"1uckx!" (There is no __

Seeing the jealous look of Geely Egg, Xiao Zhi smiled and touched its head and said, "Okay, okay, Geely Egg is different. I raised you from an egg."

"1uckyL" (I like Ash's father the most")

Hearing that Xiao Zhi is so lucky

Li Dan hugged Xiao Zhi happily.And Xiao Zhi, who was hugged, said with a smile, "I'm already a big kid, and I still love to act like a spoiled child."

Xiaoxue looked at Geely Egg's coquettish look and smiled at Lin.They all know how much Ash's auspicious egg sticks to Ash when he's still a lucky egg.

And Xiaoxia looked at Geely Egg and said with a smile, "Geely Egg really likes Xiao Zhi."

"Isn't that of course, I brought Geely eggs with me, but Geely eggs are almost done. I'm going to start making jam here."

"1uckyL" (Let me __ hug Xiaozhi's father again".


"Meow, boss, if she wants to hug her for a while, come on."

"Pikapi!" (Daddy wants to comfort the big baby)

"Drinking" (when do we have dinner 2 work),

Chapter [-] Pikachu Clan

"Let me tell you, nutrition is important, but if it doesn't taste good, it's useless if it's not attractive to patients."

While talking, Xiao Zhi sprinkled special spices into the jam made from fruits and began to stir, and the rich sweet smell began to spread continuously.

As a Pokémon breeder, Xiaoxue smelled the scent a little and said, "This smell is easy to attract Pokémon.

"That's right, so I rarely do this in the wild. After all, it's easy to attract a bunch of wild magic treasures. That's how I know those old friends in the back mountain of my home."

The mouth of the mouth ___ Bitter seasoning looks at the side of the condiment and waits, "Ba Liutu" "The boss is the best 1) Chi kept adding the condiments, when making jam, Xiao Chi and his nose. The grass is driven by After a while, a bunch of them stretched out in the air, sniffing their noses and saying, "These children are, skinny.

"Shh, don't scare them, look at me

Seeing these Pikachus shaking their noses wildly, Xiaozhi took out a spoon and made a spoonful of jam.Then he skipped two by one in front of the group of little noses, and the little guys who were attracted by Shun Jian had their noses straight. , these little guys aren't afraid to get out of the grass along the jam on the spoon

Chapter [-]: See Dawu Again

After successfully abducting the Pikachus to their own house, Ash and Ye's house communicated.

"Are the little purple pickups here?"

Xiao Zi in the communication nodded with a smile and said, "It's already here. Those children really like Mr. Ash and your orchard."

"That's good, just talk to the fruit farmers in the garden. You can also try to learn how to make my jam recipe. It's good to get along with Pikachu and the others."

"Don't worry, Ash. Everyone here is very nice, and my mother often goes shopping with me. Sister Nazi will teleport over here to play."

"That's good, and don't call me Ash. It sounds weird."

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Xiaozi was stunned for a moment, but then said with a smile, "Okay Xiaozhi, then on the road, little vio-" 1

"You too, although there are ghosts to protect you, you still have to pay attention to safety."

"Pickup on"

In the communication, two little Pijin jumped on Xiaozi's shoulder and greeted Xiaozhi. And Xiaozhi smiled and nodded.

"Little Pikachu, you have to be obedient. Then I will continue to travel e"

I heard Xiao Zhi say that, Xiao Zi

With a smile, he said, "I'll be waiting for you at home, Ash."

One-two dividing line --

As the two-road moved forward, Xiao Zhi and his party finally arrived at the town of Stone, and the first person who greeted Xiao Zhi and the others when they arrived at Stone Town was not Uncle Ibrahimovic: home, but a family member. The one who gave Ash a little headache.

"Xiao Zhi, you finally came to work, but I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The gray hair and the clothes that Yishe Xiaozhi has always been familiar with. The person who came was Taiwu e1, the champion of Fangyuandi District 2, and Xiaozhi could not help but ask a little speechlessly when he saw that it was Taiwu. Fifth brother, it's not me saying you are you

For the champion of the Fangyuan area, you always run to Kanto, "Is there any opinion on the Elf League over there?"

With a few words, he rushed to Xiao Zhi and said without hesitation, "Don't worry, my dear friend_ I'm on leave this time, but I specially brought what you need. Look!"

Speaking of Taiwu, he took out a Taibox and saw the Taibox Xiaozhi immediately hugged it tightly.

"Thank you so much!. Is this exactly what I need?"

"Don't worry, I made the style according to what you said, and the colors of the gemstones used are different. You can still trust the craftsmanship of our Zvoch company.

any. "

"Thank you!"

Xiaozhi carefully handed the Taibox to Miaomiao to help him put it away and said to Taiwu, "I'll give you the upgraded version of that trick later. Thank you very much this time."

"You're welcome, after all, I, too, got paid."

When Xiaoxia saw Xiaozhi's so precious box, she suddenly remembered two things and asked Xiaozhi with a narrow smile, "What makes you so nervous. Can you show me?"

Seeing Xiaoxia like this, Xiaozhi immediately stopped her and said.. "Don't make trouble. This is a very precious thing, how can you just carry it away.

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