"Who? Hey Pikachu!"

Pikajin looked at Miaomiaojian for a while and then:

"Pikachu ⊥_ ⊥⊥ on"

"Ah ah ah go on⊥!"

Listening to the screams of Miaomiao under the ring, Xiaozhi and his own Miaomiao looked at each other.Then, Miao Miao smiled and entered the arena.

One and one dividing the line, two and two waves.

Almost meow.Is the machine installed?


When he saw Miaomiao coming back, Musashi said to the child impatiently. And Xiaozhi's Miaomiao smiled and handed them the rumor controller and said "s"

No problem.Just wait for the right machine to be pressed ⊥ I'm going to secretly observe the kid. "

Then Xiaozhi's Miaomiao got into the ring and Pikachu returned to Xiaozhi's side and continued to watch the game.In the ring, Xiao Zhi's hot monkey and Savaran both plan to use the last move.

"Roar!" (Final - Hit ⊥)

"Sha Hushan" (exactly what I want!. )

Then Chavalan jumped up directly. And right here, Musashi pressed the switch s and then a powerful current instantly electrified Musashi and Kojiro⊥

"Ahhhh" _ 1 L!_


And just after Musashi and Kobeiro screamed, Savaran made a two-kick kick at the hot monkey, and Xiao Zhi shouted, "Go on the hot monkey. Supreme Shenglongba! !. 1_ "

"Roar",!!!" With the roar of the hot monkey, he saved his whole body and jumped up and played a unique trick created by himself and Xiaozhi. With the phantom of the dragon soaring into the sky, Savaran fell heavily on the ground. Can't get up again in the ring


"Savaran can't come back! The winner of this battle is the hot monkey! ⊥ The Supreme Shenglongba just now is so handsome⊥_ 11!!


Seeing the hot monkey carry into the competition, Xiaoxia shouted excitedly, "Amazing Mountain 11", and Xiaoxue next to Xiaoxia also hugged the six tails and said, "The hot monkey - this move really succeeded!

“1uckxL ”.. (The next one is the final⊥. )

After the game, Ash and Hot Monkey helped up Chavaran, and Chavaran also said with a smile, "Savaran!" (That move just now was so beautiful.

"Roar!" (I've practiced this trick for a long time, and I'm talking about going to beat that girl together 2)

"Shawan Mountain" (Okay, she

The old gibberish is really annoying)

After listening to Miaomiao's translation, Xiaozhi smiled and handed the two of them drinks and said 1_ "Drink something to take a breather. Wait until the beater has the strength."

"Roar" (too sweet 1)

"Shawan!"_(Thank you so much"_ )

When Musashi and Kobeiro woke up, they found that Miaomiao was lying on the side with a charred body.And Musashi also reacted when he saw this situation.That meow just now was Ash's! ,

"Damn we got scammed!"


;(You still worry about yourself")

"Shawa!" (I can finally kick you ⊥)

As Shavaran and Hot Monkey slowly approached, Musashi and Little Taro couldn't help but hug each other.

"It's better than being bored~"

Afterwards, Hot Monkey and Savaran began to beat up 5.5 Musashi, while Mian Kojiro watched dumbfoundedly.

"What's the situation 2"

Ash, who came over with Tadak, handed him a glass of water and said, "Oh, Musashi was yelling in the audience before. It was annoying for Hot Monkey and Savaran, so now they're venting themselves.

his own anger. "

"Oh, that's right! I'm here to save you, Musashi⊥"

As soon as Kojiro left Musashi, he flew straight out and stuck his head on the wall. _ while Hot Monkey and Chavaran kept their punches and kicks.

"Roar!" .

"Shawa Mountain" (comfortable!_ )_!

Chapter 9 Depth Level [-]!

Because Chavaran's loanee didn't know where he was tied.Therefore, Xiaozhi decided to wait and send Shavalan back. For Xiaozhi's help, Shavalan also expressed his gratitude and handed Xiaozhi two business cards.It was only after Ash read it that he realized that the company that Chavaran cooperated with was his own.”

_"Hahaha. What a surprise. I didn't expect it to be a fighter elf who signed a contract with our company⊥."

"Shawa Mountain." (I didn't expect it to be like this, thank you for providing us with a training platform)

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