"Shut up and read the legacy that you can see right away, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Idiot 1. You have been deceived, go"

look at small times

Lang and Musashi seemed to be arguing there without knowing what to do. The thief's parents were also embarrassed to know how to do it. Can help them out, "Or... take Kojiro to see his fiancée!"

"How the hell are you kidding me!!

As soon as Xiaojiro heard Xiaozhi say that his fiancée was horrified, Mr. Sasaki said through Xiaozhi's steps, "Yes, how can you forget this most important thing." Okay, the manager brings Xiao Erlang to meet Let him go in the future." Let's go!. Xiaozhi, let's go - step. Other housekeepers will bring

You go to rest first, then we will withdraw first!"

Then, with the laughter of Mr. Sasaki and Sasaki, the Rockets were taken away.

Xiaogang looked at the place where Kojiro disappeared and couldn't help but said, _ "It's good, even Kojiro has a fiancé:: and I::"

Seeing Xiaogang's dejected appearance, Xiaozhi patted him and said, "Okay. Let's see where your fate may be waiting for you.

Listen to Xiaozhi say this.When Xiaogang thought of what his mother-in-law had said that he would have three fates on the island of the South, Xiaogang couldn't help drooling.

"Hey hey, fate ah:."


Just when Xiaogang fell ill, there was an explosion followed by a burst of gas.

Immediately afterwards, Kojiro ran out at a 8-meter sprint speed holding his .[-] bomb and shouted at the same time, "Mamma Mia! Lumeijia is coming! Blast the gas! Don't stop the smoke, come on!"

Seeing Kojiro running out with a horrified face, Xiaogang said with some doubts, "Lu Meijia? It seems that she is someone Kojiro knows 9"


Along with the rope extending from Yanwen, Xiaobianlang was once again caught by Musashi and Miaomiao.

"Don't try to run

! "*2 ,

"Please⊥ don't let me go like this, I don't want to meet Lu Meijia!_ !⊥"

Kojiro's scream was very tragic, but he was facing his two hard-hearted teammates, so after another struggle, Kojiro was arrested again.

As for Kojiro's parents and housekeeper, they didn't say anything when they watched Kojiro get captured. Now they just need to watch quietly.

"Name 1 cough cough. Uncle Zozomoto, I see it's time for dinner. Would you like me to borrow your kitchen?"

The farce for the Kojiro family

Xiaozhi didn't intend to get involved, but it seemed that it was almost time for dinner. Xiaozhi still proposed to borrow the kitchen.

And Mr. Sasaki, who is quite familiar with Xiaozhi's craftsmanship, said, "Of course there is no problem. If you can, prepare a portion for us."

"No problem! Come on Meow Meow Pikachu_The King is alive! . We don't want to mix it up when we see our fiancee. Mama Bear, just wait for the honey steak first."

"Little devil! Why do you want to trick me like this?" I don't want to see Lu Meijia!⊥⊥"

With the shrill scream of Kojiro, he was pulled away again.And Xiaoxue looked so miserable

Kojiro couldn't help but said, "Is this okay!_"

"It's alright, it's family affairs, so don't get involved. It just so happens that the materials here are good, and I'll make a good meal for you. This is not the recipe for the Continental Hotel."

Although he is in love with Kojiro, Xiaozhi won't take care of other people's family affairs. Besides, it is better to spend more time with Xiaoxia, Xiaoxue and Lin if you have that job.As for Xiaogang:: What is there for a man to accompany?_ !

"Well boss, can I eat fish?. Pikachu said he wants to eat pie."

Just when Xiao Zhi thought so, Miao Miao had put on her chef's hat and came over.

There are Pikachu and little Ibrahimovic close.

As for Miaomiao's suggestion, Xiaozhi nodded and said, "Of course no problem, then I'm making fish and pie."

"Long Live the Boss 1 I Pickup ⊥"

"Yi" (Honey Steak: Has Xiao Zhi's craft improved again?)

Just when Miao Miao and the others cheered, they were wearing bears and drooling thinking about the honey steak that Xiao Zhi said.

"Mama!" (Brother cooks the best⊥)_. Second collection, recommendation, sharing 1. (zhangti anhao88) Support Fei Lu) original works, enjoy the joy of reading


Chapter [-] makes the black hand behind the scenes afraid

"Yi!"_ (Honey steak is really good

"Ma Ma Shang" (a big meal made by my brother

"Well, _The first-class fresh beef is paired with your sauce, Xiaozhi seems that your cooking skills have improved again."

Put a piece of beef in your mouth.Mr. Sasaki was in a good mood eating the fat but not greasy raw meat, while Mr. Sasaki took a sip of the raw meat and drank a sip of red wine and said, "It's a good match. If I can, I really hope I can buy your sauce. "

"Sorry, my sauce is not for sale. But are you sure it's okay to let Kojiro be treated like this 2,".

While talking, Xiaozhi looked to the side, and beside him, a woman who looked almost exactly like Musashi was attacking Xiaobianlang with a whip, making him look like a beast trainer.

"Don't worry, Lu Meijia is measured, it's better to say that Xiaojilang is the one who surprised us. I didn't expect that he was so frail and sickly to be able to run around so healthy now.

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