Taiwu said so and then think about Taiwu me. .The characteristic of Boss Cordola is that he is a heavyweight, and at this level, he is absolutely able to hold the position of Dark Bandera.Chi nodded.

"Okay then please."

two-two dividing line two


When Dark Bangira wakes up it only feels two

His hands were constantly stroking his own head.and this

The pain in my hands feels much better.

"Be patient for a little while Ash is treating you."

Xiaoxue relieved the pain for Bangira by massaging and explained the current situation for her, but only after listening to the treatment of Dark Bangira did she realize that she was being pressed by a bunch of babys. And a group of people around was a The human in the white coat and the auspicious egg are doing something on themselves.

"Ban," (Yesterday 2 what happened to me 1 on

"Meow, wait for a while. The boss is treating you now. The only thing you need to do now is to settle down, meow. But if Liza hurts Xiaoxue:."

Meow Meow didn't say anything later.But in the dark, Bangira looked at the fire fear Jiu Muni fish wonderful frog seeds around him than the hot monkey too.

The Ligma wind speed dog, the great wolf dog, the needle bee, the monster, the flame black sale, and the absolu, and even the fast dragon, all looked at themselves with all their eyes.Ann knew that if she really hurt the girl who relieved her pain, she would die miserably.


Nodding obediently, Dark Bandera said that he was completely obedient, and when Black Kneeling Bandera was stared at by the second pusher with 2 tries.Xiao Zhi is helping him deal with the wound.


Yeah so I don't like dealing with the wounds of rock and steel pokémon.Special medication is also required. "

IuwkeL" (also required

can't hurt their shell 2. It's a hands-on nightmare [-]

And with Xiaozhi and Geely eggs, it seems that

Their conversations were different, the two of them had a relaxed conversation with Yuqi, and the baby didn't even leave his eyes when he moved his hair.Because this time the dark Bangira is very special, two

If you are not careful, it can lead to the dark Bangira because of the power of the dark ball, so now Ash and Gilly Egg are not only healing but also saving lives.

On the side of Mian Dazai, he and Boscordola have already stood on a set.Because Xiaozhi called out all the Qibaojian who could help when Xiaoxue was busy, and ensured that the dark Bangira would have a physical therapy.

"I don't know what to say about him. But this kind of Taoshen's character is also very good, isn't it?"

Tai said and patted Boss Cordola next to him.And Boss Cordola also nodded, and it also liked Ash, a friend of his own trainer, because he could feel that Ash really likes these Pokémon from the bottom of his heart.

Chapter [-] The Ring Sent

- "Preliminary treatment completed. Shaoneduo Geli Egg heals fluctuations."

"Sana⊥." (Look at me dear)

"uckx!" (Don't call __Xiaozhi's dad dear". )

With the two healing fluctuations, Dark Bangira's body finally recovered, and with the help of Xiaoxue, Dark Bangira has been freed from the influence of the dark ball and completely calmed down. Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia shouted, "Class L!"

"It says thank you old lady for your help

"Don't be too happy

. .The impact of that ball is deep on you. Now if you want to hold on to your life, give it a follow-up treatment. "

Dark Bangira nodded, and then called out to Xiaoxue again.

After hearing this, Miao Miao looked at Bangira and translated, "It said that it wants to be Xiaoxue's Pokémon, boss, your Pokémon are all strong, so she doesn't worry, but Xiaoxue doesn't seem to be protected enough. look."

"Is that so, what do you think, Xiaoxue?"

After being asked by Xiaozhi, he looked at the dark and calm eyes when Bangira looked at him. Xue nodded and took out the baby ball.


Well, then"

"Wait, Bangira's current condition is still using the healing ball, here it is."

Although I'm glad that Xiaoxue has a strong partner, but for the sake of Bangira's body, Xiaozhi took out the healing ball and saw Xiaozhi hand it over to Xiaoxue with a smile and then said, "Thank you, then Come on Bangira~ son."


Bangira's hand touches the healing ball and she becomes Koyuki's Pokémon without even a symbolic struggle.

"I recaptured Bangira Kong!"


clap clap⊥*N

The crowd, including Daigo, applauded, they witnessed a gentle miracle.

"It's really superb medical skills. It seems that it is correct for Xiao Zhi to adopt Ibrahimovic: I said Xiao Zhi, I know you have not eaten all the time. But/is it not like the king::"

Uncle Ibrahimovic silently looked at Xiaozhi and his Pokémon who had already started eating. Nazi was using her superpowers to send the food continuously, and Xiaozhi was stuffed in his mouth_Pile of food said to Uncle Ibrahimovic .No way I'm too hungry here.Uncle Tai, you don't know how tiring it is to treat with high concentration. Come to Geely Egg and drink soup⊥_"

"1uckxL" (Xiaozhi Dad__ Dad Feed Me)

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