Looking at the strange person who seemed to be fiddling with some equipment, Mary took out the baby ball and said, "This guy is obviously

It looks like a poacher, let's give it to Junsha for a sneak attack.

"I said why the two of you have been following my companions, I'm sorry, can you come with us?"

The sudden sound made Mary and Xiao Dai stunned, and then they both found themselves surrounded by a group of people.The headed person looked at the two and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your courage and righteousness for us, but the two made a mistake. Please come with us now, our boss wants to see you."

Watching a group of people surround them.What can Mary and Xiao Dai do? They can only go along obediently with these people.


Do you think we will be silenced?"_

"Xiao Dai, can you stop so much drama? The three of them didn't even confiscated the baby ball. It should be fine."

"But I'm so scared. You're a boy, can't you be brave? No wonder you don't dare to confess to your childhood sweetheart at this age.

The staff of the Continental Hotel were a little speechless listening to the conversation between the two.In the end, only Liuzhao 92 can be selected

"bess. The two intruders brought it. It is temporarily determined that it is not a group of Pokémon hunters."

"Oh, really?"

When Mary hears this boss_

She was stunned after the voice, because she seemed to have heard this voice before, and it seemed that she was being approached!

And then she found out that the person who helped her get rid of Xiaogang's entanglement in the morning was eating cake with Jun Sha, while next to him, Ji Bi Diao was drinking his coffee. ,

"You were this morning.."_

"Uh, isn't this the young lady who was entangled by Xiaogang? You should be glad that Xiaogang went to the other side to squat.."_

Seeing that it was actually the person Xiaogang entangled in the morning, Xiaozhi was also a little speechless.At this moment, Miaomiao held a tablet and said to Xiaozhi, c "Boss, the two of them.

It's a reporter.And he is also a reporter for Fengyuan TV. "

"Talking Meow 3"_"*2

Seeing that Miaomiao actually spoke, both Mary and Xiao Dai were startled, while Miaomiao from Team Rocket said impatiently, "Please, Pokémon speaks normally, alright. It's not one of the little ghosts who can talk. .

"The second one goes up"*2 ,

Look at Mary and Xiao Dai.Ash shook his head and snapped his fingers, and after Ash snapped his fingers, the two of them were each framed by a muscular man and two muscular women.

"Wait?. What are you doing 3"

"I'm sorry. Special circumstances, special treatment, body search!"


"Don't touch...poof!"__2_

Before the two could scream, their mouths were taped, and then they were searched by Xiao Zhi's security department.

one-one dividing line-one

After searching the bodies of Mary and Xiao Dai and finding that there was no problem, Xiao Zhi and Jun Sha also explained the situation to them.

"Sorry for the two. 2 is a special case now. So special treatment is needed."

Although it was very uncomfortable to be searched, Mary nodded in understanding after realizing that it was actually going to capture Pokémon poachers and said, _ "Okay, I understand, but is it okay to tell us that? After all, we It's a reporter."

Hearing Mary's words, Xiao Zhi said with a smile, "Of course there is no problem, it would be better if you recorded it. Just let the guys in other areas know about 3.4. The Kanto_ area is not something they can do at will. , do you want to eat cake?"

Looking at the snow-white cake pushed by Xiao Zhi, Mary really wanted to eat it, but she was afraid of gaining weight, but Xiao Dai had no such scruples and said directly.

"Thank you, go _ I'm just a little hungry⊥."

Seeing Xiao Dai feasting on Mary was envious, while Xiao Zhi looked at Mary's envious eyes and pushed the cake to her and said, "Eat it, this is the low-yield cake in our mainland hotel. I won't let you fat._

"Oh!. Thank you, it turned out to be the Continental Hotel..",

Mary looked at Ash who was still smiling and didn't know what to say..._I !

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four The Hunter Who Was Anti-Hunted

In front of him, he looked at Pikachu and Pikachu, who was eating cake and drinking coffee together.It was really hard for Mary to associate him with the boss of the Continental Hotel.Xiao Zhi is too young.

And Xiao Zhi sees that Mary doesn't know what to say, and understands that he is a person who is surprised by his identity.

"Well, I didn't expect your age to be so

"Don't be fooled by age, everyone has their own areas of expertise. I'm just good at making money."


'You don't say you're better at carrying

Of course, no fools will come to dismantle the stage at this time, and Mary nodded vaguely.

beep "beep" beep L

At this moment, the alarm sounded, Xiao Zhi's Meow looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Boss, they are here."

"Okay. Tell everyone to get ready, Sister Junsha, go and wake up Lin and the others, Abel blames you for going with Sister Junsha." 21

"Cha Aber⊥"

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