"Wang Wang Wang Shang"

A caty dog ​​quickly ran to Ash and Ash caught him and touched his head and handed the meat z while saying. "Catty. Come on. Tell me where Lynn is?"

Katie looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly.I don't know what to say. You are thinking of Lindis when you are co-authoring? You don't want to think about Fuzi? But looking at the meat strips of Xiaozhi's characteristics, the Katty dog ​​still barked s in one direction.

." Wang

~ Ming! __ on"

Then the earthquake shook.A group of little fire horses and C Fei. Tian Mantis rushed over quickly, and the two little fire horses at the head were riding two girls in ethnic costumes. .__

"Lin L Fuzi!"

The girl who was called Lin by Xiao Zhi smiled when she saw Xiao Zhi, and then jumped directly from the little fire horse towards Xiao Zhi.And Xiao Zhi caught her very steadily.

"Lin..."_ .


Seeing Lin and Xiaozhi _ hugging each other, Fuzi, who came over on a small fire horse, smiled.

"Sure enough, Lin holds a lot of weight in Xiaozhi's heart."_

On the other hand, Xiaoxia and Xiaoxue are curious to see Lin, the girl who can make Xiaozhi so fascinated.Xiaogang on the side turned his head, holding back tears.

"Traveling with Xiaozhi is good. It's easy to be hit.."_

And Xiaozhi looked at Fuzi after hugging Lin for a while and said, "Sorry Fuzi, I'm too excited here."

"Understandable, it's Lin after all. Who are these people behind you?"

"Oh, let me introduce... my girlfriend and companion Xiaoxia Xiaoxue and Xiaogang who traveled with me."

Hearing Xiaozhi's introduction, Fuzi was a little surprised:. "It's all about getting married 3

"That's right_. By the way, Lin, I have always kept your ribbons." 2.1_Lin smiled when she watched Xiaozhi take out the ribbons she gave when she was a child.

"Thank you for taking care of s, but I think you're not less likely to cause trouble?"

"How is that possible, do you see me like this? It's a pleasure to travel with you all, and then I'll treat the headache with Da Ya when I have nothing to do."

Watching Xiaozhi pull off the topic.Lin supported Xiao Zhi's head and said, "I ask you Xiao Zhi, what do you think of as you?

Will I not know you as a childhood sweetheart?"


"Then you think I don't know you're going to run wild?"

Doung !l

Chapter [-]: Children of the Prairie Dare to Love and Hate

"We Latinos raise Pokémon in the form of herding. So our Pokémon are much stronger than everyone else."

Zizheng took Xiaoxia Xiaoxue Xiaogang to introduce the Latin American people.Mian Xiaoxia asked worriedly. "Are Ash and Lin okay?"

It's normal for Xiaoxia to be worried.Because Xiao Zhi was taken away after being knocked unconscious by one of Lin's head hammers.On the other side, Pikachu, Meow, auspicious egg, Flying Mantis and Ash's pony didn't even dare to fart.

"Don't worry meow. This is the normal operation of the old lady and Mrs. Lin."

"Really? The second meeting is the head hammer?

Xiaoxue was really a little speechless about the way Lin met with a hammer, but Miaomiao explained with a smirk. "Hey 21. That's just because Big Sister Lin is too harmful meow. Now let Mrs. Lin and the old lady think about each other well, meow."

Meow Meow said that Xiaogang's tears flowed down.

"Why didn't I know them! Why didn't I know them!"

Two-one dividing line - one

On the other side, Ash woke up after being dragged behind the house. , but Ash is unwilling to get up from Lindis' lap.

"Kiss you, Xiaozhi:"

"It's okay to say I worked hard to help you watch the medicine, Lin, right?"

"It's all my own will."

"But it's almost there, Lynn. Go on a trip with me. This side is not a request. It's a request.".

Lin smiled against Xiao Zhi's head and said, "I can't help you, Xiao Zhi-."

"Thank you: Lindis-."

"It was me who thanked me in the first mirror: tolerating my promises again and again" (. Neng is privileged because it is Lin.""

"By the way, Xiaozhi, do you know?

"I know, Lynn

I know your class, you think I'll let it go

Hearing this, Lindis grabbed Ash's face.

"Although I already knew it was such a knot, I still want to pinch your face well."

"Anyway, I can raise it"

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