Eat rice so help the boss to take care of and grow herbs in the Latin American. "

When Xiaoxia heard this, she looked at Xiaozhi, who had already started to demolish the dam, and asked with some doubts.

"Does that have anything to do with Ash's runaway?"

"That ribbon was given to Xiao Zhi by Lin. It was the first gift Xiao Zhi received from her peers, so Xiao Zhi cherished it very much. Once someone said that he was old, this is the consequence.

At this time, Xiaoxue took another look outside. The dam had been completely demolished by Xiaozhi, and the ground under the dam had also collapsed. What the gophers said was correct, and the consequences of making the dam work would be unimaginable.


Looking at the soft and collapsed land under the dam, you can understand that what Xiaoxue said before was right.

"It turns out that this is the case. The real problem is us."

Seeing the foreman kneeling on the ground in pain, Xiao Mao hurriedly shouted, "Idiot!. Xiao Zhi has locked you in 1 hurry up _"

But when he heard Xiao Mao's system foreman, he realized that Xiao Zhi had already charged at him with a knife.Ask for flowers:

"Cut him to death 1⊥1!"

"Wow, vomit, go. 1. ⊥ Help!! ⊥ Can anyone stop this monster 1_ !

Meow Meow looked at the foreman and shouted, "It's okay" this state is the most; one hour! 1 As long as you live for an hour, you'll be fine Meow!."

"Help me ⊥⊥⊥⊥"

In the end the farce ended with the foreman hiding in the field with the help of the gophers for an hour.

Two-one dividing line --

"Well, the hot spring is good, it seems that there is time to come more in the future."

"That Xiaozhi, is it appropriate for us to occupy such a large hot spring?"

Feeling a little embarrassed around Xiaoxue in the bath.And Xiaoxia has buried her whole body in the hot spring

Don't dare to look at Xiao Zhi, after all, there are only three of them in the hot spring, and Xiao Zhi's upper body is not wrapped in the bath_

"It's alright, isn't Xiao Mao also soaking in another hot spring with his girlfriends? Let's talk about it. It's okay to enjoy some privileges in my hot spring.

Saying that, Xiaozhi embraced Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue

"As long as you have a good rest now, it's a rare time to rest."

Xiaoxue and Xiaoxia were still a little shy when they were hugged by Xiaozhi, but when they thought that the relationship had been established, they didn't say anything else and leaned against Xiaozhi's shoulders.

Xiaoxue, _"

Then take a little break. "

Xiaoxia. _ "Don't do weird things."

On the other side, Miaomiao and the others are also soaking in gentleness.Arbor was talking to Da Duck about the fire dinosaur putting his tail outside and soaking his body in hot water, Jenny Turtle and Frog Seed were playing with water, and Pikachu was drinking tomato juice while soaking in the hot spring.Miaomiao was chatting with Taijibee about the slashes that Ash made when he ran away today.Chirulian is trying to go to Xiaozhi's side, Geely Egg is considered a hot spring egg for Xiaozhi to eat, and the hot monkey and the giant fast dragon are enjoying it comfortably.Xiaomao was also happily soaking in the hot spring with his girlfriends. The only unlucky one was Xiaogang.

Because of this stuff - shouting mixed baths.As a result, he was arrested by other customers who complained about the hot springs.Now in the midst of a happy back rub with a bunch of muscular bros.

"I knew I wouldn't be shouting so loudly. Why are they all anal in the back of me? Help, Shan⊥⊥⊥⊥"

Well..he deserves..long-"

Chapter [-] It's great that the hot springs are their own

"What a quiet night. :"

Lying in bed looking at the night sky.Xiaoxue couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and Xiaozhi also said; "Yeah, this kind of quiet night is really good. My King Nido and Fork Bat, they all like this kind of time when their eyes are full:."

"Well, although the moonlight is really beautiful, is it okay for the three of us to sleep together?!"

Xiaoxia, who was lying on Xiaozhi's arm, said the current state of the three of them. The three were lying together and Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue were resting on Xiaozhi's arm.

"It's okay" Jiu San Tu. No one expected that there are so many people coming today and it's a wasteland

There is also no place to rest in Ling.In the spirit of humanitarianism, I broke the money and let them rest first. "

Seeing Xiaozhi Xiaoxia speaking so righteously, she said speechlessly: "I think you are just trying to take advantage of me and Xiaoxue.

"You're so smart, so good night my little Mermaid and little fat girl."

"Didn't you say not to mention fat?"

"It's all the same in my eyes, hurry up and go to sleep. I'll go to the light red gym tomorrow. I'll be ready at that time. That guy Aju is probably going to sell Lingya again:"

When Xiaoxue heard this, her hand slightly touched Xiaozhi's waist.

Soft meat said 1_ "What's the situation with this Aya girl?"

"Tomorrow you will know, go to bed now, good night..."

I felt Xiaozhi hug Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue slightly and then fell asleep together in Xiaozhi's arms.

Early the next morning, Xiao Zhi and the others were in a good mood and ready to set off.

"Then Ash. I'll go first. Don't be too slow."

"You are Xiao Mao. Don't forget the surrounding scenery just because you are patronizing Kuaan. It's better to spend more time with those around you."

"Understood. By the way, what's wrong with the pervert

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