When A and the others were carried away, A looked at Xiao Zhi with a pale smile and said, "Our wife will come to you. Tairen is different from me. You will definitely regret offending the hunter organization." ."

. "Oh, so loyal. So goodbye A, Pi L is a goodbye e_


After being carried away, Aber Snake asked, "How long did the onset of the chronic toxin mixed in the solution take?"

"Abo! ."

I saw Aber Snake scratched a 10 on the ground.

"Sister Junsha, you have 10 days. After that, A must die."

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Jun Sha nodded. 10 days is enough time. As for the dead A. For such dangerous elements, their Junsha family will turn a blind eye later. After all, sometimes . The wicked need the wicked to grind. _: two

Chapter [-] Hunting Zone

"We will edit and report on this incident, and we will also modify everyone's faces and names. Thank you for accepting my interview."

After the hunter organized the attack event.Mary and Xiao Dai are also leaving.After all, this time the interview was too news.

"Well, please edit us to be more beautiful, I don't want to be on camera when we don't look good."

"Do not worry,

Ba. I can still guarantee this.And a small car:.”


Mary suddenly hugged Ash, causing Xiaogang and Shanaido to fall into a trap.


"You have to do your best. I'm very optimistic about you."

Then Mary took off the wine [-]: turned around and left with Xiao Zang.And Xiao Ze looked at the direction of Mary's departure and then saw Xiao Zhi immediately rushed to Zhi and grabbed Xiao Zhi's hand and said, "Xiao Zhi! Teach me, lead big sister!"


Lin Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue knew that Mary might be like this because what Miaomiao said before about Xiaozhi made Mary feel sorry for Xiaozhi.So I didn't feel anything.

On the other side, Xiao Dai is asking Mary with a funny smile, "I can't see it.

Come on, Mary, so you like "1!" younger than yourself

"No! I just feel sorry for Xiao Zhi."

"Indeed.: There are so many conspiracies and darkness behind the glamorous-"

Mary nodded when she heard Xiao Dai's words. Then she looked in the direction where Xiao Zhi and the others were leaving and said, "I feel that we will meet again in the future. Then we must ask Xiao Zhi for an exclusive interview!" While in Cao Congli, the three fathers of the Rockets burst into tears.

"Woooooo! Invite to burn, meow!"


"Yeah" Compared with him, I'm so much happier! Woohoo, if my parents give it, I'll look for it more:"

06 7

When Kojiro said this, Zhanpin covered his mouth.Mianmiao and Musashi didn't find out.

"I'm okay, the only trouble is that my mom makes me cheer myself up" but compared to the situation with the kid:."

The three looked at each other and continued to cry.

"We are literally living in heaven ah ah ah"

two-one dividing line two-two

With the progress of Xiao Zhi and his party.them

Finally came to the Wild Hunt.And Xiaozhi looked at the Wild Hunt zone and couldn't help but said: The Wild Hunt zone is ahead, I don't know if I can meet fate in it.

Xiaoxue hugged her six tails and looked at Xiaozhi's Duck Duck, and couldn't help but laugh and said, "Elf with fate, so Duck Duck counts as well?"

Xiao Zhi touched the head of Duck Duck behind him.Some helplessly said. "Forget it, of course, or this kid wouldn't have gotten into my ball by himself: forget it. Go see Uncle Caesar."

When Xiao Zhi and the others pushed the door open.Administrator Caesar's frown was widened when he saw that it was Ash.

"2 "It turned out to be Xiao Zhi, and he came to the hunting zone again: Are you looking for a Pokémon that is destined?"

"Well, let's see if we can meet them, so the teacher brought them something to eat."

Just as the two were talking.The dragon in Ash's Overweight Ball came out.He kept looking around and then locked in a direction, and seeing Xiaozhi like Kuailong looked at Caesar e

"Well, it seems that the dragon has found it, Uncle Caesar:"

Caesar looked at Xiao Zhi and said with a smile, "If it's Xiao Zhi, you will be the fastest dragon."

Seeing Uncle Caesar say this, Xiaozhi looked a little anxious.

Fast dragon servant.

"Go ahead as you think."


Then Kuailong quickly left the hut and thought about walking into the depths of the hunting area, and Xiaoxia and the others couldn't help but be a little curious when they watched Kuailong behave like this.

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