and a Pichu is constantly searching for the fruit on the shed.

Miaomiao, who was hot milk, saw Xiaoxue and said involuntarily, "Old lady. Somebody is there""

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw that it was Xiaoxue, the chubby little girl who was isolated in the class and couldn't help but say. "Is it Xiaoxue? Is there something wrong?"

"Xiao Zhi, who are you?"


Chi looked at Lucky Egg who was still crying in his arms and said helplessly, "This little guy is too clingy to me. So:"

"good luck!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhi actually stopped coaxing himself. Lucky egg didn't cry anymore, directly puffed up his little face and called Xiao Zhi's face seriously. "Good luck good luck!"

Miaomiao listened. The back-face said speechlessly, "What do you mean, it's enough not to let Xiaozhi's father look at me. It's enough to cooperate with you, this little bitch is just sticking to the old lady!"

When I found myself exposed, I immediately jumped to Xiaozhi's face and hugged him tightly. And Xiaozhi was struggling, and said, "Stop the good luck note.

, the stone on your stomach is too stubborn 1. Meow Meow Pichu help me.The little guy rebelled! "

."Skin!" (I'm coming 1

"Little one, let go of the old lady, meow!"

And how could the lucky egg listen to meow.The little guy hugged his favorite Ash's father's face tightly and kept rubbing against it, while the round stone in Lucky Egg's belly was madly resting on Ash's face.

"Ah ah ah. Xiaoxue, you can help me too" Lucky Egg's stone is too sullen! "

"Good luck!" Hearing that, Xiao Zhi actually asked Xiao Xue to help.good luck egg

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