Xiaoxue looked at Geely Egg's coquettish look and smiled at Lin.They all know how much Ash's auspicious egg sticks to Ash when he's still a lucky egg.

And Xiaoxia looked at Geely Egg and said with a smile, "Geely Egg really likes Xiao Zhi."

"Isn't that of course, I brought Geely eggs, but Geely eggs are almost done. I'm going to start making jam here."

"1uckyL" (

Let me hug Daddy Ash again".)

"Meow. Boss, she wants to hug her for a while. . You can do it."

"Pikapi!" (Daddy wants to comfort the big baby)

"Oh?" (When do we have dinner? I), .!

Chapter [-] Pikachu Clan

"Let me tell you, nutrition is important, but if it doesn't taste good, it's useless if it's not attractive to patients."

While talking, Xiaozhi sprinkled the special spices into the jam made from the fruit and began to stir. The rich sweet smell also began to spread.

As a Pokémon breeder, Xiaoxue smelled the scent a little and said, "This smell is easy to attract Pokémon.

"That's right, so I rarely do this in the wild. After all, it's easy to attract - a bunch of wild Pokémon. That's how my old friends in the back mountain of my family know each other."

Talk about a little wisdom

Bidiao was drooling on the other side as he poured out a jam and added bitter seasoning. "Eight or six soils" ___ "Wait a moment, compare the carvings. This is yours."

"Bill" (grandmother is the best!)

And just when Xiao Zhi kept adding seasonings to make jam.The grass next to Xiao Zhi and the others moved for a while, and then his little nose stretched out. He smelled the air that filled the air.

Xiaolu looked at these little noses and said with some surprise, "Are these children Pikachu?"

"Shh. Don't scare them. Look at me."

Seeing this group of Pikachu's nose shaking crazily, Xiaozhi took it out

Spoon out a spoonful of jam.Then in front of this group of little noses - : In a moment, the little guys who were attracted all had their noses straight.These little guys were not afraid of being caught, and walked out of the grass along the jam on the spoon. When Ash saw this, he showed a nasty smile and said, "Da Duck opened his mouth."


Second, when Xiao Zhi said this, the saliva was drooling for a long time. He immediately opened his mouth to let Xiao Zhi feed him the jam, and after eating a spoonful of jam, the Duck immediately showed a happy smile.

"Drink! Ouch!"

"Meow, he said he liked it very much, it seems almost the old lady."

Glancing at the Pikajin who were petrified because the jam was eaten, Xiao Zhi said with a smile, "That's about it. I'm going to start.".

Then Xiao Zhi put the last special spice into the jam. The instant delicious smell filled the forest where Xiao Zhi and the others were, and then

"Pikachu!" *stares. 0's help Pikachu ran directly to Xiaozhi. They looked at the jam that Xiaozhi made. And Xiaozhi looked at these Pikachus with a smile.

"Very good. Step z completed."

Looking at the gathered Pikachu Satoshi, he took out a large spoon from his bag and said. "Now I want to eat since I was a child

Get in line and bring your own fruit. This kind of jam is more delicious on the fruit. "

As soon as I heard what Ash said, the Pikachus looked at each other and then started to keep looking for the fruit together, and then lined up as Ash said to wait for Ash to make jam, and while they were looking for the fruit, Ash had already put his Pokémon. That share is also given to them by Xiaoxia and the others.

"Pickup!" (Thanks 1)

One by one Pikachu obediently lined up to receive the jam, and at the same time did not forget to thank Ash while Ash greeted the next person with a smile to get the jam.Seeing Xiao Zhi like this, Lin said helplessly, ∠ "It's starting, Xiao Zhi's food strategy.

These Pikachus are estimated to be hard to escape. "

Seeing Xiao Zhi's smiling face, he also smiled and said._ "Only Xiao Zhi can use this method."

"Uh. Miss Xiaoxue. Miss Lin Xiaozhi, he is this?"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are a little strange to see Lin and Xiaoxue like this.And Xiaoxue explained with a smile, "Xiaozhi is obviously eyeing these Pikachus. Now Xiaozhi is obviously using his best method to attract Pikachus."

After hearing Xiaoxue's explanation, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia suddenly realized that Xiaozhi had this idea."

and soon

All the Pikachus present were attracted by Ash's food strategy and became close to Ash. At the same time, because Ash's Pika was guaranteed to be close, the Pikachus also began to get close to Xiaoxia and the others.

And Ash saw the opportunity, and when it was almost ripe, he said to the Pikachus, "Pikachus, do you want to be able to eat this kind of jam in the future?"


The Pikachus glanced at Ash suspiciously, but after licking the jam from the corners of their mouths, they nodded again. - And Xiao Zhi couldn't help but smile when he saw their performance and said, "Then do you want to go to my house? This kind of fruit is very rare in my orchard.

Not to mention, there are also many jams.

Xiaolu and Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi and were so perplexed by the Pikachus that they were speechless.I really don't know if this method will work, but Lin and Xiaoxue, who have seen Xiaozhi's magical treasure for a long time, look at Xiaozhi with smiles.

"It still hasn't changed at all m_"

Seeing Xiaozhi holding jam and swaying in front of the Pikachus, Lin recalled how Xiaozhi used to confuse the flying mantises.Although it is necessary to defeat the Flying Mantis in the end, it is already a necessary step to understand the food first.

"Isn't that 4 good, like Ash said..."


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