"Roar?"_ (What's the matter 2)

Xiao Zhi was a little speechless when he looked at the giant who was obviously composed of the Rockets stacked Arhats, and felt that everyone now needs to look at their eyes.

When Xiao Zhi was speechless.The narrator also finished introducing Xiaogang.

"Then the next players are... oh! It's our P 1 Grand Prix sponsor, Continental Hotel's chief boss, Mr. Xiao & Chi, and his hot monkey L

Thank you very much for the support of Continental Hotel for the P1 Grand Prix L_”

Ash was stunned at the time. JP1 Grand Prix was sponsored by himself?. Just when Ash was stunned, Pikachu took out a list. And Miao Miao also whispered I∠ "" Boss, you forgot, this Grand Prix It is indeed our support, and it is also to find good seedlings for the security department, meow. "

"Oh, I remembered it, because this sponsorship fee didn't even come with a fraction of my pocket money, so I didn't remember much.

Then Xiao Zhi and Hot Monkey also appeared, and due to the introduction of the narrator before, Xiao Zhi was welcomed by the hot list as soon as he came out.

After all, here are the people who love fighting.They are still very grateful to those who can sponsor the P1 fighting competition.

And Musashi and the others were speechless when they looked at Xiao Zhi, but they still remembered the scene of the hot monkey beating people, which is not something that Sawarang can bear.

Governing Tibet. "Damn, the kid is actually here, it seems we need to make some preparations. (0s3,

Meow meow, "Agree meow.."_

Kojiro, "I said, can you change positions for 2?."

Dividing Line - One

"The first game" by the hot monkey against the arm force"

Looking at the arm strength on the opposite side, Xiaozhi said to Hot Monkey after observing it: "The wrist strength on the opposite side has been cultivated well. The strength is very outstanding. Let's fight by quick attack."

"Roaring Mountain"


"Upper arm strength" splitting with bare hands"."

"Wrist Strength""!"

Looking at the arm strength rushing towards the hot monkey... Ash said directly, "According to the plan!

"Roar!" _

Hot Monkey listened to Xiao Zhi's advice and did not attack directly, but kept evading the attack of the arm force by relying on his own pace.

Using Qi Gathering, his eyes were fixed on his wrist strength.

"Damn. This hot monkey is completely different from the normal hot monkey⊥"

The trainer of the wrist nine also found the difference between the hot monkey, but he couldn't do anything about it. The hot monkey of Xiaozhi is too agile. It can easily dodge the attack with the force of the arm. And the hot monkey is also catching- After a chance, a quick approach to the wrist and a punch hit his vitals

"Wrist power!"

There was a pause in the painful wrist, and after seeing the successful attack of the hot monkey, Ash shouted, _ "It's now! Crazy scratching⊥"



Although Hot Monkey's hand seems to be like a glove now, after all, he evolved from the monkey monster.It's impossible to forget the ability to scratch people, so with the mad monkey's frantic wrist-scratching, Jiu was obviously a little out of strength. And Xiao Zhi didn't stop but shouted when he saw this. "Catch him 1. Then cast on earth!"


_"It sucks⊥"

The trainer of wrist strength will know that it is over when he sees that the wrist strength does not respond or comes.And the hot monkey is - z grabbed Haoli, who couldn't open his eyes because his face was scratched, and then used the earth throw.

"Wrist strength..."_

_ ,

The huge impact made the already injured wrist completely lose physical strength, and then the wrist was unable to recover.

"Oh oh, the hot monkeys used a set of heavy rain to bring the wrist force k_ L 1_

"Kiss the hot monkey... Let's have a drink and rest first."

Seeing that Xiao Zhi prepared the drink for him, the hot monkey nodded happily. _I ⊥

Chapter [-] You just lie on the ground!

"The first game is Xiaogang's small fist and stone against Savaran, the devil of kicking!.⊥!! Then, please prepare to start the game!

Looking at Chavaran opposite Xiaogang, Xiaozhi knew that Xiaogang was miserable this time.The Chavaran that the Rockets found trained very well.


As the game begins.Xiao Quan Shi and Savaran both rushed towards each other, and Xiao Gang actually still had time to show hospitality to Aimei in the audience.

"Look at the beauty" I'm going to fight for you"

_"be careful!."


Hearing Ai Chai, Xiaogang turned around suspiciously: after turning his head, Xiaoquanshi's head grew bigger and bigger in front of his eyes.


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