"Damn L, go on, Frog Flower!"

Chapter [-]: Master of Inverse Attributes (Third)

_"Go to Miaowahuashan"

As the huge green body appeared in front of the Jenny Turtle, a wonderful frog flower looked down at the Jenny Turtle.

"Plus inside"

He was stunned for a moment when he saw the frog flower, but then he did something that made everyone present speechless. He farted

puff on

"Gane!.⊥⊥ Mountain,"

Seeing the mad frog Jenny Turtle who was very angry because of his own fart, he scratched embarrassedly.

"Damn" are you insulting my Frog Flower⊥ Miao Frog use rattan weaving to solve him! &


"Plus inside ⊥"

Miaohuahua, who was revived by Jenny Turtle's fart, was also full of firepower. A The two rattan weaves quickly hit the jenny turtle, and the jenny turtle saw the two rattan weaves fanning towards him and he directly indented into his shell.

Clap! Clap!

As the two rattan weaves slammed heavily on the shell of the Jenny Turtle, the gangster H showed a smug smile.

"Hey, you should have passed out, you should release your next Pokémon, but I think you look like: some low-level Pokémon, let's see a strange Meow. One Pikachu, two

Ibrahimovic who only hides in his clothes - only needs a duck on his back.. and an auspicious egg, haha, what do you carry with my wonderful frog flower?"

Looking at the arrogant gangster, Xiaozhi twitched the corners of his mouth and said speechlessly. "You are so confident, don't you know that it is not a victory if the enemy is in a coma? Jenny Turtle Rocket Headbutt!"


With the sudden rush of the Gini turtle, his big head slammed into the face of Miaohuahua.The powerful impact directly sunk the face of the wonderful frog, and then the wonderful frog flew out under the huge force of the jenny turtle's rocket head.


As the huge and heavy body fell to the ground, Miaohuahua completely lost consciousness.

And Xiaozhi said to Miaomiao and Pikajin in a low voice, "A mature and evolved Frogflower is not even an elite, what gives that guy the confidence that his Frogflower can defeat my Jenny Turtle? of,-?"

"Pickup Man 2" (Does the average person _ have this kind of confidence?_ )

Pikachu looked at the gangster who was still standing still and shook his head helplessly.

"Pikachu.." (but this time he met something abnormal..)_

and mix

After the initial stupor, the gangster also reacted, and his wonderful frog flower lost to _ a jenny turtle?⊥ This huge impact made the gangster a little bit lost, and the gangster was stunned. When the jenny turtle acted as a demon again, he pouted his little ass and swayed continuously at the old gangster.

"This goddamn tortoise.. little ones, get me out of your Pokémon!"

"It's the boss!" *N ,

"Go Thunderball!"

"Go to Double Egg Gas Mountain,"

"Go, too mouth bat!_"

"Come out, duck mouth fire

dragon! " .

Looking at the duck-billed fire dragon gangster who was called out by his subordinates, he patted his head speechlessly and roared, "Eggs!. Even my wonderful frog flower can't beat that jenny turtle. You let the duck Does the mouth fire dragon come out to deliver food?_ 1_ "

And after being yelled at by his subordinates, he could only say helplessly, "But I only have duck-billed fire dragons,

"You are still in the mood for nonsense. The fire-breathing dragon spews flames. The seeds of the wonderful frog, the sun and the flames, will give me double egg gas!"

"too bad"

Saw the sudden rush out of Ash's luxury ball

The fire-breathing dragon punk boss and the frog seed punk old lady knew what to do.One of Xiaozhi's jenny turtles is so strong, isn't it the other two, _

And just when the old gangster thought so, the fire-breathing dragon and the wonderful frog seed-z carried their attacks to the "Double Egg Gas. We all know that the Double Egg Gas has always been spraying gas, so when the flame touches Needless to say what the aftermath of its gas is _

Boom! Small ⊥⊥

With a violent explosion, the Pokémon of the punks were all destroyed.._ , .

And Xiaozhi's Meow looked at the consequences of the double egg gas and said speechlessly, "Meow, this is why

What's the reason why I don't like fighting with Double Egg Gas, it's too easy.

"You will cry when you say that. But now is not the time to talk about it. Jenny Turtle's little power rocket headbutts his lungs! Geely Eggs, Meow Meow, Pikachu, let's go! Then let's go."

"Er.. what?",

"Jenny Mountain" (You are a lung!

With the jenny turtle-moving rocket head hitting the gangster's body, the buddy successfully felt the fighting power of jenny's brain.

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