"There is a rampage on Kentaro. Oh my God, Nidolina and Nidolino behind him are also chasing them very tightly." 11!

Watching Kentaro run wild to avoid Nidolino's fish and Nidolina's biting Lin said speechlessly, "This is the potential to explode when life is in danger..."

Xiaoxue said helplessly, "No way, Bi

Actually Nido Jiunuo and Nido Lina are chasing very tightly:"

Fuzi looked at Nidolina with humiliation and Nidolino with anger and knew that the two seemed to be a couple.

"This time it's really an endless situation."

Xiaolu smiled awkwardly while holding Mo Haima, not knowing what to say.After all, Nidolino was humiliated by his partner, and Nidolina was being molested.

The Rockets who caused this situation were a little speechless after seeing this, and Musashi even punched Kojiro on the head.

"Missing again!. Can't you aim?"

"But the little fire horse is too fast."

The slope in front of "Counting Yumiao" and the trap we dug, Duliguan, know the location and wait for a good show."

Musashi looked at the turtles and Pikachu who were still ahead and said, "What about the turtles?"

"Idiot aiming. There is a slope before going downhill, and the rocket head is not good!

But something more nasty came.Jackie turtle actually went uphill in the back seat of the water cannon.But this way is good.But after all, it is still not as fast as the rocket headbutt.So soon Jenny and Pikachu were caught up.

"Very good! Watch me surpass you 1_"

Dulifu originally wanted to show it well, but there is someone faster than him.. that _ is naughty bomb L

Xiao Zhi looked at the naughty bomb trainer who was juggling and had to praise him.However, before Xiao Zhi can sigh and let out a naughty bomb, he encounters the trap that the Rockets dug before.

"Huh.. It seems that the trap is not in vain _dig it, meow_."_

Miaomiao looked at Naughty Bullet and it was a pity that it fell into the trap, but when he thought that Naughty Bullet was likely to explode, he laughed again - down.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing this time. Do it"

just like meow

As I thought, Naughty Bomb was ready to explode due to being stimulated, and the trainers who saw this situation issued different orders at the same time.

"Iron armored rhinoceros hardened"

"Taiyan Snake goes around!,"

"Kentaro goes straight!"

"Follow Nidolino - get up!"

"Nidolina you too!"

"What!" *4_

Dully went and the Rockets were really surprised this time.Because these trainers actually have their own way, and Xiao Zhi even said to the little fire horse, "It's just an explosion,

The little fire horse jumps over!"

"Hi"" 1! "

With the little fire horse jumped up.The color of his flame changed unexpectedly. The light red that was originally light turned into a deep dark blue.

"What ⊥_" N

Seeing the flame of the little fire horse, Xiaozhi suddenly understood why the eyes of the little fire horse are very shallow, it turns out that his _ little fire horse is a shining Pokémon that is unique in a thousand miles⊥

"Hahahaha!. So it is! No wonder you can't make your flames brighter all the time. It turns out that your real flame, Little Fire Horse, is a blue mountain. It's very handsome."

"His 1⊥⊥⊥"

Xiao Huoma also understood himself after seeing the deep blue flame on his body. Gangshan's excited jump awakened his true flame.Its own flame is a deep blue.I am my own master Xiao Zhi said that countless people are unattainable_Shining Fairy L

"Oh my god _ 1 1 Ash's little fire horse. It's actually a legendary flash Pokémon l No wonder the color of the flames that Xiao Zhi cultivated is so good but the color is very light! The real color of the flames of Xiao Zhi's little fire horse is blue Ah!. That deep blue is a good proof of the cultivation of Xiaozhi!"

"Oh oh oh oh" 1

Little ⊥! "*N_

The appearance of the strange-colored little fire horse instantly made the entire auditorium boil. After all, the little fire horse with blue flames is so beautiful.And Dooligo, who was following behind Xiaozhi, said unhappily. "Che, isn't that just imprisoning Pokémon? What a fuss.

"You still have work to go to the leaf slot?"

"What do you mean?"

"My jenny is faster than you" the little fire horse accelerated."


Originally, Dulifu didn't understand what Xiaozhi meant, but when he saw that the jenny turtle actually acted like a

The way he skated downhill, he knew why Ash said that.

"It's impossible to get on the rock so smoothly!"


Dully would never have imagined that the jenny turtle had launched a defensive energy after indenting its shell, and there was a layer of flowing water outside his shell. !

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