The auspicious egg, who had been beside Xiaozhi, was instantly blocked in front of Xiaozhi and Taiwu.

Then two slaps and two waves of multiple light walls appeared in front of Ash 1. and Dawu, while Bangui La's destruction of death light was defended by the multiple light walls, but it was not over yet.

"The auspicious eggs are doubled back. The target is Bishas"

With the auspicious eggs lined up on the wall of light, the destruction of death light rushed towards Bishas with more terrifying power than before, and Bishas saw this and did not even take back Bangira and directly started the escape. device.

"Damn" I remember you!_"

With the emergency escape device activated, Bishas is ejected from the robot, and the Spider-Man robot is also attacking with a double counterattack to destroy the death light

completely disappeared under a_I ⊥

Chapter [-]: Dark Bandera: I dare not move, I dare not move

. Bijas escaped and Ash could get him back anytime he wanted.However, because Bishops will be an important pawn in the Rockets' whitewashing plan, Ash did not send Beagle to chase him, and instead of being a scumbag like Bishops, Ash is more worried about Dark Benji. pull.

"Miaomiao help me prepare tools, auspicious eggs, you help me Pikachu little Ibrahimovic, please hug me first, and Duck, please come out of the bag first.

"Good old lady!"

"1ucky!" (This patient is in trouble)

"Pickup" (Come to Little Ibrahimovic's side


...."( All right)

"Oh?" (What the hell?)

When Xiao Zhi Meow Geely Egg passed by Mega Boss Cordola with this tool, Xiao Zhi patted it.

"It looks so handsome."

Being praised by 12 Xiaozhi.Potucadora smiled and nodded.

"Roaring Mountain" (thank you for the compliment)

When he came to Dark Bangira's side, Xiao Zhi first touched Dark Bangira's body and then said to Miaomiao, "Change the stethoscope to a high-function one, and the ordinary model of Bangira's body cannot hear."


However, the boss, Bangira, obviously consumes life to fight, so there is no need for us to check now, right?_”

"You don't know here. Although the main condition of Bangira has been determined, the possible dark wounds on it will also be an obstacle to treatment. e"

While talking, Xiaozhi took the stethoscope from Miaomiao and took out a prescription and handed it to Geely Egg.

"Go feed him first. If he wakes up and struggles:"

Ash turned his head and said to the Aberdeen beside him, "You paralyze the auspicious venom with narcotic venom while the auspicious egg is holding it down."

"Enter Arbor

”_(Learn above

At this time, Daigo walked over and said, "Then let me help too. If I hold down Bangira, my mega Bossko_namela will be fine."

Hearing what Daigo said and thinking about the characteristic of Daigo's mesa Botokadora is that heavy metal can definitely hold down Dark Bandera at this level, Ash nodded.

"Okay. Then please."

Two-one dividing line --


When Dark Bangira woke up, it only felt that a hand was constantly stroking its own head, and these hands also

It made it a little bit more painful to feel a lot better.

"Wait a little - get off Bangira. Ash is treating you."

Koyuki - while using a massage to relieve the pain of Bangira - explained the current situation to him.And after listening to the treatment of Darkness, Bangira realized that he was being held by a bunch of Pokémon, and a group of people around were watching what a human in a white coat and auspicious eggs were doing on him.

"Class?." (What's going on? What's wrong with me?)

"Meow, wait for a while, the boss is treating you, all you need to do now is to wait quietly for the treatment to end.

That's it. Meow.But if you struggle too hard and hurt Koyuki::"

Miaomiao didn't say anything later, but the dark Bangira looked at the fire dinosaurs around him. The dragon, the turtle, the wonderful frog, the seeds, the monkeys, the big needles, the bees, the monsters, the flame horses, the wind speed dogs, the great wolf dogs, the black Lujia Absol and even Kuailong looked at him with glowing eyes, knowing that if he really hurt the girl who relieved his pain, he would die miserably.


Nodding obediently, Dark Bangira said that he would be obedient.And when the dark Bangira was looked at by a bunch of tycoons with the eyes of a little brother, you dare to move, Xiao Zhi was helping him

Treat wounds.

"Damn, so I don't like to deal with the wounds of rock-type and steel-type Pokémon, and they need to be treated with special drugs."

"1ucky!" (Also be careful not to damage their shells _L It's a hands-on nightmare.)

It's not the same as the seemingly relaxed conversation between Ash and Geely Egg.The two Z-man Pokémon didn't leave their eyes when they saw the hands.Because this time Dark Bangira is very special, two accidentally can cause Dark Bangira to die because of the power of the dark ball, so now Xiaozhi and Geely Egg are not only healing but also saving lives.

On Taiwu's side, he and Potucadora have already stood by the side. Because Xiaozhi called out all the Pokémon that could help when Xiaoxue came to help. It is guaranteed that Dark Bangira will be there. Physiotherapy if you move

"I really don't know what to say about him, but this cautious personality is also good, isn't it?"

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