"Keep it small, I've been telling Pylas to take care of picking mushrooms now, so that it won't be life-threatening as it evolves."

Kiyomi kept reminding Paras to pick off the mushrooms on her back on time after learning about the fact that Paras would be drained of nutrients if he evolved Paraste without picking mushrooms.And she didn't waste all these mushrooms and turn them into medicinal herbs to help other people. Because of this, Qingmei also liked Xiaozhi who reminded her about it, and she fell in love with Xiaozhi in the following contacts. s

Seeing Xiaozhi here now, Qingmei is completely expressing her joy in


"Long time no see Kiyomi. You still look so energetic."

Seeing Qing Meilin, she also smiled and said hello. After all, Xiaozhi took Lin around most of the time, so Lin also knew a lot of famous people.Kiyomi is one of them.And Qingmei smiled and said hello after seeing Lin: "Long time no see Lin, you and Xiao Zhi also started traveling?"

"Well, it's been a lot of fun along the way.

And just when Xiao Zhi and the others were happy, one of them was sad.

"Woohoohoo!. I met with that carnivore ghost ... After l on L_ ⊥⊥ 呜, ah, ah, ah, ah,

.L Mountain”

Hear meow cry.Kojiro looked at Xiaozhi and the others with his binoculars and said, "Oh? It's really the little devils, and they obviously know the little devils."

"It's not just acquaintance, it's obviously a girl who likes little ghosts, I think you're out of play this time, Miaomiao..."_

As a woman Musashi now has the most say.She immediately saw that Qingmei liked Xiaozhi, and she had already discovered Xiaoxia Xiaoxue and even the ring on Lin's hand.

"What a horrible carnivorous kid. But it's good not to hang girls.

. than those just playing

Playing scum_ is much better. "

"Oh? Musashi, you seem to understand?"

When Xiao Shenlang heard what Musashi said, he was immediately full of interest.And Musashi - while observing with a telescope - said bluntly; "I understand what it is. I have seen it a lot, so I have this kind of discovery."

Xiaochen Lang looked at Miaomiao who was still crying, shrugged and asked, "Can you talk to me?"

"Okay.. you listen, this is my experience as a righteous woman who has comforted those who have lost love many times!"

"I'm listening"

"Many childhood sweethearts will break up because the man or the woman is always afraid to hit the straight ball before losing to the Tianjiang system, and now the kid obviously always hits the straight ball. I guess he must have given away the ring..

"Oh, oh, oh, you're amazing, Kami Musashi.

Hearing Musashi's analysis, Michikojiro was inexplicably excited, and at the same time he did not forget to praise Musashi.

"Hmph. You still have a lot to learn. Now comes the most important point. The kid is obviously a carnivore, and the orange-haired little girl was obviously targeted by the kid and hit a straight ball."

"It turns out that the little devil is so powerful

Is it?" Kojiro didn't expect it to be like this, but Musashi retorted him and said._"No, it's really not that the kid is powerful 1 He just doesn't drag, compared to those who can talk sweetly, the kid is not enough. , but it's better than those wobbly guys, so meow...".

Musashi glanced at Miaomiao who was still crying and said speechlessly, "Okay Miaomiao. Stop crying, actually..."

"I still have a chance?" 3.5_

When Miaomiao heard Musashi's words, she immediately felt that she was full of hope, but Musashi shook her head and said, "No, I just want to tell you about the pain.

It's better to give up.The kid definitely has no chance to hit you directly this time. "

"Uh ah ah ah mountain!! _ !

Kojiro, who was crying even more sadly, didn't know how to comfort him. After all, Kojiro's impression of women was better than Musashi.

Hey, it's tears when I talk too much. I want to cry when I think of my troublesome fiancee, Kojiro. _”

Chapter [-] Jenny Turtle: I love drumsticks! (Second more)

The reason why Miaomiao likes Shang Qingmei is very simple. Although they have cooperated with Xiaozhi and his party before, it is also because they have a common purpose. . Now that no outsiders have intervened in Team Rocket's main goal, it has been placed on Ash's Pikachu, so these three continue to follow Ash and the others, but just now Miao Miao may have a fever because of the changing weather. If not If Qingmei appeared in time, Miaomiao could be burned stupid.

And Miaomiao also liked Qingmei when Qingchai made Chinese medicine for him. After all, kind people are really good.

It's just that the Rockets' Meow Meow is also pitiful. Its first relationship suffered a major blow.

hit.Its opponent is the carnivorous Xiaozhi, who will never let go as long as he is a childhood sweetheart. If Xiaozhi never responds to Qingmei, maybe others can rely on the so-called heaven descending. However, Xiaozhi has always responded to Qingmei's emotions, So a

Let us wish Miaomiao to find her true love:

And just when Miaomiao was in pain because of her lovelorn, the Chinese Medicine House said a complaint.

"Hey" the old lady comes out! Let's buy Yaolin again⊥"

Hearing this voice like a gangster, the mother-in-law frowned unhappily and Qingmei said angrily. "The gang is here again, I don't know.

Just how cheeky they are 21. "_

"What's the matter? I remember that I have someone here to be responsible for your safety?

It's also a little strange to hear the sound of obvious trouble outside.After all, Ash had specially arranged someone for the safety of Qingmei and her mother-in-law.

"They are probably gangsters invited by people from other pharmacies. After being taught a lesson by your people, they changed to buying medicinal materials."

Qingmei, who is still holding Xiaozhi's arm, is also very helpless about the behavior of those gangsters recently. After all, they are not making trouble now, but they should be buying medicines blindly. It is impossible for me to be a pharmacy here.

Not for sale.

"Buying medicinal herbs? Do they want you to be in short supply to ruin you?" Xiaoxue was a little surprised when she heard Qingmei's words, she really didn't understand what these people were thinking, and Qingmei said helplessly. "But they bought limited quantities of medicinal materials-: Xiaozhi, you should understand that many medicinal materials are limited quantities and cannot be bought more."

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