"Pickup" (that's pretty tough

And in Alola, a wearing bear tasted the honey from the three bees sent by Ding, a hotel clerk in the mainland.Then nodded.


Seeing that the bear was satisfied, the staff of Tailu Hotel also left.while wearing

The bear is looking into the distance.

"Huh!" (I don't know what happened to those children. Go and see them sometimes)_

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: I am the chef

While Xiao Zhi and the others were watching the fight between the two so-called gangsters at Yaz Gym and Kaz Gym, the uncle's shop was still affected. With the sound of smashing things, the three thought to Xiao Zhi and the others that they were very familiar. sound came.

"The boss is making a three-served set meal and sending it to Kaz Gym, I want to make it now!"

“And another curry!”

"Tea too!"

Hearing these three voices, Ash and the others looked at each other.

"Team Rocket." *6 ,

And just like Xiao Zhi and the others thought_ It was the Rockets who were doing things downstairs, they were just them

She's wearing Kaz's gym clothes now.

And the uncle seems to have seen the Rockets and the others. He said helplessly, "Well, Kaz Dojo already has a lot of credit. If I don't collect the bills, I really can't go on."

Hearing the uncle's words, Miaomiao stepped forward and looked at the uncle and said, "Oh? So you don't plan to cook? It seems that I want to teach you some lessons~ I have taught you a lesson."

Seeing that Miaomiao seemed to be scratching himself, the uncle could only shout helplessly, "Please don't act like this, who are you guys-⊥

When they heard what the uncle said, Xiao Zhi and the others knew that ur was coming again.

Musashi, _"Huh? You said..."_

Kojiro, _ "Who?"

Musashi: "Since you asked the question with sincerity and sincerity"

Kojiro, "I'll tell you mercifully!"

Musashi, "To prevent the world from being destroyed"

Konoro, "To protect the peace of the world⊥"

Musashi, "Carry out love and true evil!"

Xiao Shenlang, "Cute and charming villain!"

Musashi, "Musashi!"

Kojiro, "Kojiro 1"

Musashi, "We're on the Rockets across the galaxy"

Kojiro, the tomorrow of Baidong Baiyu is waiting for us

Meow 2 is like that!"

Seeing that these three uncles were speechless, the uncle was stunned because of his speechlessness. Go Musashi and Xiao Oulang had already thrown out their own Pokémon.

"Go Aberdeen!"

"Go and teach him a lesson from Egggas!_"

"Go on the little fire horse with a vortex of flame!

Musashi and Kojiro were stunned when they heard the latter sentence.

However, before they could react, Lin's little fire horse had sprayed out crimson flames to surround them, and Xiaoxue also threw her own treasure ball.

"Come on, Bangira, knock them out with their tails!"

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

As soon as Dark Bangira came out, it was a roar, and then it was a tail at Team Rocket. Go up, and under the powerful power of Dark Bangira, Team Rocket was directly beaten out of the store.

At this time, Xiaoxia also released her own water magic treasures to put out the fire.After all, the flame vortex of the little fire horse still spread to some tables and chairs.

"Come out

Gem starfish agate jellyfish jenny turtle, put out fire with water gun"




Seeing the three Pokémon being extinguished, Ash nodded and Xiaoxia and they were also growing, which was good.

And at this moment, a woman wearing Yaz Gym costume praised with a smile, "What a great trainer, it's amazing that you can beat the thugs invited by Kaz Gym. Could you please tell me you guys? Is your name taboo?"

As she said that, the woman looked at Xiao Zhi, who had been silent for a while. _ Although before

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