"He said that their parents told them when they were born that they must run when Absolu calls the police, because Absolu is always right."

"Lotus leaf! Lotus leaf!"

Seeing that Miaomiao helped him translate the lotus leaf boy, he nodded happily, while his trainer was silent, and like him, there were the villagers.god

Pokémon can hardly deceive except evil and pranksters. They already understand that what Ash said is right.

"Ha, I didn't see it, so according to your own words, you are bastards. Bye bastards, by the way, Absol said that there will be a mountain collapse soon. Please listen to the advice and take protective measures. Otherwise, it was you who did it yourself, go everyone, let's go to dinner, go to Absolu, the warning on your side is over, let's go to dinner."

"Ming..." (Okay) After getting off, he followed Xiao Zhi and the others, just like Xiao Zhi said, he had already warned humans.Ashiya, get ready.now and little

Tomoji - let's eat something.

And after that, there was another Absol by Ash's side.And under the joint statement of everyone, the Absol family was rectified. They are no longer the representatives of disasters, but the heroes who save human beings and elves.

"Look Meow Meow, I said that you are a real hero like Absol, and it is because of you that they can understand Pokémon more clearly. Communication is very important."

In Ash's villa in the Hoenn area.Ash and his Pokémon and a bunch of hyenas are watching TV, and it's the Bo-ten for Absol.

Rightful news.

"Pickup!" (It's really convenient to be able to communicate)

"Good luck!" (If only I could communicate directly with Ash's dad L_

"Oh, this is something you can't envy, ah ha ha ha!"

Look at Meow Meow's proud look.Absolu, who was lying next to Ash, smiled, after all, what Miaomiao said was the truth.

"Woo"_ (This time, we Absolu really want to thank Meow Meow)

Just as Xiao Zhi and the others were watching TV together, Xiao Zhi's communicator rang. And it was Li Lin who contacted Xiao Zhi.

"Sister, what are you looking for from me?"

"Xiao Zhi, I want to play doubles here, can you come?"

"Doubles, okay" just let the coyotes learn some experience, and so on!

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the coyote and Absolu and smiled. That kind of smile was obviously trying to do something.

"Sister, I suddenly thought of a good idea."


Since then, there has been a storm among the evil-type trainers. The alpha wolf of the blood rain was born, and the strongest evil-type Pokémon of the alpha wolf is Absol, who was once called a disaster beast and is now called a hero.

Lu. That Absol is me.

This is my story. The story of a former calamity L. Now the only thing I want to do is follow Ash_Follow the man who has always believed in us It won't stop until the end of the world

Chapter [-] Meow Meow: Hero?No, I'm just a housekeeper and a Pokémon for the boss

I am a meow.A very ordinary magical treasure see.._

I was abandoned after I was born, but thinking about it, who would want to keep two meows?

After being abandoned I can only live on my own.But how could it be possible for me to live alone with a meow that has not been taught survival skills, so my life was very difficult until one day I heard that there is delicious food in Hollywood, my fate changed.

I still got caught and beaten when I first came to Hollywood, and it wasn't until I joined a local gang of Cat Granny and Meow Meow that I could finally get enough. And they

Also taught me a lot.And in this case I met a cat that changed my life, Madonna.

At that time, I fell in love with Madonna the first time I saw her.But unlike wild cats like me, Madonna has her own master and looks like a rich woman.But I also heard Madonna say I wish I was human.

But that's just my wishful thinking.I learned to walk for Madonna, but was ridiculed that I was just learning to walk and that I was different from humans. Later, I learned to speak, but I was mocked again. She said that Miaomiao, who can speak human words, is disgusting, my heart _ was bruised.that day i

I was going to leave Hollywood and become a bad guy after stealing one last time, but how could I run fast with my legs.. I got caught again.Then it was beaten. .and when I was beaten.Here comes the man who really changed my life.

"Uncle Tai. Let me pay for his fish money"~. "

I was rescued.He was stunned when he found out that I could talk, but soon hoped that I could be his Pokémon pair. It was a miracle for me at the time.

After that, I became the old lady's Pokémon" Xi I also became the bridge between the boss and his Pokémon. And I have never forgotten the old man

Big words.

"Meow, don't you know? How precious is it that you can speak?" With this ability, you are a hero! "

"Ah? Can I be a hero? Impossible, old lady. I'm just a meow..."

"Don't be arrogant. You need communication between people, communication between Pokémon and Pokémon, and communication between people and Pokémon. You can be the communication between me and Pikachu and the others. Bridge L, you are also a hero who can solve the dispute between Renlou and Pokémon!"

With the old lady holding my shoulders, I looked at the old man

The seriousness in Tai's eyes was a little stunned.

"Can I really?"

"It's because you can talk meow! Because this is the ability you have acquired by virtue of your own training. This is an opportunity you won by your own efforts."

Is it? It turns out that my learning to speak is not in vain. It's definitely possible. The old lady believes in me so much... It turns out that _ I can be valued by others. This _ feeling... It's really good.. ___

After that, I really became the old lady's hero.Help many doctors communicate with Pokémon, solve human through translation

Disagreement with Pokémon due to communication.It even helped the Abojianlu family to rectify their names.

I really became a hero as the boss said. Maybe some people will wonder if I am not like a tool? If there is such a person, I will definitely slap him in the face! The old lady will never end) will take me As a tool, in his eyes, he and I are equal, partners.is a friend" Although in my eyes, the boss is my master.Of course, it's not that I'm conceited but I really think so. Because it's because of the old lady that I can be a hero.

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