The next scene that shocked everyone's eyeballs showed that Kirbymon actually woke up, and it was still red

The face hugs Xiaogang!

"It turns out that the prince is Xiaogangshan" *N

- "Pickup"_(Congratulations l_)

"1ucky!" (moving!)

"Sana!" (It really became 2⊥..)

"This world is so crazy, meow? 1_".

At this time, Xiaogang, who was held by the Kirby beast, could only cry out in tears, _"No matter who it is! Please save me quickly. 1l." [-]⊥

Chapter [-]: Kabi Beast: My Prince

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh l_!

Listening to this resentful cry, Xiao Zhi comfortably patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder and said, "Okay. Think about it a little bit, at least this proves that you are a prince."

"But". That's someone's first kiss." Why was my first kiss from Kabimon? I'm not clean ⊥⊥⊥⊥

Seeing this little Gang Pikachu can only comfortably pat his shoulder.And Miao Miao said with a smile, "It may also be because Xiao Gang, you are squinting, so Kirby likes it, right?"

"Please don't say it again⊥"

"click" click!"

Just when everyone was talking, the Kirby beast woke up eating the thorns that blocked the spring water. When he saw this, Xiaozhi handed it a bag and said, "Let's add some seasoning. You should like it."


After smelling the seasoning, Kabi beast nodded happily, and then blew a kiss to Xiaogang before eating it.

Xiaoxia watched Kabi beast blow a kiss to Xiaogang and touched Xiaogang with a pregnant smile, and said, "It seems that people like you. Don't you give me a response?"

"Please don't say any more 1_ 1! On"

The Rockets look like they are eating thorns

The Kirby Beast couldn't help swallowing together.

"Er. I don't think we're going to arrest him anymore, it always feels like we don't care for him at all.

Musashi was speechless when he looked at Kirbymon whose mouth had not stopped until now, but Kojiro and Meow nodded in agreement, "Agree.."*2 __

"Really, let's go after we are busy."

Looking at the Kirby beasts with such a large appetite, Team Rocket finally chose to give up. After all, although they have sufficient funds, it does not mean that they can afford to feed the Kirby beasts.

But just as the Rockets were about to leave, Ash stopped them.

"This time, you can help me. Would you like to go to the village to accept the thanks from the villagers?"

It was a bit surprising to hear Xiao Zhi say this to the Rockets, but instead they said dashingly, "We don't need our bad guys, just leave silently at this time."*3

"I should invite you to dinner..

"Let's go!"*3

Seeing the Rockets who ran over as soon as they heard that they had a big meal, Xiao Zhi and the others couldn't help but laugh.

Two-one dividing line - one

"Thank you so much for your help, the water source of the village asked

Solving the problem is a big help, and this is a big meal prepared by everyone to thank you.You are welcome to eat as much as you want”

. As Ash said.The people in the village specially prepared a big meal for Xiaozhi and the others to thank them for their help, and Xiaozhi also explained the problem of the water source.

"To put it bluntly. It's those thorns that block the water source, so that's why it's so troublesome. But to solve it, it's easy to let the Kirby beast help eat it."

"It turns out that the Kirby beast can solve the trick, then I will say thank you to the old man of the Kirby beast."

Elder Carson Knowing the Solution

Also relieved after all, it can't always be like this. Luckily, Xiao Zhi came here to help.

While eating, Lin looked at the town with spring water, and found that it was really beautiful after the spring water.

"?"I think.I kind of understand why, Xiaozhi, you said you didn't want to disrupt the tranquility here. "

"It's beautiful, that's why I don't want to destroy the tranquility here. Although such a village-type town may be quieter, I really don't want people to break it. After all, with the development of Taicheng, it is so peaceful and peaceful. There are fewer and fewer places."

While talking, Xiaozhi touches

He touched the head of the Duck Duck who was drinking water.

“How come the water here is delicious”


After letting out a comfortable breath, Da Duck nodded and hugged Xiao Zhi's leg to make it easier for Xiao Zhi to touch.

"You guys will enjoy it."

Although Xiao Zhi touched the head of Duck Duck and said to Lin, "If you destroy this place, you will be punished by God."

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