
"It's very good. It's all filmed, but Xiaozhi asked people to take off the clothes of the members of the hunter organization. Is this cut off?"

Hear what Xiao Dai said.Mary was about to say something, but Xiao Zhi walked over first and said, "This part is all you need. It must be there! Only in this way can people outside the organization know that we are on our way."

Mary looked at Hunter X, who was stripped and hugged. She was speechless. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhi looked

Being polite and being so cruel 8 But I like it!

Mary is very fond of Xiaozhi's careful style of handling things. This method is simply used to deal with bad guys! And it is absolutely amazing to broadcast as news!

"Then I can finally rest-. I'm really tired after two nights"_

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, the Jie Turtle Frog Seed Shanai Duo immediately surrounded him... And seeing the three of them, Xiao Zhi knew.It seemed that Ling Wan had slept with the Pokémon that accompanied him.

Inside the huge tent, Ash reminds his Pokémon.

"Fire dinosaur put fire on your tail

Cover up with flames, don't touch me at night by Shanaido, I'll be really angry if I'm woken up when I'm sleeping lightly. The wind speed dog sleeps at night, be careful not to grind your teeth, Aber blames you not to coil on me. Liyanma The flame is nothing, Jenny don't rush.I'm going over here!"

Seeing that the johnny turtle, who was lying on the bed constantly slapping the bed and beckoning to him, silently took a pokemon with a stick and went to rest first.Xiao Zhi is really tired today.

And Xiaoxialin, Xiaoxue and the others also went to rest with Mato Musashi first.The only people Ju Er were still working were the staff on duty at the Tailu Hotel, the △ staff of Hunter V who was in charge of guarding, and Mary and Xiao Dai.

Mary looked at Xiaozhi in the tent with the wind speed dog on his head, holding Shanaido in the left hand and holding the Jenny Turtle in the right hand, with Pikachu lying on his stomach and Meowy on his head, and he couldn't help but write on his manuscript. "Although I just met, the owner of Tailu Hotel, Xiao Zhi, was surprised that he is a person who can make people feel at ease. He is trusted by his own Pokémon, like his family members. Maybe this is Tailu. The hotel has always talked about the trust relationship between people and Pokémon. I will follow up on the follow-up report slowly. I have a feeling that our fate with Ash is not the same

Chapter [-] Heavenly King-level Quasi-God?

The next morning, before the alarm went off, Shanaido opened her eyes early, and then she looked at Xiao Zhi, who was still sleeping, and a flash of slyness flashed in her eyes.

After secretly using her superpower to remove Pikachu lying on Ash, she slowly approached Ash's face.

Jingle Bell!!⊥」

Haven't waited for Shanaido's plan to execute.Ash's alarm rang.Then Xiaozhi opened his eyes instantly, and Shanaido, who was next to him, could not wait to smash that damn alarm clock. .

"It's time to get up. Good morning, Shanaido, get up everyone!"

"Sana." (Damn

the alarm clock ..),

Seeing Shanaido's seemingly disappointed appearance, although Xiao Zhi wanted to comfort him, a hunch from the heartworm told him that if he comforted Shanaido now, the situation would become very serious... _

"Jenny!" (morning?)

"Check"." (morning ⊥)

"Meow, ma'am, let's go have breakfast

"Okay, let's go, Pikachu. You don't need to bring ketchup over there. By the way, let's go and wake up Lin and the others."

After Xiao Zhi called Lin and the others up - help the people eat breakfast together and discuss with Jun Sha the location of the hunter.

setting method.

"Hunter Y will be handed over to Sister Junsha for your disposal. As for their spaceship, Sister Bird, just take it away. The wreckage of Hunter X's second spaceship is enough for our research."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, the real bird nodded. "Also, we will also carry out technical deciphering here. If there is any success, we will share it with you. How do you feel about this distribution, Miss Junsha?"

Jun Sha saw the real bird and said directly, "No problem, this incident is thanks to Xiao Zhi, otherwise it would be very troublesome."

Seeing that Junsha and Zhenniao have no opinion, Xiaozhi is about to say a mainland wine

The store employee ran in and said:_"Boos. There's_ a huge spaceship coming!"

"Huh? Go and have a look"

: Outside the tent, a huge spaceship is slowly descending.And a man with sunglasses seemed to be waiting for Xiao Zhi and the others: After seeing Xiao Zhi and the others coming out, he smiled and said._ "Hello, Mr. Xiao Zhi."

Seeing this guy, Xiao Zhi tilted his head and asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. You can call me the leader of the hunter organization."

"Oh..and then what?"

Looking at Xiao Zhi like what are you trying to do, A has a kind of dick that wants to carry people, but in order to maintain his self-restraint, Hunter A still smiled and said, "I hope you can return our people, if you can return them. Maybe we can be friends."

Looking at the confident A Xiaozhi and Xiao Xiao, they looked at each other helplessly.Don't know what to say.In the end, Xiao Zhi could only cover his head and say (cbdij)._ "May I ask what gives you confidence? Is it your huge spaceship or a lot of people?"

As Xiao Zhi's voice fell, a group of employees of the Continental Hotel took a step forward and looked at Ae

A looked at Xiao Zhi and clearly meant to fight.Bowing gracefully, he said, "Of course it's because of strength, go ⊥ My Pokémon!"

As the six Pokémon balls were thrown out, six Heavenly King-level Pokémon were released.And these six Pokémon are all quasi-gods.

"Let's see, there are three evil dragons in the village-tailed scale armored dragon. The fierce biting land shark, the blood-winged flying dragon, Bangira, and a golden monster. They are all quasi-gods. And they are still kings. No wonder the hunter organization has been bad. Catch, it turns out that there are really masters in charge."

After Xiaozhi said that his Pokémon was Queen A, he was stunned for a moment, but soon laughed

said. _“How? Now you understand where my confidence is?_”

Seeing that A was so arrogant and silently took out the baby ball, Xiao Zhi shook his head and said, "This guy will be handed over to me and the others will be handed over to you. Since Mr. A has already shown his Pokémon first Wouldn't it be rude if I didn't say something? Let me get to know Mr. A."

"Wang!" (Open carry? 2)

"Bi Shan" (just right! )

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