"That's right, meow!_"

Looking at the three Rins of Team Rocket, while sitting on the soft belly of Kirbymon, they asked strangely, "What are you three doing here?

However, when I heard Lin's question, I knew it was going to happen, and just as Xiao Zhi expected, the three of them, along with the familiar BGIM of the Rockets, started again.

Musashi, _ "Since you sent it back sincerely"

Kojiro, _ "I will approach you mercifully⊥"

Musashi, _ "To prevent the world from being destroyed"

Xiao Shenlang, _ "In order to protect the peace of the world"

Musashi, "Implementing 1.3 Love and True Evil".

Kojiro, _ "A cute and charming villain! ,"

Musashi, "Musashi!"

Small side ro. "Little Shen Lang L"

Musashi, "We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy!"

Kojiro, the white hole and white tomorrow will be waiting for us

Meow: "That's it!"

Xiao Zhi watched the three of them take a deep breath and then roared after taking the loudspeaker that Miaomiao handed over. "It's not who you are, what are you here for?" 1 Mountain"

Accompanied by the loud volume of the loudspeaker.The three Rockets fell, covering their ears.

Chapter [-] The prince is Xiaogang?

"Listen now, you have a chance to reorganize the language and make it clear what you are here for, otherwise my Pikachu will not be merciful."

"Pickup!." (I'm always ready!)

Looking at Pikachu who had already taken out the small steel pin, Xiaobian Lang quickly said u "Oh. Actually, we are here to help you wake up Kabimon."

"Huh? Are you so kind?

Lin keenly noticed that something was wrong, and Xiaoxia said speechlessly 1_"I think they are planning to catch the kabbi..."_

"Good" Pikachu

Power on!"

. "Wait a minute meow! We actually have a way to wake Kirbymon's meow!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhi can't wait to call the three of them, Miao Miao hurriedly stepped forward to stop them.And as soon as you say it, it hits the spot.

"Wait a minute, Pikachu."

Xiaozhi stepped forward and patted Miaomiao's head and asked, "Miaomiao, tell me what to do? I'll invite you to eat grilled fish.

"Straight meow?"

"Of course, I won't lie."

"Okay! It's actually very simple, just like Musang and Xiaobian Langgang

I just said that the kiss of the prince in the fairy tale can wake up the princess, so can't we take advantage of this?"

After listening to Miaomiao's idea, Xiaozhi took a can of grilled fish from his own Miaomiao and handed it to him.

"Oh!. Thank you!."

Xiao Zhi looked at Kirby and thought about it again. Jian Miaomiao and the others fell into contemplation.And Xiaoxueyi-looking at Xiaozhi, asked with some uncertainty, "Xiaozhi, you don't really think that way, do you?

"We have to have the courage to try our sincerity, don't we? Maybe we can do it? Xiaoxia, your Mohai

Hearing Xiaozhi mentioning Mohai, Ma Xiaoxia immediately covered her bag and said, "Don't

My Mohaima is still a child!"

"oh go"

Just when Xiaozhi wanted to try to convince Xiaoxia, when Jian Shaozhi's Da Duck suddenly jumped out of the bag and then - the duck mouth kissed the beast's mouth

Everyone present, including the artifact baby, was shocked, how dare this duck go on?!

And Ash watched his stupid duck after the kiss and couldn't help asking, "Da Duck. How does it feel?."


Being caught in a room like Xiao Zhi, Da Duck actually blushed and showed a funny expression, Xiao Zhi looked at Da Duck and then Kabi Beast and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Is it really the mother's Kirby? But it doesn't seem to work...",

"Who said that"

At this moment, Musashi and Kojiro grabbed Miaomiao who had been dressed up by them and walked over and said, "See if you don't see it, that's why I'm called a prince⊥"

Seeing Team Rocket's Miaomiao being dressed up as a prince, Xiaozhi knew what Miaomiao was about to encounter, so Xiaozhi politely stepped aside.

"Then please put three."

"Wait a minute, meow? Come on, I don't want to kiss Kirby!"

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