
Chapter [-] Jenny Turtle

After subduing the wonderful frog seeds, Xiao Zhi began to contact his own employees, and soon, a group of staff came, and the person in the lead saluted Xiao Zhi and said, "Boss, everyone has already come. All right, do you need to start?"

"Very well, let's start, install the rehabilitation equipment, and then notify the planting staff, and I will plant this purple flower with this Miss Xiaocui in the future. If it is successful, then notify the Joey family to collect the medicinal materials regularly, and also Remember to protect Miss Xiaocui, and don't let people disturb her when she wants to treat wild Pokémon!"

"Yes! Then we're in action!"

Looking at Xiao Zhi at this time, Xiao Xia couldn't help but say: "A serious Xiao Zhi is completely different from usual..."

Sundae is used to saying: "Although that money fan likes to make money, he is still very serious about making medicines. This is also a rare advantage of that money fan."

And just as the two were communicating, Xiaogang blushed towards Xiao Cui and said, "Miss Xiao Cui, do you need me to stay here to protect everyone?"

Xiao Cui heard Xiao Gang's words and said with a smile: "No need, if it is Xiao Zhi's person, he will be able to protect this place."


Pedestrians seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak, while Xiaozhi patted Xiaogang on the shoulder and said, "Look at it." Pikachu also held back a smile and patted Xiaogang on the shoulder.

--split line--

After saying goodbye to Xiao Cui, Xiao Zhi and his party continued their journey, but Xiao Zhi was preparing to pass the large needle bee to Sakagi.

"Dad, I will pass the large needle bee here, please help prepare the medicinal bath."

"Oh? Your stinger is so fast?"

"Well, now he can let him take a medicated bath, which is good for his future growth."

"Okay, you can pass it on when you get to Deadleaf City, and I just happened to have my hornbee teach it." Hearing that Xiaozhi's hornbee has been cultivated very well, the corner of Sakagi's mouth is also Couldn't help but smile.

"By the way, Dad, if you can, let your big sting bee teach my sting bee that trick."

"Yes, it was originally a trick you developed, and it's nothing to let your Pokémon learn."

After finishing the communication, Sundae looked at Xiaozhi with some doubts and asked, "When did you have a father, Xiaozhi?"

"Can you talk? But it's not my father, my

My dad probably doesn't know where he died, right?The one I contacted here is my godfather, and my mother already knew about it. "


"Yeah, I didn't know how he was injured when we met. We had to help him treat him first and then take him to the hospital. We have been in touch since then, and finally became father and son."


"Meow, I was notoriously nosy meow when I was a kid." Seemingly thinking of his experience with Xiaozhi, Miaomiao laughed and complained, while Xiaozhi smiled and hugged Miaomiao and said: " Don't mind your own business, how could I meet you?

Woolen cloth? "(Chirulian? Now that I'm not a child, I'll go back to the luxury ball first)

And just as the group was walking here, Xiao Zhi suddenly stopped, and the three of Xiaoxia Sundai Xiaogang also stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's a trap. Miaomiao hit it with the shadow ball."

"Okay meow!"

With Miao Miao's hand, a small shadow ball exploded on the ground, and then a big hole appeared in the middle of the road, and Xiao Zhi looked at the grass beside him and said, "Come out, the blue on your body is really Great to see."

"Jenny?! Jenny!"

"Jenny! Jenny!"

Following Xiao Zhi's words, a group of jenny turtles with sunglasses came out from the grass and looked at the four of them with bad expressions, but Xiao Zhi suddenly smiled when he looked at these jenny turtles and said: " What, it's just a child."

Saying that, regardless of whether he will be attacked or not, he stepped forward and squatted down and looked at the Jenny Turtle.

"It's only idiots who abandon you. Can you tell me your story? Miaomiao can translate your words, and I have something to eat here."

Saying that, Xiaozhi took out the eggs that were made with the eggs of Geely Eggs and the milk of the big milk tank.


Jenny Turtle looked at Xiao Zhi, then looked at his subordinates, and nodded.

--split line--

"Jenny, Jenny! Jenny Jenny!"

"My God, is your original trainer so stupid, meow? He actually made you fight with the electric shock beast meow?!"

At this time, Xiaozhi and his party were sitting together with the Jenny Turtles, and the Jenny Turtles were eating cakes and telling their experiences of being abandoned.Some jenny turtles even cry when they talk, and at this time, Ash will comfort it while hugging it like a child.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, that kind of person doesn't deserve to be a trainer, be good."

"Jenny! Jenny!"

And just when Xiao Zhi and the others were comforting these injured Jenny Turtles, Jun Sha came, but after seeing Xiao Zhi, she was relieved a lot, and she understood that the matter must have been resolved.

"Little Chi."

"Sister Junsha, you're here, do you want to eat some cake I made and then have a cup of hot chocolate?"


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