"Well done Flying Mantis. Just wait, you will be able to evolve soon

While talking about Xiaozhi, he carefully helped I Flying Mantis wipe his scythe and Flying Mantis nodded after hearing the evolution that Xiaozhi said, although he can evolve without relying on metal coating, but using a good metal coating. There is still a difference between layer evolution and not using it.As Ash's old friend.Of course Ash will give them the best

This small wisdom day can hope that those who accept the commission will find some of the best metal outer layers of natural materials.After all, compared to man-made items, those natural existences can better help their Pokémon. For this reason, Xiao Zhi even asked the Continental Hotel to price 0 Alliance Coins to buy natural special items.

However, it's not that Xiao Zhi doesn't work hard, but that special props that are natural and made of good materials are indeed hard to find.The most famous thing that Sakagi's Rockets can get is the artificial ones. Dago may be able to find some L when digging stones, but the material is not good.However, Xiaozhi recently heard that there is a place that seems to have a natural metal coating, and it is even the most advanced, so it is small.

Zhi has already spoken in the Tailu Hotel.Everyone in the branch he got his hands on has magic candies and bonuses.Anyway, a group of employees of the Continental Hotel headed by J are rushing there aggressively.

At this moment, a group of Duduli ran past L-headed one-one boy sitting on the Duduli. After seeing this guy, Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis and Little Fire Horse all took on fighting stances. .

"Who am I talking about. Isn't this Xiao Zhi?. You are the only guy who will beat up the Kentaros with the flying mantis."

"Go Dolly, why do you want to start War Eagle 2"

Look at Ash's $day

The mantis is already a little fire horse, and Duli went to the queen to withdraw Lanxia, ​​but he knew the fighting power of this Western Pokémon.grumble

"Cut, I'm not a violent madman like you," I was just wondering who could actually be like this, no wonder you came today. "

After seeing the two ribbons on Xiaozhi's arm, I understood the situation when I went to Duli.

"Humph, I have to say that you three violent elements are quite a match."

"Thank you, in fact, I also think so _ we are very likely to go to wives." "

"I'm not complimenting you! Just watch how I beat your woman in this race.

let's go"

I heard Dulliff say that. _Xiao Zhi smiled and patted the little fire horse and said, "Oh, sorry, this year's race, I am the one! I will let you know what a job is called technology with my little fire horse."


Looking at Xiaozhi's little fire Madulifu, he almost laughed out loud.

"Hahaha L, just your little fire horse with the wrong flame color?. Obviously malnourished⊥ Well, I won't waste time with you!. Go 7⊥". (acai

. Then accompanied by a ___ road of smoke Dulifu rode Duduli and left.And Xiaozhi watched as Dolly went to leave

Xiangqie comforted the little fire horse and said, "It's okay, little fire horse, although your flame is light in color, it is definitely warm enough, they just don't know how to appreciate it."

The color of the flame of Xiaozhi's little fire horse is indeed a little light as Du Ligo said. Even Xiaozhi has used a famous method to successfully change this, but Xiaozhi is not flattening this. Anyway, his little fire The horse is strong enough.The color of the flame is not so important.


Xiaohuo Ma rubs ~ rub Xiaozhi, it was once excluded by the ethnic group because of its color and was adopted by Xiaozhi, until now it has become one of the little fire horses

The one who can carry it the most, of course he understands that Xiaozhi doesn't care about these, but he doesn't like others to belittle Xiaozhi because of the color of his flame.Because he knows that Xiao Zhi has been helping him change this with medicated food, he does not allow others to slander Xiao Zhi.

One - dividing line -- .

"Didn't the 1 over there see the sign saying that you can't steal my herbs?


Seeing the little Ladas who were running away, Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly. These little Ladas would choose.He was still staring at his own medicine.

And just then a huge Lada jumped out, carrying

Some fruits are handed to Ash.

"I said Radha, you should understand the preciousness of my herbs. It's not that I don't let you eat them, but many of them are used to save lives. The medicine I used to treat you was made of these herbs."

"Rada.."_ (sorry)

"Meow. To be honest, Lada, you should control your subordinates. It's good enough to be angry."

Miaomiao looked at Lada a little helplessly.He understands that Lada's ethnic group is very large and difficult to manage, and there are always new born little Ladas to steal food.

"Lada. Lada Lada Lada." (No way,. I

The Lada family gave birth faster, and the little Lada came over after smelling the fragrance.I've said it countless times. )

After listening to Miaomiao's translation, Xiaozhi said helplessly, "Then I can only add some insurance measures." I will cause you trouble)

"Forget it, you can help protect Fuzi and the others when the time comes."

"Rada!." (Relax. Our front teeth won't let you down.)_two!. (chao.

Chapter [-] Hit me to death!

The leader of the Lada clan was once rescued by Xiaozhi, so he still cares about Xiaozhi, the savior, and he has always prevented his descendants from sometimes stealing Xiaozhi's medicinal materials.In addition, he also organized the Lada ethnic group to help guard the medicinal materials, but he couldn't bear the new born little Lada's ignorance.Xiaozhi's medicinal herbs actually give out some to the Ladas every year in order to thank Lada for helping to protect the medicinal materials, Fuzi and Lindis. But when the little Ladas eat it secretly, it is Lada. their share. e

For this Rada knows that all I have always had to educate younger generations.However, Ladama_ reproduces faster

. So it's still a little troublesome.

night.While eating dinner, Xiao Zhi was talking about adding protection to the medicinal materials, and suddenly someone ran and said, "Fuzi, your Kentaro is shocked⊥"


When I heard that Kentaro was shocked, Ash and Lindis were the first to react, and Fuzi said with some surprise: _"Kentaro is shocked? Let's go and see~!"

Then a group of flying mantises and little fire horses surrounded Xiao Zhi and they came to the cattle pen of Fuzi's house.When I saw the second gang of flying mantis and little fire horse, the three people who were hired by Duli to make trouble

It was trembling.How come there are so many Flying Mantises and Little Fire Horses? L and then when they saw Ash - there was a glint in their eyes.

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