Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, Arbor's eyes sharpened.Squinting, Pokémon fight autonomously for

Troubled for Pokémon with trainers.Because they need to be able to make the trainer trust and trust the trainer, Ash's Aber is actually...no _ When Aju suddenly thought of something, the look in Ash's eyes changed.A small smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's mouth.

"Have you found it?"

"It's not good for the bats to escape!_"


Although he wondered why he had to avoid it, the bat did so anyway.And this action also allowed the bat to escape the catastrophe, and the extremely powerful solution was sprayed out of the hole again.And if the bat doesn't leave, it will be hit

"Did you deliberately fight against the Aber monster before?⊥."

"No. I did let the Aberdeen fight on his own.&#;

touch L

The talking skill, the Aberrat, suddenly jumped out of the ground and bit on the bat's body, and Xiaozhi looked at Aju and said, "It's useless for you to observe me all the time, the Abermare is indeed capable of fighting on its own. "

"What 9!"

At this time, Aju also reacted.Ash did it on purpose before.To make him suspicious.And now, because of his own negligence, the situation is very bad for the bat to be bitten directly.


The bat that was bitten by the Aberdeen began to be in a trance.Because Aberdeen has already started injecting paralyzing venom.. This is his favorite way to prey on rats in the wild.

"The cross-shaped bat breaks free with sound waves!_"

"Fork 1 Mountain"

Accompanied by the shrill cry of the cross-shaped bat, the Arbor frowned but was not affected by it.

"not good!, "

"Training, you don't have to worry about this situation if you train enough. The last big snake wagging its tail!"


The Arbor who bit the bat stubbornly directly used the paralyzed bat into the air and hit him on the ground with a heavy tail.And the word bat is finally unable to recover after suffering this - & remember the heavy blow.

"The cross-shaped bat can't come back! The winner of this magic shell duel is Xiao Zhi (on iad)!" Tou Jian

With Ling Nu's announcement, Ah Ju sighed.The gas recovered and the word bat was again.


"You are doing very well. I have practiced enough. Come back and bat again."

After recovering the word fly, Aju took out a scroll and opened it.

"This is the light red badge of the light red gymnasium

beat all my special editions

"Thanks, then we won't be bothered anymore. Goodbye."

"Hey" wait a minute.Don't be so heartless. , let's discuss about Venom Beads, and you won't drink some tea.

"No, I'm not used to drinking your tea in Chengdu. I prefer our tea from Kanto." "This is a good feeling! I just got a good tea here, you must try it!"

Xiao Zhi, who looked at A Ju's face so deadly, was speechless, but he still looked at Xiaoba Xiaoxue and Xiaogang and asked, "Then.

Will you stay a little longer?"

Xiao Xiaoxue looked at Aju with a look that could be said to be pleading, and she couldn't bear it. "I'm fine, how about you, Xiaoxia?"

"I listened to Xiaozhi. After all, people want Xiaozhi to stay longer. Xiaogang, you..

Seeing that Xiaogang has been staring at Ling Nu Xiaoxia, he knows that there is no need for time.

One-two dividing line --

"I'm ashamed to say that, although Zai Gong was appointed as a poison-type Tianyu by the Chengdu area, but in terms of poisoning, it is indeed inferior to Xiaozhi.

At this time, in the living room of Ah Ju's house, Ah Ju Yi: Jia and Xiao Zhi

A group of people are sitting together drinking tea, of course it has no taste

2. The person who made the tea was Xiao Zhi, because Aju's method was such a waste of tea__

Xiaoxue understood Aju's thoughts after listening to Aju's narration. "So, Master Huiju, you want to buy the highly poisonous poison refined by Xiaozhi from Xiaozhi?

"That's right. In fact, any Poison-type Pokémon training will have this idea. But we know that if we want our Pokémon to have the poison of Ash's Arbor, Ash must help himself. So we can only retreat. Next, I hope that I can get the poisonous beads that Aboguai refined himself to help. Of course, if you can

if.I'd rather have an Aberdeen child! "

"Abo!" (Don't 1.2

Aboguai immediately turned his head when he heard Aju say this, while Miaomiao said with a smile, "He said he refused."

"I knew it..",

"Okay. I'll use the poison beads for my own use, so I'm sorry.

"Don't say that. Look at how you and Ling Nu know each other so much, and she's not too young. How about you two make do with each other?"

Looking at A Ju, who has no morals enough to sell his sister.No one present knew

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