
Xiao Ju'er doesn't even know what she is talking about now.Obviously Xiaozhi is just a little

Child, but she felt a sense of maturity, and Xiao Zhi, who took care of others, gave her a shining feeling.

And Xiaozhi didn't realize that Ju L was observing himself.Pichu and Miaomiao were eating their own lunch so they didn't pay attention. Only Xiaojuer knew about him in the whole room. He was watching this Xiaozhi.

And when Xiaozhi handed the porridge to her mouth, she whispered "Thank you. My name is Kamizlei. You can also call me Xiaojuer. My dream is to become a combat model."

"Oh? My name is Ash from New Town, and my dream is to be rich and become a big boss!

"Pooh, what a simple wish.

"Yeah. Open your mouth!,"

This is the first meeting of Xiaozhi and Xiaojuer L.Xiaojuer also regarded Xiaozhi as a little brother at first, but as time passed and the time they spent together.This feeling has changed.

And the time when Xiao Juer was really aware of this emotion was when Xiao Zhi helped her as her manager.

"I said, Sister Kamizlei, I always wanted to say what the hell would I be your manager? Didn't your family prepare for you?

"Hum, of course I do. I just wanted you to see how I made my dream come true!"

"Says like I'm not fulfilling my dreams right now. I'm rich now!"

Pikachu on the side shook his head speechlessly and then called to Meow next to him.

"Pikapi...". (Xiao Zhi is in the way again,)_

"Well, what the boss said is true.

Looking at Xiao Zhi, Xiao Ju'er L said helplessly, "Okay, Kamizlei is the name used by foreign A, Xiao Zhi, just call me Xiao Ju'er. But I want you to witness my success. Is that ok?"

Speaking of which, Xiao Ju'er is a little embarrassed, after all

In addition to her own efforts, she has been able to get to the present with the silent support of Xiao Zhi.If it weren't for Xiao Zhi's silent support for Xiao Ju), he felt that he might have been overwhelmed by the pressure called Dream.

And Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Ju'er with such a smile and came over to hold Xiao Ju'er's forehead and said, "Don't worry, Sister Ju'er, I will silently support you right behind you, you just need to remember that I will always be behind you. Support you, you will never be alone."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Xiao Ju'er was stunned for a while, but then she showed a relieved smile.

"That's right, Xiaozhi, you have always supported me behind my back.

I, I have long been used to being my sister, it's such a failure..."

Saying that, Xiaojuer felt her eyes were a little wet, but Xiaozhi held Xiaojuer's face and wiped her eyes with her thumb, right? I said that I would silently support you.So now, Miss Ju'er. , you should come up with your brightest side to complete your dream. "


At that moment, Xiao Ju'er finally realized that her feelings for Xiao Zhi have long since been different.And now Xiao Ju'er has finally faced up to her inner self.

The heart therefore Xiao Ju) smiled and said to Xiao Zhi, "Then please watch Xiao Zhi at this moment of mine. Shine for you.

After that, Xiao Ju'er took this little love to easily complete her dream, and then she and Xiao Zhi held the trophy representing the top of the battle model.

Xiaoju'er, looking at Xiaozhi's lips, said

"Did you see Ash 3, now both of us are shining,"

"In my eyes, you have always been the brightest, Sister Ju'er...",

The two looked at each other and smiled, and clasped their hands holding the trophy together.__

did you know?.in

At this moment I shine for you

No, in fact, in my eyes, you have always been the most shining star_

Chapter [-] Promotion by Dragon

"Is it Miaomiao this time? Xiaozhi has proved his strength with his strength before, so I don't know how strong Xiaozhi's Miaomiao will be?"

Due to the strong performance of Xiao Zhi and Geely Egg, everyone no longer underestimates Xiao Zhi, the so-called rookie trainer. After all, can your rookie trainer defeat the Pokémon of the King of Heaven? !

At this time, Miaomiao was also standing on the ice watching Chenglong.

Neither Xiao Zhi nor Ke Na said a word. After all, they both knew each other's strength, and when all the audience were watching nervously, Xiao Zhi and Ke Na suddenly shouted at the same time: "Chenglong/Miaomiao, hurry up. Freeze Ray/Shadow Ball

! ”

Then Miaomiao and Chenglong attacked at the same time, the white light collided with the black sphere and a huge explosion occurred.

"Rush over and use the Shadow Claw!"


I saw Miaomiao rushed out of the smoke at a very fast speed and grabbed Chenglong with a gloomy breath on her paws.


The green energy enveloped Chenglong, and then Miaomiao's shadow claws were lost.

"Ride the Dragon Taishan to the top!"


As Chenglong jumped high and then smashed down towards Miaomiao,

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