:_ "It's okay, little fire horse, your flame is light in color. But the temperature is definitely enough, they just don't know how to appreciate it."

The color of Ash's little fire horse's flame is indeed a little light as Dully said.Even if Xiao Zhi tried a lot of methods, he couldn't change it successfully_ But Xiao Zhi doesn't care about this, anyway, his little fire horse is strong enough, and the color of the flame is not so important.


Xiao Huo Ma rubbed against Xiao Zhi. It was once excluded by the ethnic group because of his color and was adopted by Xiao Zhi. Until now, he has become the most capable one among Xiao Huo Ma.

Of course he understands that Ash doesn't care about that, but he doesn't like others to belittle Ash because of the color of his flame.Because he knows that Xiaozhi has been helping him change this with medicated food, he does not allow others to slander Xiaozhi e

Two-one dividing line one-one

"Didn't L over there see the sign that says you can't steal my herbs?


Looking at the little Radhas who were running away, Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly. These little Radhas would choose. They were still staring at their medicinal materials.

And just then a huge Rada popped out and handed it to Ash with some fruit.

"I said Radha, you should understand the preciousness of my medicinal materials. It's not that I don't let you eat them, but many of them are used to save lives. The medicine I used to treat you was made of these medicinal materials."

"Lada..." (sorry)

"Meow, to be honest, Lada, you should control your subordinates. It's good enough to be angry."

Miaomiao looked at Lada a little helplessly.He understands that Radha's ethnic group is very large and difficult to manage. There are always new born little Radhas to steal food.

"Lada, Lada Lada Lada. (There is no way, our Lada family is fertile faster. Little Lada understands

Came here after smelling the fragrance.I've said it countless times.superior

After listening to Miaomiao's translation, Xiaozhi said helplessly: _"Then I can only add some insurance measures."

"Lada!" (Alright. I'm sorry to trouble you)

"Forget it, you can help protect Fuzi and the others when the time comes."

"Lada!" (Don't worry. Our front teeth won't let you down.)_⊥

Chapter [-] Hit me to death!

The leader of the Lada clan was once rescued by Xiaozhi, so he was very concerned about Xiaozhi, the savior, and he always prevented his descendants from sometimes stealing Xiaozhi's medicinal materials. He even organized the Lada tribe to help guard the medicinal materials, but he couldn't stand the newly born little Lada who was ignorant. In fact, Xiaozhi's medicinal materials were given to the Ladas every year in order to thank Lada for helping to protect them together. Herbs, Fuzi, and Lindis 1, but if the little lads eat them secretly, they will eat their share.

For this Rada knows. So - there are always educated juniors.However, Radama_ reproduces faster, so

Still a little troublesome.

In the evening, while eating dinner, Xiaozhi was talking about adding protection to the medicinal materials, and suddenly someone ran and said, "Kentaro from your family, Fuzi, is shocked!"


When I heard Kentaro was shocked, Ash and Lindis were the first to react. And Fuzi said with some surprise: "Kentaro is frightened? Let's go and see! ~"

Then a group of flying mantises and little fire horses surrounded Xiao Zhi and they came to the cattle pen of Fuzi's house.When I saw the second gang of flying mantis and little fire horse. . The three of Kojiro Meow Musashi, who were hired by Doliff to do things, were at that time.

Is a tremble.How come there are so many flying mantises and little fire horses? L and then when they saw Ash their eyes flashed -- a light.


"Come on Kojiro! The little fire-horse attacking the kid caused a riot!"

"Understand that this is a blow for our revenge! Let's see the trick, kid"

As Kojiro aimed at Xiaozhi and shot out the stone in his slingshot, the stone quickly flew towards the little fire horse.However, because Xiao Zhi's little fire horse walked faster, Shi Zi had to hit Lin, who was a little slower.Just when the last minute was over: a hand firmly grasped the attacking

Lynn's stone.And the owner of these hands is Xiao Zhi.

"Pika." (Bad:) L is an attack on Lin's mother L Xiaozhi's father is going to run wild from ⊥⊥⊥)

"Sad meow."

Xiaoxia, Xiaoxue, Xiaogang, Pikachu, Meow, auspicious, egg, Fuzi, and the others were staring at the finished look.Xiao Zhi said to Lin, "Be careful next time. Click Lin, it's very dangerous."

Lin looked at the stone in Xiaozhi's hand and apologized, "I'm sorry, I made you worry about Xiaozhi.

"It's alright, ah right, Xiaoxue, Xiaoxia, Fu Zilin, you guys and Miaomiao Pika Chujili and the others. It's safe. So are you, Xiaogang. Then

What 1 I am now: Fa, turned his head slowly, and the Rockets saw "Xiao Zhi, who has experienced himself to the extreme. 63x" I will cut the guy who attacked Lin into pieces now 1 Hot Monkey! Jenny Turtle ! Wonderful Frog Seeds" Fire Dinosaur [Aber Monster L Big Needle Bee! Chirulian ⊥ Pidiao!, Quick Dragon! Come on with me ⊥_1l.⊥⊥!

"It's miserable ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 1_!⊥⊥"*3_

Looking at Ash who came up with a bunch of Pokémon.The Cong Arrows hugged each other in fright.

_"The kid is so scary meow!⊥⊥_"

"You don't need to tell us, we know it."

! "*2

"Frog seed sunshine flame! Jenny turtle golden bell rocket head hammer ready"_"

"Seed ⊥"


Ash picked up the Frog Seed and the Jenny Turtle and carried them on his shoulders.And with Ash's shoulder, the frog seed stood firm and began to accumulate power through the ripples: volume and aim.

"Run, l⊥⊥"*3

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