
When Li Lin and Mini Dragon got to know each other, both the wolf dog and Heluga entered the baby ball. , "Naru"_(I want to follow you like this for a while. At least wait until the game you said is over before returning to Hoenn

"Meow. The old lady wants to act with us and return to Fengyuan after the Quartz Conference is over."

hear meow

Meow's translator, Xiao Zhi, smiled and patted Absol's head, "Okay, I'll take care of you at the Quartz Conference."


Chapter [-]: Ash and Absolu

I am Absol, a -z evil-type Pokémon, but compared to the name Absol, humans used to call Absol more the disaster beast because of the appearance of the Absol family. Often there are disasters and they don't know it.That's actually us warning of disaster.

But it's nothing, as long as it can reduce casualties, it's all misunderstood. We've long been used to it. I originally thought that the name of the disaster beast would accompany me for the rest of my life, but I was wrong.Because I met that person, Ash..._

one - dividing line - one by one

That was a few years before Ash started traveling

, Xiaozhi went to the Fangyuan area to find herbal medicines to expand his business, but unexpectedly met Absolu.

"Oh! Oh roar Pikachu! Good luck egg" Meow meow on the coyote! Snake bear! Look at it! It's Absol 1, I'm so lucky to explode! "

"Good luck?_" (Why is Xiaozhi's father so happy?)

"Snake pattern?" (I don't know? It seems to be because I saw Absol over there?)

"Pickup" (Absol. Seems like a very strong Pokémon, right?)

"Wang Shang" (I don't know, the master touches his belly!~)


Did I say you don't know that the presence of Absol means there is trouble? It seems you have to be careful, Meow Er"

Absolu was startled when he heard that Miaomiao could actually speak, and just when Absolu was a little stunned, Ash walked towards Absolu.

"Excuse me, does your presence here mean that there is some disaster that needs to be notified to others? Tell us if you can, my name is Ash. Here is my family. Pikachu, Meow Snake Bear, Good Luck Egg Coyote , and my Miaomiao can translate what you say."

"Woo?" (Aren't you afraid of me?)


Lu looked a little strange at Xiao Zhi in front of him. After all, he ran away without seeing Absol. Ordinary human beings would run away when they saw Absol, whether they were adults or children. This has long been true. got used to.

"Ahaha meow. If you have anything, just say it directly_. My old lady who I will translate for you is different from those superficial idiots.".

Looking at Meow Absol, who was sitting on Ash's shoulder, nodded. Having a Pokémon that can be translated would indeed be a lot easier, so Absol told Ash that he had a premonition that a nearby mountain would collapse. And after hearing that, Xiaozhi held the lucky egg and looked at the distant mountain and sighed,

"So let's say, we humans can't compare to the name of the place where Pokémon go.. Come on!"_


The staff of the Continental Hotel who have been acting as the background board quickly came to Xiaozhi to follow the instructions of his koss_

"Absol's words have been translated just now, do you know what to do?"

"Yes" we'll go to ask the Geologist II right away"

"Idiot" is the person who notified the attachment and. The Pokémon is temporarily evacuated! Geologist will ask L to act now."



Seeing Yiliuyan running to evacuate the people and Pokémon, Xiaozhi shook his head speechlessly. At this time, a silver-haired woman came over to look at Absol and said to Xiaozhi, "Boss, why are you doing this? Believe in a Pokémon? And a notorious Pokémon."

This woman did not know why Absol was so disgusted.But Absol ignored her because she was Ash's subordinate.On the other hand, Ash touched the belly of the coyote beside him and explained to the woman, "J, don't underestimate anyone's Pokémon as well. They have magical abilities, and the Absols are exactly the same.

Two gangs of misunderstood heroes.Every time they show up it's a disaster? It's just a fool's fault.I've seen every recorded appearance of the Absols not so much a disaster.Rather, it’s just a warning to mankind that disaster is coming, Absol, am I right?”

Absolu looked at -Yan Xiaozhi with some surprise.Finally, he nodded and became more and more curious about Xiaozhi. Because Absolu could hear that Xiaozhi really thought so, although the I next to Xiaozhi made Absolu really dislike it, but Xiaozhi really didn't like it. Chi is different, because Xiao Zhi understands Absol_This makes Absol, who has been living alone, a kind of discovery

fellow feeling

And the woman who was called I by Ash looked at Absol and frowned. . Like Absol - she doesn't like Absol very much, that's the way it feels.

Absol can feel her thoughts

'It's obviously an evil magic treasure, but it has a sense of justice. Don't be kidding' This is what this woman named J thinks, she definitely thinks so, Absolu is sure.

"I don't like Absol anyway. I don't like its boring sense of justice.

Absolu just looked at J's blunt words.She didn't care anymore

She doesn't like her after all, Absol

"I don't care if you like Absol or not, I like it and don't forget it. I don't pay you to clear the case and hire you to hear who you like. Now I just want to know what the gang plans to do. What happened to the guy who kidnapped me?"

"It has been resolved that L will never appear again. Two of your Aber monsters have helped a lot. I would love to have one with me if I can."

Just think of the horrible Venom J used by Ash's children.

"It's all solved, then the good bonus will be sent to you right away.

, as for the Arbors, it's up to you to attract them

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