Mary looked at Ash who was still smiling and didn't know what to say.__: [-]

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four The Hunter Who Was Anti-Hunted

Looking at Xiao Zhi, who was eating cake and drinking coffee with Pikajin Meow Meow Geely Egg Bidiao in front of him.It was really difficult for Mary to associate him with the boss of the Tailu Hotel.Xiaozhi is too young

And Xiaozhi saw that Mary didn't know what to say, and understood that she was another person who was surprised by her identity.

"Well, I didn't expect your age to be so

"Don't be fooled by age. Everyone has their own areas of expertise, and I'm just good at making money."

"'You don't say you're better at carrying

Of course there will be no fools to take down the stage at this time, and Mary

He nodded knowingly.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

At this moment, the alarm sounded, Xiao Zhi's Meow looked at Xiao Zhi and said 1_ "Boss, they are here."

"Okay. Tell everyone to get ready. Sister Junsha, go and wake up Lin and the others. Abo blames you for going with Sister Junsha." 06

"Cha Arbor"

The Arber monster suddenly sprang out from behind Xiaozhi and scared Mary and Xiao Dai Er-jump. Jun Sha said to Arber monster, "Come with me s

After Junsha and Aberguai left, Ash looked at Kojiro and asked, "The traps on your side are fine.


Kojiro resisted a Rocket and said confidently, "Don't worry. We originally planned to use it to steal the sack of dragons, but this time just to let those hunters who are tired of it know how good it is." Come.Bi Diao, you are responsible for protecting the two reporters.

I just drank bitter coffee." Bie Diao nodded, and then his sharp eagle eyes stared at Mary and Xiao Dai.

"Well, we can protect ourselves.

"This time is different. The opponents are people from the hunter organization. They are not easy to deal with, probably..."__

Thinking of being hunted by myself

Ren x Xiaozhi doesn't know that the hunter organization is considered strong

"Pickup ⊥" (come ⊥. )

Pi Changjin thought about the sky and pointed to the sky, and Xiao Zhi and the others also saw a huge spaceship flying over the reserve.

"Attention to all units.. Watch our signal action!"

"Understand" N

And in the huge spaceship in the sky. Hunter Y is watching the news of Hunter X's arrest.

"Ha, got caught by Latin Americans? It's really shameful."

"Boss. We have reached the sky above the sack of dragons⊥"


very good”

Looking at the number of famous sack dragons and porcelain hunter Y under the spacecraft, he smiled.

"Start to catch leeks, use anesthesia bombs and capture nets!"


As the spacecraft began to descend slowly, Xiao Zhi and Gongan Lang carried up the bazooka and aimed at the aircraft.


With the violent explosion, Hunter Y's flying boat shook violently, while Hunter Y roared at his subordinates, "What's the situation 2.!"

"Boss! Someone is attacking!"

"What? Damn it!, then force the thong dragon to be caught with a net!"

"Yes!" Touch L

As Hunter Y's spaceship shot out countless nets, the Thysokines were trapped inside, and soon there was a problem when the spaceship began to ascend. _ The spaceship can't rise.

"Boss! The bag dragons are overweight!"

"What?_!. Overweight 2 Are you kidding me?!"

Hunter Y didn't know that these sack dragons could be mixed with a bunch of mechanical sack dragons. .When Ash saw the hunter's spaceship being restrained, he immediately launched with Kojiro.

fireworks.As huge fireworks light up the sky. The capture operation begins.

"Yes Signal 1. Action!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Accompanied by countless flares flying into the sky.The Pokémon in the entire Wild Pokémon Sanctuary immediately started rioting and rushed towards Hunter Y's spaceship together.Under the leadership of the mechanical bag dragon, the noodle dragons began to pull Hunter Y's spaceship and ran towards the wild magic treasures.

"Someone created chaos on the granny Wild Pokémon riot⊥"

."I saw"Damn everyone ready to fight!"

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