Looking at the reaction of these people, Xiao Zhi has been confirmed. .They are truly members of the Pokémon fan club.So what exactly caused the previous troubles?

With that in mind, Ash walked up to Solib and asked, "Have you been feeling anything weird lately?"

"Bo? Bo?"


. "Bo" Bo! "


At first, Solib shook his head, but Solib seemed to remember something after Solip's reminder, and Ash also said to Miaomiao, "Meow, 2 Solib, what did they say? ?"

"Yeah my master, they said there was a bunch of potheads wandering around here a while ago and it seems like every time they use their superpowers it feels weird~~ _."

"Oh potheads? Which means these potheads are the culprit in making my beloved Pokémon uncomfortable 3"

"Probably so."

Seeing this, the gentleman could not help but ask, "Sebas

what's the matter with mr tian 3

"Yes, to be honest, my Pokémon have been a little weird recently, and Kirulian also said that they have a strange feeling. So I thought that if it was another super power-type Pokémon, I would be able to know something. I didn't expect to win the lottery."

"So that's it, then Solips Solibes can you remember where something went wrong?"!



Solipe and Solip-z both pointed to the ground.

"Our club underground? 1_


Xiao Zhi thought about it and then said, "It seems that someone used the Elf Fan Club as a cover. I think it's better to inform Jun Sha and the others."

"That's right. You are right, the use of our club must not be tolerated!

You must know that the people present are all rich, so they will not let it go if they are used to take the blame.

And Xiaozhi came to Xiaoxia, who was holding Pikachu and the ladies who were talking about the water-type Pokémon.

"I found the reason. Someone is doing something underground, I want to inform Junsha, and we'll see how the water-type Pokémon is doing.

"That's what you said, don't break your promise." Xiaoxia also entered the role at this time and brought the angry female companion she played to life, and Xiaozhi had to sigh that girls are really born actors.

Soon, Jun Sha and the others who had been prepared came over after receiving the alarm.At the same time, the staff of the Continental Hotel were also mixed in.

"We got a report that there was a culprit in the disappearance underground?"

"Yes! According to Solip and Solib it should be underground."

After confirming that there is a problem in the underground, Ash nodded and then threw out his baby ball.

", come out

Let's fire dinosaurs. "


The fire dinosaur roared as it came out.And Ash pointed to the ground and said, "Fire dinosaurs spray flames."

"Roaring Mountain"

The fire dinosaur spewed hot flames from its mouth, and then the ground broke open_ A big hole, and what was displayed in front of everyone was a mechanical processing factory. There were many instruments in it.

"So it turns out, it's very likely that some kind of instrument is made here. And this instrument unexpectedly resonated with the hypnotism of the superpower Pokémon Solib, that's why these big troubles are created. That's right? this woman


Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at a lady with purple hair, and the lady asked strangely, "I? What do I know?"

"Please, didn't you realize that you've always been out of place? And didn't you realize that everyone was avoiding you a little bit?

"What does this mean?_"

"The next time you sneak in with us, please investigate it carefully, you are the only one in the entire venue who will carry away your wine. A real Pokémon fan club member is. _

Everyone in the replay, including Xiaoxia, said Xiaozhi's last words out loud, Father.

"It's absolutely not allowed to snub your Pokémon for drinking!"*N__

Chapter [-] is a big fish!

"Hehe, hahahaha! Well done! I didn't expect it to be exposed because of this, so why don't you get on my baby ball?"

When the purple-haired lady was about to throw her baby ball, she found that her baby ball was gone.Miaomiao, on the other hand, was very gentlemanly holding a tray and said, "Ma'am, do you need me to help you open red wine?

And on Meow Meow's tray are three Pokémon See Balls.

The lady looked at Miaomiao and said, "It's you! You opened the wine bottle for me on purpose before."

"That's right, Ms. L, your eyes are so weird. I've been watching this week.

Surrounded people instead of me and Geely Eggs.It's hard to imagine that you are a member of the Pokémon fan club. "

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