"Nidolina you too!"


Dully went and the Rockets were really surprised this time, because these trainers actually have their own way, and Ash is even more

It's about talking to Little Fire Horse_ "It's just an explosion, Little Fire Horse jumps over!"


With the little fire horse - jump up.The color of his flame has actually changed. What was originally a light red turned into a deep dark blue.


Seeing the flame of the little fire horse, Xiaozhi suddenly understood, "I see. Why is the little horse's eyes always shallow. It turns out... it turns out that his little fire horse is a shining Pokémon that is unique in a thousand miles."

"Hahaha⊥. So it's no wonder that you can't make your flames brighter all the time. It turns out that you are really a little fire horse.

The real flame is the blue mountain, it's very handsome."


The little fire horse also understood after seeing the deep blue flame on his body.A jump that he had just excited awakened his true flame.Its own flame is a deep blue.I am my own master Xiao Zhi said that countless people are unattainable_Shining Elf!

"Oh my God ⊥⊥ Ash's little fire horse is actually a legendary flash Pokémon! No wonder the flame color of Xiao Zhi's training is so good but the color is very light. The real color of the flame of Xiao Zhi's little fire horse is blue. That deep blue is a good proof of the cultivation of Xiaozhi!"

"Oh oh oh oh!_ l⊥⊥!" NL

The appearance of the strange-colored little fire horse instantly made the entire auditorium boil. After all, the little fire horse with blue flames is so beautiful.Dooligo, who was following behind Ash, said unhappily, "Che, isn't it a flash Pokémon? What's the fuss about.

"You still have work to complain?"

"What do you mean?"

"My Jenny Turtle is faster than you! Little Fire Horse is speeding up"


Originally, I didn't understand Xiao Zhi's meaning when I went to Dolly, but

It was when he saw that the jellyfish actually went downhill by indenting its shell as a skateboard, and he understood why Ash said that.

"It's impossible to get on the rock. Why is it so smooth?"

"Pickup!" (Fool!)

Dully would never have imagined that the jenny turtle activated its defensive ability after indenting its shell.There is a protective layer of flowing water outside his shell.two

Chapter [-] Hunter x

Dully is very uncomfortable now, because he found out that he has always underestimated everyone! Although the Rockets' previous troubles were very successful, the players in this competition are all Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!. That one hit Nidolina's buttocks Kentaro is still hanging Nidolina and Nidolino running wildly, Nidolina and Nidolino- : I can't get tired of chasing with all my strength. L. And that The iron armored rhino is so terrifying when it runs wildly!

"Damn it!"

"Dully, you finally found out? It's better to be good than to play small tricks.

Think of some ways to play well.Just like Ash's Jackie Turtle knows how to use a rocket head ⊥."

The trainer who rode the armored rhino said softly as he asked Dolly to go.

"The honorary trainer obtained by small means is a stain"

The trainer riding the Lada also said something.

"Damn 1 you can say that now, don't forget that the front is the river pass! Your iron armored rhino can't stand on the stone at all! And that big rock snake over there! You also give up!"

After taunting, Duduli started to speed up and as he said before

It is indeed a river pass.Xiao Zhi's little fire horse is running on the stone road on the river with ease, and with him is Kirulian riding a caty dog, the jenny turtle is much more relaxed, after all, he can swim. ,

Duduli of Dulifu kept jumping on the stone road.At the same time, he did not forget to mock the _-under the armored rhinoceros and the Taiyan snake.

"Hahaha! You two heavyweights just quit now~⊥_ !"

Looking at Duli's complacent appearance, Xiaogang mouth fish tilted up and then shouted, "Taiyan snake rolls!"


With Taiyan Snake

- roaring, it actually formed a circle end to end and then directly began to roll forward like a wheel.


Dooligo now feels like the whole world is against him.But it's not over yet.The trainer of the armored rhino also shouted: _"Go on, the armored rhino jumps up"!!!"

"On the Iron Armor⊥⊥"

Then the armored rhino jumped directly onto the stone, and at the same time continued to jump forward before the stone sank.

Dolly went to feel the malicious karma from the world

"Oops" this year's Dazhai is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Every family has their own unique stunts, such as the rocket head hammer of the jenny turtle player and the rolling of the Taiyan snake.Tieli's rhino's jump! It's amazing. "Oh" the first echelon has reached a new level 2. This level is to fill the stomach.After eating the feed, I instinctively move on, by the way. Thanks to Xiaozhi's company for the high-grade Pokémon ingredients _"

When he heard the commentary, Xiao Zhi curled his lips, but it was impossible to tell him that he was afraid that the taste of the game feed would not match the taste of his Pokémon.

At this time, the little fire horse was quietly eating the feed in front of him.Xiao Zhi looked at the deep blue flame on its body and said, "It's very beautiful.

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