"Moo!" (The freshest milk of the day!)

"Very good, it tastes like this

It should be fine!Come and have a taste. "

Then there were cheers from the Pokémon in the kitchen, and Xiaoxia and the others who were outside the kitchen didn't know what was going on.

"What is Xiaozhi doing?"

"It seems to be something that can help me tonight, I must see the true face of the giant Pokémon today!"

"Giant Pokémon?"

At this time, in the kitchen, Xiao Zhi's group of Pokémon were full, and Xiao Zhi asked, "How does it taste?"

Pikachu and the others unanimously praised it, and Xiao Zhi sees how good this soup is

Attraction also smiled with satisfaction, today Xiao Zhi will use this pot of soup to attract a huge fast dragon!


Chapter [-] Stepping into the divine beast

In the middle of the night, Xiaozhi and Zhenghui are waiting for the arrival of the mysterious Pokémon, and Xiaoxia Sundae and Xiaogang and the others let them go to bed first. From this point of view, Xiaozhi is quite distressed. human.

The fog gradually spread, and Xiao Zhi came to Zhenghui with two cups of coffee and said, "Here, warm up."

Zhenghui took the coffee and took a sip. The bitter taste eased his drowsiness. "Thank you. No wonder Dr. Ogi always says that you are very good at taking care of people."

"It's nothing, after all, I don't want my mother to worry."

"It's really amazing, but I don't know if it will be successful this time.

What about gong? "Although he said that, Zhenghui was still a little confused. And Xiaozhi was afraid of him and said, "You have to believe in yourself, haven't you been through this all the time?" "

Zhenghui was stunned when he heard what Xiao Zhi said, then shook his head and said, "Yes, Xiao Zhi, you are right, if I don't insist on it myself, will my previous efforts be in vain soon..."

Afterwards, Zhenghui and Xiaozhi, who had regained their confidence, began to chat about many topics. For example, Zhenghui had always wanted to know what the mind of the elf was like, and thanked Miaomiao for his help in his research.

And just

In this way, after another period of time, there was a sound like a song in the distance from the sea.

"Come on! Quick, Xiaozhi, help me start it!"

"Okay, let's start! Big stinger bees and eagles, you should also start acting now!"



The two flying Pokémon rushed directly into the distance, while Miaomiao and Pikachu went to wake Xiaoxia and the others.

Xiaoxia: "What's wrong? What's wrong?!"

Sundae: "What happened?!"

Xiaogang: "Look! That's it!"

A huge figure was walking towards the lighthouse, and at this time, the three Rockets were slowly climbing up under the cliff of Zhenghui Lighthouse, and then they saw a huge figure.

Meow: "It's so big, Meow?!"

Kojiro: "It's coming this way!"

Musashi: "Isn't that just right! Catch it!"

Just when Musashi raised the rocket launcher to launch, Hidetaka and Big Needle rushed over, and then Big Needle used the missile needle and Beagle launched a violent storm. Under this double trick, the Rockets trio were directly killed. Boom.

"What a disgusting feeling~"


Seeing the completion of his task, Bie Diao and Dazed Bee looked at each other, and then returned to Xiao Zhi together. At this time, the huge figure was getting closer, but after reaching a certain distance, he stopped again, puzzled. He called and seemed to be leaving.

"Boss, he said it wasn't the sound of his companions, meow!"

Hearing Miaomiao say this, Zhenghui knew that this time he was going to fail, but just when he was about to give up, Xiaozhi shouted: "Serve the food!!! Lift the cloth!"

"Bi!" "Bika!" "Li!" "Om!" "Wang!" "Li!" "Jenny!" "Seeds!" "Serve meow!"

As the lid of the cauldron was lifted, a fragrant scent began to drift everywhere, and the huge figure stopped after smelling the scent.

“Secret thick fragrant century soup! Try it for free!!!”

And with Xiao Zhi's voice, the figure came over quickly, and by the light of Xiao Zhi, everyone finally saw its true face, a huge fast dragon!

"Great! I finally saw you! So you are Kuailong!" Zhenghui was so excited that he almost forgot himself, and Kuailong didn't look at him, but at Xiaozhi, but his eyes Still staring at Xiaozhi's soup from time to time.

And Xiaozhi said with a smile: "Drink! But after drinking, I need you to fight my Pikachu! Can you?"

Originally, Kuailong wanted to refuse when he heard that it was Pikachu, but when he saw Pikachu on Ash's shoulder, he was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

"Thank you!"

Then Xiao Zhi let go, and Kuailong also reached out and picked up the pot of soup and poured it into his mouth.


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