"Rockets, I thought you guys should still be locked up:"

"Haha, kid, we escaped meow!"_

Miaomiao vomited as soon as she finished speaking.And Xiaobian Lang continued, "We smashed through the wall and ran out of a pile of stinky mud: vomit⊥⊥_⊥"

After Kobeiro vomited, Musashi added, 2 "In order to remove the odor, we deliberately used perfume ingredients stolen from Rainbow City_ but it stinks too much" ⊥⊥, vomit⊥⊥!

Looking at Team Rocket, who was throwing up, Aju, who had already stood up, closed his eyes and said LL: "For ninjas, breathing is also a compulsory course, and the strange smell of your intruders can't affect me. .2"

"So I don't need to give you a gas mask?"


Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, A Ju found out that Xiao Zhi and the others had already put on gas masks, even Gan Ling and A Xing.

"Please give me a full thank you too." I!

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: Actually, you guys have good taste

Because the smell in the gym is too great, Xiaozhi usually goes out after wearing a gas mask and goes out to a Pikachu and even closes the door very intimately to ensure that the odor will not spread out.

"Okay, let's start the gym battle now."

"Really, if you let my daughter come to fight you, it will definitely not work, then let me, the king of poison, Aju, be your opponent!"

Speaking of this, A Ju started to have an aura, and Xiaoxia looked at A Ju and couldn't help but say, "Is it going to challenge Xiao Zhi to the third heavenly king after Master Kena and Master Shiba?"


With three shouts, the Rockets rushed out again, although they still smelled bad, but at this time they had a feeling of being full of fighting spirit.

Musashi_"Little devil, although we suffered a lot when we escaped...

Kojiro. _"But we are not without gain"."

Musashi/Kojiro "Let's show you how strong we are today!"*2

"Go to the evolution of the Arbor snake!. Arbor monster!"


"Go on the gas bomb's evolved double-bomb gas

⊥ on”

"Five Sis"

Seeing the evolution of Musashi and Kojiro's Pokémon, Ash smiled, and then said _ "Abominable. Actually, I-I just wanted to say that you both have good taste, because both of you Pokémon are very good. "

He was stunned by Ash's praise of Musashi and Kojiro, and then this one actually blushed.

"Ahahaha, yes? So you also think gas bombs and double bombs are great?

"Yes, in fact, the gas bombs work well together. And the Arbor is one of my favorites."

"Ahahaha, just

Even if you praise me, I won't be happy."

Seeing Musashi and Kojiro meow like this, I was a little speechless, but Ash immediately said

"And Miaomiao, you look at my Miaomiao, don't you think it's awesome?"

"Meow! Little devil, you really have a good eye, meow~ Jiu⊥"

"Well, then the three let me read yours. Then I'll show you my Pokémon."


"Come out, Aberdeen!"

With Xiao Zhi's shout.Arbor himself drilled out of the baby ball while watching the Rockets.

"What?! You also have Arbor?" *3 _

Looking at Xiaozhi's obviously much larger and dark purple arbor. Kojiro poked Musashi and said, "Hey. Musashi, it looks like the kid's arbor is very dangerous." Why don't you tell me Also, know..."

Musashi shuddered when he looked at Xiao Zhi's ah-bok.And Musashi's Abo monster is even worse/because of the small exorcism, the big guy's stare doesn't stop shaking.Then Musashi's Arbor turned his head and shouted, and continued to look at Ash's Arbor.

"Shit meow mouth g

Meow Meow is listening to Arbor

Immediately after the strange words, they screamed. Musashi and Kojiro were a little puzzled, did Abel say his official duties.

"Meow meow. What did my Aberdeen say?"

"He said the kid's arbor is the overlord

"Overlord?. What is that?"*

"Idiot! That's the old lady of the wild Pokémon tribe, do you understand?!" Miaomiao, who looked at her two stupid teammates, was speechless.However, Xiao Zhi can't wait.

"Shang Abo glared with a big snake!"


With the terrifying eyes of the Aberdeen

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