"It has been brought back and turned in,

But before they got out of control, they killed the hunters first..."

Hearing Yu Sheng say that, Sakagi looked at Mato next to him, and Mato took out a document and handed it to Sakagi and said, "Indeed. But after our personnel released them, they did not attack any behavior. It seems likely that the hunter group killed their trainer."

"Oh? It seems that the fact that the hunter organization that Ash said earlier would poison trainers is not the behavior of that A.

After stroking the cat next to him, Tai Sakagi pondered for a while and said, "The real bird announces everyone except Bishas and his fur.

, the guys who encounter the hunter organization will attack their trainers first. Then they will deal with the stripped-off way of Xiaozhi on TV before⊥”


After speaking, Sakamoto looked at Wudu and Yusheng and said. "You did a good job this time. You can go and see if you bring back the quasi-gods who are willing to follow you. They must be happy to avenge their former trainers."

- "Yes!"*2

"Very good. But before that, Mawu, please contact Musashi Kojiro Miao-miao. Let Miao-miao help to confirm whether the Pokémon brought back by Shimotakemura Yukatsu has a spy."

"is 1_" 3

Then Sakamoto turned around and hugged his cat: Dao said gloomily, "Is the hunter organized? Very good. You have successfully attracted my attention. I hope you can bear my anger."

This time, the hunters organized to snatch the giant needle bee msa stone, which really made Sakagi's anger _.You must know that Taijibee is his first partner, and someone dares to grab his own Taijibee's msa stone.. It's just the rhythm of blood feud.Coupled with the fact that the hunter group attacked Xiaozhi before, Sakagi has already decided in his heart.It's not over L_

Chapter [-] Don't want to destroy this tranquility

When Sakabu decided to deal with the hunter organization, Ash and the others came to the next village, L, but this village seems to be really troubled by food shortages.

"Is there no food to sell here?"

Seeing that there were no vegetables in the vegetable shop, Xiaozhi frowned slightly, while the shopkeeper said helplessly, "Yeah. I'm really sorry for the customer"_

"It's okay, thank you for explaining it to us

After leaving the store, Xiaoxia covered her stomach and said helplessly, _ "There is no way to cook without ingredients. .. and I don't know why there are no inspectors and the like."

"Do you want to eat some candy first?"

Looking at the magical candy that Xiao Zhi handed over, Xiaoxia said speechlessly. "Don't eat the magical candy as a snack.n_

Even so, Xiaoxia still took one and threw it into her mouth.

"You can't just eat sugar, it's not nutritious at all."

As a man who can cook and take care of people like Xiaozhi, Xiaogang is also looking for ingredients that can be used, but so far the store is empty:

"Hey, there's no way I can use the food I've stored. In order to protect the existence of this village, we haven't opened a branch. It seems that there is a need to open a store.

wanted. "

"Reserve food?"*3

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi first took Da Duck out of the backpack and then began to explore in his black technology backpack.

"So the advantage of being well prepared is here. Usually we only eat what's on the surface, but I still have spares"_"

As Xiaozhi took out bags of flour, rice, chicken, duck, fish, and fresh vegetables and apples, Xiaoxia, Xiaoxue and Xiaogang were a little surprised that Xiaozhi had prepared so well.And Lin, who knows Ash the most, is checking the food that Ash has prepared.

"It's all fresh._Xiao Zhi, you are replenishing ingredients at the Continental Hotel again.

Lookout 2". "Of course that's right.Every time I go to a place, I will replenish the food scale.If you don't use L now, let's find a place to cook.

Just when Ash and the others were about to cook first. -A middle-aged person came here.

"Who am I talking about. Isn't that Ash?"

Seeing the middle-aged man, Xiao Zhi was also stunned for a moment and then said somewhat unexpectedly, "Elder Carson?. Are you in the village?"

"I have nothing to do. Of course, if I am in the village to cook, do you want to come to my house?"

Of course they agreed to Elder Carson's proposal, Xiaozhi.After all, it can be borrowed - down


two-two dividing line

"In fact, I don't know why the spring water K used for planting in our village has dried up recently. So there is no way to replenish the ingredients."

Carson's house.After finishing the meal, Ash and his party were listening to the situation in the village while eating with Carson.After listening to what Carson said about the water drying up, Ash nodded understandingly.

"I said, but didn't you go to investigate the elders?"

"Actually, we really want to investigate, but you also know that there are very few trainers in our village, and there are more wild Pokémon in the back mountain.

As we are recently planning to ask a capable trainer to help. But all the newbies who come here are still giving up for their safety. ".

"That's it. But since you know Elder Carson, why didn't you build a Huaxia Tavern here?" After drinking two sips of soup, Xiaoxue still asked something she was more confused about. After all, according to Xiaozhi and Elder Carson In the case of Xiao Zhi, he should build a Huaxia restaurant here.

When they heard Xiaoxue's question, Ash and Carson both laughed.


"Because Xiaozhi/I don't want the tranquility of the broken village."*


Carson smiled at Xiaoxia, Xiao Xuelin and Xiaogang and explained, "Xiaozhi chose not to build it because he didn't want to destroy the tranquility of this dude. As you can see, our village is a relatively peaceful place. If the Huaxia restaurant attracts two large groups of people to come here, it will break the tranquility."

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